
苦口婆心  kǔ kǒu pó xīn







  • 骂人的时候真的很凶,但是可以理解你的苦口婆心
    You were really very fierce when you blamed us, but I can understand your earnest advice.

  • 在这封内部邮件里,马云的口气变得有些苦口婆心
    In this internal email, Ma's tone has become some well-intentioned remonstrations.

  • 他没有发火,反而坚硬的目光柔软下来,苦口婆心地劝她。
    He did not get angry, but hard and soft eyes down and earnestly advised her to.

  • 和孟子里所说的“禹闻善言则拜”,苦口婆心地来教化弟子。
    and from the Mencius, "When Yu heard good words, he would bow."

  • 小野猪阿,苦口婆心地说你一句:太瘦了绝对会没有力气的!
    Love is very strong, the heart is empty, even if a second species of embracing suffice.

  • 和孟子里所说的「禹闻善言则拜」,苦口婆心地来教化弟子。
    and from the Mencius, "When Yu heard good words, he would bow."

  • 中央高层领导最近一直在苦口婆心提醒各地房地产泡沫问题。
    Leader of central high level is in all the time recently advise in earnest to remind problem of bubble of each district estate.

  • 一些左右摇摆的共和党人可以通过苦口婆心的劝告改变立场。
    A few wavering Republicans may be convinced by the tough talk.

  • 就算我们苦口婆心,他也得做出他自己的选择…外人很难理解…
    i understand too. but whatever what decision he make, i'll respect and support him.

  • 一开始我是不想去的,但是卢克苦口婆心地劝说我和他一起去。
    At first I had been adamant about not going but Loch painstakingly convinced me to join him.

  • 苦口婆心对妻子说,作为一个女人,不要成天在外面打麻将。
    He adviced wife again and again , to be a woman, do not play mahjong all day.

  • 苦口婆心,唇干舌燥地说服教育,磨穿鞋底,翻山越岭去追寻当事人;
    Advise in earnest, the lip does glossa dry ground to persuade education, grind wear sole, tramp over hill and dale goes pursuing party;

  • 有关方面于是开始苦口婆心,说你的博客被国外媒体拿来炒做,你知道不。
    They started off nicely enough, saying my blog had been getting played up by some overseas media, asking if I knew.

  • 「家有这麽多千金,不要生啦!」卫生所访视员苦口婆心地劝说这位孕妇。
    "With so many daughters, stop now and don't have any more children, " urges a health worker to a mother.

  • 如果有人苦口婆心地劝你戒烟,不要理他……他们大概是想骗你活得长久些。
    If people keep telling you to quit smoking cigarette, don't listen… They're probably trying to trick you into living.

  • 但闭上眼睛,突然梦回了那一天,爸爸对我苦口婆心地说:“你这个牛脾气!”
    But close your eyes, suddenly Dreaming of that day, Dad told me earnestly: "You This obstinacy! ""

  • 国王继续苦口婆心地劝说着,直到公爵最后同意留下来参加葬礼,然后卖掉那笔财产。
    The king continued to talk like this until the duke finally agreed to stay for the funeral and to sell the property.

  • 就在男方家里,于能凤苦口婆心地做起了调解工作,女方坚持离婚,男方坚决不同意。
    In the groom's family families, Yu Nengfeng did best to convince starts the mediation work, the bride's side has insisted to divorce, the groom's family did not agree firmly.

  • 小张迅速将女子手中的菜刀抢走,通过苦口婆心的劝导,两人极端的情绪终于有所稳定。
    Xiaozhang reaves the kitchen knife in woman hand quickly, pass the advise that advise in earnest, the mood of two people extreme is stabilized somewhat eventually.

  • 也就是在苦口婆心教导我们:不要被那些花花绿绿所谓的时尚设计所迷惑,实用才是王道啊!
    Your adventures are too important to be fooled by fashion and marketing! Get the gear that's designed and built for performance. Get the gear that's done right!

  • (公益广告)。“如果有人苦口婆心地劝你戒烟,不要理他——他们大概是想骗你活得长久些。”
    If people keep telling you to quite smoking cigarettes, don't listen…They're probably trying to trick you into living.

  • 地产六方会谈中,徐滇庆苦口婆心从经济学的角度以图示教授“泡沫的形成与崩溃、为什么人们热衷房地产泡沫?”
    estate Mutsukata talks, Xudianqing persuasive from the point to Picture shows Professor of Economics "bubble formation and collapse, why people are the real estate bubble?"

  • 现代的饮食习惯都过于大鱼大肉,糖尿病、各种癌症的病患年龄越来越低,每个医生都苦口婆心的劝病患要多吃绿色蔬菜。
    Modern diet is mostly meat and processed food. As a result the age of diabetes and cancer patients is becoming younger and younger. The doctor's order for longevity is to eat more green vegetables.

  • 老总们在应付比赛管理球队的同时,几乎每场比赛前都要对球队上下进行苦口婆心的教育工作,有些老总对此已经是不堪重负。
    Mister Ministers in dealing with the management teams of the competition, almost all of the team before every game from a persuasive education, some mister this is heavy.

  • 黎巴嫩的“雪松革命”将叙利亚军队赶出了黎国;而多亏美国的苦口婆心,才使得埃及总统选举较之往常,舞弊色彩看似淡化了些。
    The "Cedar Revolution" turfed Syria's army out of Lebanon and American nagging resulted in an Egyptian presidential election that looked marginally less rigged than usual.

  • 在学习上,无论父母多繁忙,也会辅导我做功课,遇到难题,还会不厌其烦地为我讲解,可我却把他们的苦口婆心当成了喋喋不休。
    In learning, regardless of busy parents, counseling will do homework, I encountered problems, I will take the trouble to explain, but I earnestly as if they were their chatter.

  • 为了让我丢掉游戏,苦口婆心地讲过许多道理,也强忍着眼泪朝我打过板子,而我却总是战胜不了自己,此时,我真的感到万般愧疚。
    In order to let me lose games, persuasive and said many principles, North Korea also Choking back tears, I played board, and I do not always beat ourselves, at this time, I really feel万般guilt.

  • 因马斯切拉诺和他的队友特维兹迟迟不能适应英国足球,进步缓慢,他们的阿根廷国家队主帅巴西莱苦口婆心地敦促二人尽早告别英超联赛。
    The Argentinian was speaking out after his national team manager Alfio Basile urged he and team-mate Carlos Tevez to leave as soon as possible following their slow starts in English football.

  • 我曾认真地听她说,苦口婆心的给她讲道理,因为我觉得她跟我说是信任我,可是,一天到晚那点事儿,慢慢的,搞得我只是听,偶尔发表点自己的见解;
    Once upon a time, I wanted to know what love was. Love is there if you want it to be. You just have to see that it's wrapped in beauty and hidden away between the seconds of your life.

  • 但是,经过弗格森爵士苦口婆心的说服之后,小小罗最终返回了曼联,是时,鲁尼的职业生涯都被蒙上了一层阴影。经验使他变得更强壮和恢复精力恢复的更迅速。
    However, after considerable persuasion from Ferguson, Ronaldo returned to United and, while Rooney's career has stagnated, he has been made stronger and more resilient by the experience.

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