
夜阑人静  yè lán rén jìng







  • 天很黑, 星很繁,夜阑人静
    The sky was dark, stars were twinkling high above, night was reigning, and everything was sunk in silken silence.

  • 夜阑人静﹐但那女声仍然幽怨的问着。
    the bitter female voice keeps asking in the still of the night.

  • 夜阑人静,我们在海里游泳。
    In the stillness of the night we swam in the sea.

  • 夜阑人静,簌音切切,思绪萦绕,最难将息。
    Almost midnight, rustle sound sadly, thoughts linger, the most difficult to rate. Gauze prettily prettily, Lilisusu.

  • 夜阑人静紧松拉链的声音就足以使人夜不成寐。
    At night the noise from the zipping and the unzipping was enough to keep a man awake.

  • 夜阑人静,星星一颗颗闪现,我会把信摊在膝上,默默等候。
    When the night grows still and stars come out one I will spread it on my lap and stay silent.

  • 朋友,当你瑟缩一角的时候,有没有欣赏夜阑人静时的美丽?
    On my friend, do you ever appreciate the quiet of night?

  • 夜阑人静,星星一颗颗闪现,我会把信摊在膝上,默默等候。
    When the night grows still and stars come out one by one I will spread it on my lap and stay silent.

  • 但每当夜阑人静时,我们望向星空,总会看到过去的美好回忆。
    But whenever almost midnight, we look to the Star, there will always see the memories of the past.

  • 夜阑人静,躺在床上,听录音机播出这诗歌时,我的心就充满著盼望和信心。
    In the silence of night as I lay in bed, the tape recorder play the hymn.

  • 又有一位仁兄,他乘船旅行,在夜阑人静之时,竟然跑去跟船老大吵架,惹他生气。
    There was another guy who made a voyage by boat. At midnight, he went to quarrel with the captain and made him angry.

  • 夜阑人静,电台不时播放梅艳芳的歌曲,原来一眨眼,本月三十日便是阿梅三周年忌辰。
    In the still of the night, the radio stations would occasionally play Anita's songs. In the blink of an eye, the 30th of this month will be the third anniversary of Anita's passing.

  • 这是我一生中在夜阑人静时却要集中精神工作的开始,那是个妇科病房,也与一个产前房相连。
    It was my first night duty worked in a gynecology ward which connected with the ante-natal ward.

  • 当晚上夜阑人静的时候,。滚热的熔岩沿火山边静静地流淌下来,这时也该是你下山的时候了!
    As evening turns deeper into the night. the burning lava quietly falls down the side of the volcano. For you, too, it is time to get down .

  • 画自己的故乡更能让他的情感直接投射,许多作品就是在夜阑人静时静坐于罗东海边听涛与海对话冥思的成果。
    Painting his own hometown has a direct reflection on his emotions, many works are done at midnight when he silently sits down by ocean in Loudong and mediates with ocean.

  • 乐曲一开始就将人引入夜阑人静、泉清月冷的意境,更犹如见一个刚直顽强的盲艺人在向人们倾吐他坎坷的一生。
    Music will start to introduce people Yelanrenjing, Quan Qing cold on the mood, see if a strong outspoken artists in the blind people to pour out his frustrations of life.

  • 是不是所有第三者都象我一样?平常在人前扮强,到夜阑人静时就抱枕流泪。我不知道,我还可强撑到什麽时候。
    Are all the other third-whiils like me? To pretend strong before people, but cry with pillow in aram. I don't know how long i can stand.

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