
瞬息万变  shùn xī wàn biàn








  • 外面世界是瞬息万变的。
    The objective world is constantly changing.

  • 这海上的天气嘛,真是瞬息万变
    The weather by the sea can change in the blink of an eye .

  • 瞬息万变时代持续创新。
    Sustaining innovation in an era of rapid change.

  • 利率会随著我们瞬息万变的经济状况波动。
    Interest rates tend to fluctuate in a reflection of our ever-changing economy.

  • 我只是想说明,现实和传统智慧可能瞬息万变
    The point is simply that facts and conventional wisdom can change very fast.

  • 生活就如我们所想象的那样,眨眼间瞬息万变
    Life as we know can change in a blink of an eye.

  • 她是不是把一些瞬息万变的愿望当成了意志呢?
    Were they not a multitude of flitting wishes that she took for a will?

  • 唯有专注才能把握瞬息万变的IT服务市场发展脉络。
    Dedication is the only way to grasp the development pulses of the ever-changing IT services market.

  • 粗鲁已经过时了,礼貌是这个瞬息万变的世界里的新规则。
    Rudeness is out, and civility is the new rule in an uncertain world.

  • 没有什么比友情长存更重要了,特别是在这样一个瞬息万变的世界里。
    There is nothing more important than friendships that endure, Especially in a world that insists on changing.

  • 我们不能预防我们所不能预知的。世事瞬息万变。转眼之间,面目全非。
    We cannot prevent what cannot predict. Life can change in the blink of an eye.

  • 我想正是因为上述的精神才使得微软在瞬息万变的信息社会中矗立不倒。
    Perhaps it is the spirit that has enabled Microsoft to stand steadily in the ever-changing Information Age .

  • 国际金融市场瞬息万变,这样的架构对于保持香港的竞争优势非常重要。
    Such a framework is essential to strengthen the SAR's competitive edge amidst rapid changes in the international financial markets.

  • 命运瞬息万变,而这些在小组赛垂死挣扎的球队肯定是明年冠军的大热门。
    Fortunes change overnight, and sides who are struggling now could well be amongst the favourites for next summer's finals.

  • 瞬息万变的报道题材,报纸可根据电报发送的补充材料出版“特别”版。
    For fast-moving stories, papers would print "extra" editions with updates sent by telegraph.

  • 创新—层出不穷的新颖理念开发、设计新产品,以满足瞬息万变的市场需求。
    Be creative—continuously come out with new idea and develop new designs and products to satisfy the market demands.

  • 在这个瞬息万变的信息时代,全方位的人是最好的人范围狭窄的知识和能力。
    In this fast changing information age, an all-round person is preferable to a person with a narrow range of knowledge and abilities.

  • 这种传统的“纸上谈兵”,在瞬息万变的信息化战争中,还能满足战争的需求吗?
    This traditional "paper" in a rapidly changing information warfare, but also to meet the war needs?

  • 如何在瞬息万变的全球化市场环境下取得竞争优势,快速反应是生存的必要条件。
    How to acquire the competitive advantage in this protean global market place? Timely reaction is of course a necessary condition for survival.

  • 寻求在一个高度动态和瞬息万变行业工作的学生都是我们媒体管理专业合适的人选。
    Students who seek to work in a highly dynamic and rapidly changing industry are the right candidates for our media management specialization.

  • 整个山体呈巨型金字塔状,威武雄伟,昂首天外,四周地形极为险峻,气象瞬息万变
    The whole mountain Ticheng giant pyramid-like, powerful and magnificent, proudly days, the surrounding terrain is extremely rugged, weather changing.

  • 民营企业要在瞬息万变的市场经济中生存和发展就必须加强管理,建立企业内部控制制度。
    It is a must for the private enterprises to strengthen their control and establish the inner control system, otherwise they could hardly survive the fierce market competition.

  • 划过烟雾弥漫的天空,飞机冲向温度极高又瞬息万变的森林火场,那是一般飞机无法接近观察的。
    It soars through a smoke-filled sky toward a forest fire too hot and unpredictable for conventional airplanes to fly low and track.

  • 五月的鲜花现代国际形势纷繁复杂,瞬息万变,随着中国经济持续升温,海外反华势力蠢蠢欲动。
    Modern international situation complex complex, fast changing, elevates temperature continually along with the Chinese economy, the overseas anti-Chinese influence is ready to make trouble.

  • 我们将更注目于技术的提升及品质的进一步改良,令我们在瞬息万变的国内外市场更具有竞争力。
    We will focus on technology promotion and quality improvement, which leads more competitive in fast-changing China and oversee markets.

  • 后卫和前锋们都需要时刻准备好面对瞬息万变的情况,要尝试预估接著下来会发生什麽样的情况。
    Guards and forwards would be on their heels as they backpedaled, trying to figure out what would come next.

  • 为了对当今瞬息万变的市场做出敏捷的反应,必须形成以多品种、短周期为特点的产品创新模式。
    To respond promptly to the caprice of global market, a new pattern of product innovation characterized by multi-model, short-cycle must be formed.

  • 但是在当今瞬息万变、竞争激烈的世界最常提到的,往往是造成紧张局势的结果作为日常人类互动。
    However, in today's fast moving and competitive world the most commonly mentioned stressful situations are usually those created as the result of day-to-day human interaction.

  • 行政工商管理硕士课程旨在教育为21世纪的企业领导者-在竞争激烈,瞬息万变的全球市场上运作。
    The Executive MBA courses are aimed at educating leaders for the companies of the 21st century - operating in highly competitive, dynamic global markets.

  • 在现今瞬息万变的世界里,认为存在一种知识,即在学校里学取后便可用一辈子,这种想法是幼稚的。
    The idea that there is a body of knowledge to be learned at school and used for the rest of one's life is nonsense in a world as complicated and rapidly changing as ours.

  • 瞬息万变造句相关
