
苦口良药  kǔ kǒu liáng yào







  • 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于心。
    Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth.

  • 忠言逆耳利于行,良药苦口利于病。
    Zhongyannier help line, good medicine tastes bitter conducive to disease.

  • 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。
    just as bitter medicine cures sickness, unpalatable advice benefits conduct.

  • 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳益于行。
    Bitter medicine cures sickness; unpalataBle advice Benefits conduct.

  • 良药苦口利于病,人人皆知。
    Bitter medicine in favor of disease, known.

  • 客户关系管理--电力营销服务的苦口良药?
    Customer relationship management--is it the right remedy for electric power marketing service?

  • 客户关系管理——电力营销服务的苦口良药?
    Customer relationship management——is it the right remedy for electric power marketing service?

  • 但抑制需求才是保障能源安全的最佳苦口良药
    Ultimately, though, energy security can best be achieved through strong, if unpalatable, medicine focused on demand restraint.

  • 良药苦口利于病。
    Good medicine is bitter in the mouth. ", ""

  • 良药苦口利于病。
    Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth.

  • 良药苦口利于病。
    Bitter medicine cures sickness.

  • 这是真正的苦口良药,但是我认为病人是需要它的。
    It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it.

  • 只有服下这剂苦口良药,我们患病的经济才会痊愈。
    Only by swallowing this tough medicine now will our sick economy ever recover.

  • 良药苦口利于病,提高CAFE标准并不是更好的选择。
    Strong CAFE is not preferable to bitter medicine.

  • 然而,发达国家的选民或许也一样不愿意服下节俭这剂苦口良药
    But developed-country voters may be equally unwilling to swallow the twelve sky gold , shaiya golds; medicine of austerity.

  • 非国有经济进入公交竞争,对国有公交企业无疑是一味苦口良药
    Be not state-owned economy to enter public transportation competition, it is undoubtedly to state-owned and public transportation enterprise blindly medicine of fine of bitter to taste.

  • 然而,发达国家的选民或许也一样不愿意服下节俭这剂苦口良药
    But developed-country voters may be equally unwilling to swallow the twelve sky gold medicine of austerity.

  • 然而,发达国家的选民或许也一样不愿意服下节俭这剂苦口良药
    But developed-country voters may be equally unwilling to swallow the medicine of austerity.

  • 离开苹果像是一剂苦口良药,但这却正是我这个病人所需要的。
    It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it.

  • 药开始吃时是很苦,可它会让你以后好受。 良药苦口利于病!
    The medicine will taste bad at the beginning but it will make you better on the long term.

  • 事实上,这就是在你们体内的医生为了医治你的心病,而下的一剂苦口良药
    It is the bitter potion by witch the physician with ing you heals your sick self.

  • 节奏强劲的跳舞作品,除去糖衣留心歌词的话会发现其实是苦口良药,向毒品说不。
    Strong dance beats dominate this song. However, when you listen carefully to the lyrics, you will realize that this song is bittersweet. An anti-drug message is given to the world.

  • 也许这个消息带来的感觉比丁香烟还要苦,但它却能让人清醒!(正所谓良药苦口
    It's a message even more bitter than a clove cigarette, yet, somehow, a breath of fresh air.

  • 仙人掌也是一种药材,人们常说:”良药苦口利于病”可它却不苦口,这是为什么呢?
    Cactus is also a medicine, is often said: "good medicine tastes bitter conducive to disease" may be it is not bitter, this is why?

  • 学习怎么理财就好像要吞咽下苦口良药:没错,它对你是有好处,但是味道却可怕得很。
    Learning about money can feel a lot like swallowing harsh medicine: It"s supposed to be good for you, but the taste is dreadful."

  • “日本的教训对中国政府来说是一剂苦口良药,他们正努力避免犯类似的错误,”屈宏斌表示。
    "The Japanese lesson is a good and painful one for Beijing, which is trying not to make similar mistakes, " Mr Qu said.

  • 但要治疗困扰辉瑞已久的官僚作风,使其不得不接受变革,torcetrapib的失败可能是一剂苦口良药
    But torcetrapib's failure could be the bitter medicine that Pfizer's entrenched bureaucracy needs to make it accept change.

  • 但是随着爱尔兰经济衰退见底,公共金融改善,重获在欧洲已不复存在的竞争力,这剂苦口良药已经在发挥作用了。
    But the harsh medicine seems to be working, as Ireland pulls out of recession, the public finances improve and the economy regains competitiveness lost inside the euro.

  • 从长期来看,技术性贸易壁垒并不总是对国际贸易只产生负面影响,对基础较好的发展中国家更可能是一副苦口良药
    According to long-term influence, technological barriers are not always to have negative influence on international trade and are good for developing countries which have good basis.

  • 约翰:可能不会。但当你帮人的时候,有时一定要说他不愿意听的话。中国有句谚语;“忠言逆耳利于行,苦口良药利于症”正是这道理。
    John: Probably not. But to help someone, you sometimes have to say what he doesn't want to hear.

  • 苦口良药造句相关
