
草菅人命  cǎo jiān rén mìng








  • 我们的敌人深藏暗处,且草菅人命
    This enemy hides in shadows, and has no regard for human life.

  • 人满为患,草菅人命而已死亡的世界。
    the over-populated, abused earth gone dead.

  • 新政府草菅人命,到处狂杀无罪的人民。
    The new government has utter disregard for human life, wildly massacring innocent people.

  • 人满为患,草菅人命而已死亡的世界。
    the over-populated, abused earth gone dead.

  • 你们明目张胆草菅人命,你们想干什么?
    You blatant disregard for human life, you want to do?

  • 鼓动谋杀、褒扬自杀,这些人草菅人命,不攻自明。
    Those who incite murder and celebrate suicide reveal their contempt for life itself.

  • “非正规法庭”是非法的模拟法庭,这种法庭常常草菅人命
    Within nations, such protection is illegal except in subtle and slight forms.

  • “非正规法庭”是非法的模拟法庭,这种法庭常常草菅人命
    A kangaroo court is an illegal mock court that often takes the law into its own hands.

  • 是谁建了白海运河(草菅人命的斯大林下令劳改犯修建的一项工事)?
    Who built the White Sea canal [Stalin's single most murderous slave-labour project]?

  • 这是诚信的缺失、良心的泯灭,是对法律的践踏和另一种形式的草菅人命
    This is the lack of good faith, and going against one's conscience is the law and trample on another form of disregard for human life.

  • 很多其他州向卡车业游说势力低头并向那些草菅人命的人让步,真是一个悲剧。
    It's a tragedy so many other states are caving in to the trucking lobby and the to-hell-with-human-life crowd.

  • 占士邦:我们的权力?从你草菅人命看你一定是为东方(社会主义国家)办事。
    James Bond: Our power? With your disregard for human life you must be working for the east.

  • 我打开那些目击者亲手所写的关于官府草菅人命、绑架、以及强暴事件的血泪陈述。
    I opened handwritten, eye-witness accounts of summary trials and executions, of kidnappings and rapes.

  • 今天大规模的恐怖主义活动是我们全世界的新邪恶力量,这些狂人无视科学,草菅人命
    This mass terrorism is the new evil in our world today. It's perpetrated by fanatics who are article indifferent to the science and the human life.

  • 书中就收录了许多有关于此的笑话–”是谁建了白海运河(斯大林草菅人命,下令劳改犯修建的一项工事)?
    there are plenty of jokes about that too. "Who built the White Sea canal [Stalin's single most murderous slave-labour project]?"

  • 书中就收录了许多有关于此的笑话——“是谁建了白海运河(斯大林草菅人命,下令劳改犯修建的一项工事)?”
    there are plenty of jokes about that too. "Who built the White Sea canal [Stalin's single most murderous slave-labour project]?"

  • 这次地震震出的房屋建筑工程质量问题,引起各界哗然和关注,施工过程偷工减料、以次充好,草菅人命已成为公愤。
    The quake quality of housing construction, and concerns arising from all public and the construction process jerry-building, buildings, public life has become anger.

  • 在他的笔下,由于法律的不公,法官的草菅人命,律师的玩弄条文,监狱里关的往往是一些善良的百姓,真正的罪犯反而逍遥法外。
    In his works, as a result of unjust laws, a judge of the reality, of playing with the provisions of the Law Society, the prison is some kind-hearted people, the real criminals go unpunished it.

  • 草菅人命造句相关
