
了如指掌  liǎo rú zhí zhǎng








  • 他对这一带的地形了如指掌
    He knows the terrain of this locality like the back of his hand.

  • 朋友对互相间的优缺点了如指掌
    Friends know well each other's strength and weaknesses.

  • 我祈祷,却对你的罪行了如指掌
    I can pray but I know you commit a sin.

  • 设计师对时装的最新款式了如指掌
    The designer is hip to the latest fashion.

  • 她对我所有的秘密了如指掌
    She knows all of my secrets.

  • 司机对这条路的一弯一拐,了如指掌
    The driver knew the ins and outs of the road.

  • 玛丽对这附近的事情(情况)了如指掌
    Mary knows all the comings and goings in the neighborhood.

  • 我对这个行业了如指掌
    I know this industry inside out.

  • 她对整个答案了如指掌
    She had the whole answer at her fingertips.

  • 约翰尼对他那辆丰田车的各个部件了如指掌
    Johnny knows the parts of his Toyota inside out.

  • 我知道他很可能会干什么——我对他了如指掌
    I know what he'll probably do—I can read him like a book.

  • 如果有人认为对你了如指掌了,那他将大跌眼镜!
    If anyone thinks he or she has you all figured out, that person will be surprised!

  • 他讲话生动有趣,更重要的是,他对课题了如指掌
    He's an interesting speaker, and, what is more important, he knows his subject thoroughly.

  • 这样的事没有发生,原因是蜘蛛对自己的网子了如指掌
    The reason this doesn?t happen is that the spider is at home in his own web.

  • 作为消费者,我们对于各种形式的视频系统都已经了如指掌
    As consumers, we're intimately familiar with video systems in many embodiments.

  • 你可能会对网站中的细微差别了如指掌,但是很多访问者并不知道。
    You might understand your site's nuances, but most visitors will just find them annoying.

  • 当你对一个人了如指掌时,却在某个时刻让你觉得其实你并不了解他。
    When  you feel know nothing about a person you thought you knew everything about.

  • 好消息是对我们体制了如指掌的人正团结为我们的“改变”事业所奋斗。
    The good news is that people who know the system best are rallying to the cause of change.

  • 今天到教堂来的人中有好多人,对我刚才所说的宗教信仰危机了如指掌
    There are those of you in church today, who know exactly the crisis of faith I describe.

  • 其他的一些军官不愿意同对自己底细了如指掌的敌人作战,也步了他后尘。
    Rather than face an enemy that knew their every tactic, several other officers followed his path.

  • 他是一个了不起的老式政客,对乡村地区所有的热衷政治的人都了如指掌
    He was a great old-fashioned politician who knew all the players in the rural areas like the back of his hand.

  • 然而,如果确实能对战场情况了如指掌,那么也许你就不需要一支预备队。
    But if you really have a much better understanding of what is occurring on the battlefield, then perhaps you don't need a reserve force.

  • 首先,通过大众传媒,我们对世界风云变幻了如指掌,否则我们就会一无所知。
    First, mass media keep us well informed of the happenings of the world which would otherwise remain unknown.

  • 一个人对他的工作应该是怎样仅仅是有点概念,而另一个却对这份工作了如指掌
    One had a little conception of what the work should be, and the other had a big conception of it.

  • 确实,有一点至少是错不了的,那就是他很聪明,见多识广,对世界几乎了如指掌
    There was no mistake at least about his being intelligent and cultivated and knowing almost everything in the world.

  • 奶奶对我中学时同学们的情况一直了如指掌,我所得到的关于他们的信息都是从她那里获得的。
    My grandmother keeps track of all of my middle school classmates, I get everything I know about them from her.

  • 没有谁能够对未来了如指掌,未来并不是靠算命先生那张嘴说出来的,而是要靠你自己创造出来的。
    No one can be sure about his future. Future is not what fortune teller tells you. It is created by yourself.

  • 专业的代购员只会花你购物的一小部分时间,因为货单是按货架排列的,而且他们对到哪儿找货物了如指掌
    The professional shopper takes a fraction of the time you would take because the list is ordered by aisle and the shopper knows exactly what to get.

  • 他生长在查尔斯顿,熟悉海港附近卡罗来纳海岸的每一个小港小湾、沙洲和岸礁,同时对威尔明顿周围的水域也了如指掌
    Reared in Charleston, he knew every inlet, creek, shoal and rock of the Carolina coast near that port, and he was equally at home in the waters around Wilmington .

  • 其他的一些团体可能还停留在随即按门铃的阶段,工会就已经知道了成员的确切住址,对每个成员的关心问题也是了如指掌
    And whereas other groups sometimes ring doorbells at random, unions know where their members live and have a good idea what each one cares about.

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