
浅尝辄止  qiǎn cháng zhé zhǐ







  • 我们决定加入人权委员会并不是浅尝辄止
    Our decision to join the Human Rights Council was not entered into lightly.

  • 每事浅尝辄止,结果将一事无成。——谚语。
    A little of everything, and nothing at all. ——Saying.

  • 大多数人浅尝辄止
    Most people quit too soon.

  • 真正的幸福(快乐)属于对竞争世界浅尝辄止者。
    the real happiness of life belongs to those who could dip far away from this competitive world.

  • 忽略,你也可以。不过,要浅尝辄止,当心后悔。
    Ignored, you can. However, to ?Beware of regret.

  • 有些书只需浅尝辄止,另一些供囫囵吞枣,尚有少数…
    Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. --Francis Bacon, Essays.

  • 稍微浏览一下就足够了,或者说,这是“浅尝辄止”。
    It is enough to dip into it and read bits here and there , in a word , theis is "tasting ".

  • 而假如什么都涉及,学生的求学将浅尝辄止,互不连贯。
    but if touches on everything, the student's exposure to learning will be shallow and incoherent.

  • 有些书浅尝辄止,有些可以囫囵吞枣,少数可以咀嚼消化。
    Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed , some few to be chew and digested.

  • 前贤今人的著作每每提及,但却往往浅尝辄止,甚至陈陈相因。
    Many scholar often mentioned, but often superficial, and even copy the former.

  • 谷歌将此次设计手机当作是一次试探,而股东应当希望谷歌浅尝辄止
    Google cast its mobile-phone design as an experiment. Shareholders should hope it ends there.

  • 如果你在考试前对所学过的课文浅尝辄止的话,很有可能考试不及格。
    If you only dip into the lessons you have learned, you will be most likely to fail the examination.

  • 不许点了一桌子的菜,浅尝辄止后,严厉地对我说:浪费是可耻的行为。
    Must not choose the course of one table, after be satisfied with a smattering of a subject, earnest ground says to me: Waste is disgraceful behavior.

  • 或者浅尝辄止,上面抓得紧了一阵风,抓得松了一场空,对上把村务公开…
    Perhaps be satisfied with a smattering of a subject, catch so that tightened blast above, catch loosely all in vain, make public village Wu to going up…

  • 有些书可浅尝辄止,有些书可囫囵吞枣,但有少量书需细细咀嚼,慢慢消化;
    Francis Bacon Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested;

  • 有些书只需浅尝辄止,另一些供囫囵吞枣,尚有数需要细嚼慢咽,消化吸收。
    Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed , and digested.

  • 有些书可浅尝辄止;有些书可囫囵吞枣;还有少量的书要细嚼慢咽、消化吸收。
    Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.

  • 一些书可以浅尝辄止;一些书可以狼吞虎咽;而有些书则需要细嚼慢咽,好好消化。——培根。
    Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. —— F. Bacon.

  • 由于意识形态的原因,我国的“意识流”创作被单纯地看作一种技巧而浅尝辄止,没有深入发展。
    Because of the reason of ideology, the creation of the " stream of consciousness" has not deepened development in our country.

  • 一些书可以浅尝辄止;一些书可以狼吞虎咽;而有些书则需要细嚼慢咽,好好消化。——F。培根。
    Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.   —— F. Bacon.

  • 第二种人藏书很多―其中几本被通读过,大部分则浅尝辄止,但是所有的书都跟新买时一样整洁光亮。
    The second has a great many books―a few of them read through, most Of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought.

  • 一些书可以浅尝辄止;一些书可以狼吞虎咽;而有些书则需要细嚼慢咽,好好消化。--弗兰西斯·培根。
    Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. --Francis Bacon.

  • 如果房价过快上涨的势头降不下来,就不仅需要继续调控,而且需要加大力度,不可能浅尝辄止半途而废
    If prices do not drop down too rising momentum, not only need to continue regulation, and the need to intensify our efforts, it is impossible to stop, go.

  • 文学:有些书应当浅尝辄止,有些书应当囫囵吞下,只有少数书应当反复品味,消化吸收。——弗朗西斯·培根。
    Literature: Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few tobe chewed and digested. - Sir Francis Bacon.

  • 与其在一部作品中每一种族都浅尝辄止,还不如将篇幅全放在单一种族上,这会为玩家带来更宏大更震撼的游戏体验。
    their works in an after hardly a taste of each race are also As the full-length on a single race, which will bring more great players of the game experience even more sensational.

  • 另外大家很多时候只限于浅尝辄止,所以使得任何人做一些真正有意思的事情变得很难,无论是为他们自己而做还是为你而做。
    And as so much human attention is wasted on just attending, it's even harder to get anyone to meaningfully do something, whether it's for themselves or for you.

  • 其次,女人要做一个调酒师,让男人品味着一壶优质的美酒,但只能浅尝辄止,绝不能让男人暴饮酒醉,否则最痛苦的往往是女人自己。
    Secondly, women have to be a bartender to prepare a pot of high-quality wine for men, drinking a little instead of being as drunk as a mouse. Or women themselves will suffering the most.

  • 但是马克思在他所研究的每一个领域,甚至在数学领域,都有独到的发现。他研究的领域是很多的,而且对其中任何领域他都不是浅尝辄止
    But in every single field which Marx investigated—and he investigated many fields, none of them superficially—in every field, even in the mathematics, he made independent discoveries.

  • 书有浅尝辄止者,有可吞食者,少数须咀嚼消化,换言之,有只须读其部分者,有只须大体涉猎者,少数则须全读,读时须全神贯注,孜孜不倦
    Some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.

  • 但是,在一些先行一步实施了绩效管理的企业中,大多数企业却认为在绩效管理方面做了大量的工作,却并未取得预期的理想的效果,因此,有些企业浅尝辄止维持现状,不再继续探索改进绩效管理系统;
    But most enterprises which have carried out the PM going ahead of the rest think that they has done a large number of work on PM, but does not get a anticipated ideal result.

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