
腰缠万贯  yāo chán wàn guàn







  • 赢了彩票之后她变得腰缠万贯
    After winning the lottery, she was swimming in money.

  • 玛丽想找一个腰缠万贯的丈夫。
    Mary is looking for a husband with money to burn.

  • 看到别人腰缠万贯,常有觊觎之想。
    see others wealthy, think of often coveted.

  • 不要等到腰缠万贯时才准备帮助穷人。
    do not wait until the wealthy and only ready to help the poor.

  • 你的房子多漂亮。你一定是腰缠万贯的了。
    You have such a beautiful house, You must be rolling in it.

  • 这时的盖茨比已经是腰缠万贯,也有美人在旁。
    At this time Gatsby is wealthy, but also have a lot of beautiful women around.

  • 腰缠万贯时,我也告诉自己,这一切都会过去。
    when I am burdened with wealth I shall tell myself that this too shall pass.

  • 他可能变得聪明了,不去卷入一场有着腰缠万贯对手的收购竞争。
    He, probably wisely, decided to avoid involvement in a bidding war against an opponent with deep-pockets.

  • 有史以来最完善的商会机制,腰缠万贯并不是只有梦中才能实现了。
    The most perfect chamber of commerce mechanism, the lots of cash in hand were not throughout history only then in the dream can realize.

  • 我看到的第一种讲法就是,为了功成名就,腰缠万贯,你就得延迟享乐。
    The first message was that in order to be successful, in order to build wealth, you have to delay gratification.

  • 不是很英俊但是很可靠又腰缠万贯的男人会认为我们追求的是他们的财富。
    The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men with money think we are only after their money.

  • 此轮房地产基金扩容的最大推动力来自规模庞大的养老基金和腰缠万贯的私人投资者。
    Current round of the largest real estate fund capacity expansion impetus from the large pension funds and private investors rich.

  • 哦,要是他想付帐就让他付吧。自打他那做当铺老板的叔叔死后,他已经是腰缠万贯了。
    Let him pay the bill if he wants to, he's been in full feather ever since his uncle, the pawn broker, died.

  • 如果你购买这类公司的股票,你可能一夜之间倾家荡产,当然也可能一夜之间腰缠万贯
    If you invest in the stock of this company, you could lose everything or make a fortune.

  • 对于安妮和克劳迪娅来说,下面的说法是正确的:如果她腰缠万贯,那么她也多才多艺。
    For Annie and Cloudia, the following is correct: If she is wealthy, then she must be versatile too.

  • 助人为乐永远是一种美德,待到腰缠万贯时,你不一定快乐,因为你的施舍别人不一定接受。
    Pleasure in helping others is always a virtue, until the time of wealthy, you are not happy, because your people do not necessarily accept the charity.

  • 当今社会,你若是腰缠万贯的亿万富翁,钱多的没地方花,那么你也可以涉足“太空游戏”。
    In today's society, if you are wealthy billionaires, no place to spend the money, then you can set foot in the "space game."

  • 耶稣的话令我们甚感苦恼,因为钱财能牵制我们,它牵制没有钱的穷人,也牵制腰缠万贯的富翁。
    Jesus' words are troubling because money has a way of possessing us. That can be as true for the poor, who don't have it, as for the rich, who have plenty.

  • 他们希望他们的世界里到处是穿着时髦的俊男靓女,他们个个腰缠万贯,地位显赫,却不需辛苦地工作。
    They would like their world to be filled with the same good-looking people, dressed in the latest fashion, with lots of money and prestige, and without having to work too hard.

  • 道北出了很多有名的人,除了江洋大盗,也有腰缠万贯的老板,还有摇滚歌手——郑钧就是西安道北人。
    North Road, a lot of famous people, in addition to Jiangyangdadao as well as the wealthy owner, and rock and roll singer - Chun Xi Road North is one.

  • 和布拉特同场竞技的是一个高大英俊、风度翩翩的现代集团世家贵公子,腰缠万贯,养尊处优,仪态从容大方。
    Opposite him was a tall, handsome, graceful scion of the Hyundai family, wealthy and privileged and at ease with himself.

  • 当人们看到苍老而丑陋的男人手挽着年轻美丽的女子漫步道旁,大多数都会设想此公不是腰缠万贯,便有大权在握。
    When an older, ugly man is seen walking down the road arm-in-arm with a young and beautiful woman, most people assume the man is rich or powerful. WWW. DAGONG8.

  • 当人们看到苍老而丑陋的男人手挽着年轻漂亮的女子漫步道旁,大多数都会设想此公不是腰缠万贯,便有大权在握。
    When an older, ugly man is seen walking down the road arm-in-arm with a young and beautiful woman, most people assume the man is rich or powerful.

  • 当大部分人看到苍老而丑陋的男孩手挽着年轻美丽的女子漫步道旁,大多数都会设想此公否则腰缠万贯,便有大权在握。
    When an older, ugly man is seeing walking down the road arm-in-arm with a youth and beautiful woman, maximum human assume the man is rich or powerful.

  • 在小说里,阿尔格农最后流连地望了一眼祖先的房屋,抹去眼角的泪珠,离家而去;三年后,他竟然衣锦还乡、腰缠万贯
    takes one long, last look at the ancestral hall, dashes the teardrop from his eye, and goes off-- to return in three year' s time, roiling in riches.

  • 行乐在后。我看到的第一种讲法就是,为了功成名就,腰缠万贯,你就得延迟享乐。要是你反其道而行之,及时行乐,那就难成功也。
    Pleasure later. The first message was that in order to be successful, in order to build wealth, you have to delay gratification. You can't have instant gratification and be successful.

  • 我们在简?奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》一书中都读到过这样一句话,“这是一个举世公认的真理,即一个腰缠万贯的单身男人必欲迎取一位娇妻。”
    We have all read in Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice that "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a large fortune must be in want of a wife."

  • 腰缠万贯的职业猎人霸占了他们的捕猎领地,这种猎人原来压根不曾想过要去打猎,但后来却发现打猎对于炫耀财富并疏通人际关系而言,是一条不错的门路。
    Their places are being taken by moneyed professionals, the sort of people who weren't brought up to hunt but who discovered that it is a good way to flash their money and make connections.

  • 腰缠万贯的职业猎人霸占了他们的捕猎领地,这种猎人原来压根不曾想过要去打猎,但后来却发现打猎对于炫耀财富并疏通人际关系而言,是一条不错的门路。
    Their places are being taken by moneyed professionals, (1)the sort of people who weren't brought up to hunt but who discovered that it is a good way to ★flash their money[16] and make connections.

  • 你是什麽样的人就是什麽样的人。如果你身无分文时是个怪人,你腰缠万贯后照样是个怪人。钱并不能改变我本身,我的脚还是踩在地上,不同的是我穿的鞋子可能比以前稍贵了一点。----美国脱口秀女皇奥普拉。温弗瑞回应‘超级女富豪’这一称谓。
    you are who you are . if you were a jerk before you had money , you just become a jerk with money. wealth hasn't changed who i am. my feet are still on the ground . i'm just wearing better shoes.

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