
讲经说法  jiǎng jīng shuō fǎ







  • 达布夏珠林寺以讲经说法为主,其辩经在藏传佛教中颇有影响。
    Dabu Xia Lin Si-mainly to Jiang Jing said, the debate in Tibetan Buddhism in quite Ring.

  • 释迦佛年代,有一次佛弟子千人,盘坐满堂,在听闻释迦佛讲经说法
    One day, during the time of Sakyamuni Buddha. A thousand disciples gather around the Buddha to listen him speak of the dharma.

  • 传说空王佛在这里讲经说法时,五龙也常在此听法,并在树上接天地之气。
    Fable spatial Wang Fu preaches the view when here, five dragons also often in this tin of law, and meet gas of the world on the tree.

  • 1984年9月17日十世班禅大师额尔德尼却吉坚赞莅临该寺说法讲经
    September 17, 1984 Master Panchen Erdeni Gyaincain Kyrgyzstan has come preaching that monastery.

  • 相传祖师殿供像系肉身成佛,寺内香火鼎盛,曾有多届高僧在此剃度纳徒,讲经说法
    Legend has it for the Dian-founder of the body like the Buddha, the temple incense heyday, there have been many eminent monks in this session is satisfied only Tidu, Jiang Jing said.

  • 释迦牟尼佛津津乐道,讲经说法,众菩萨凝神静听,姿态各异,富有浓厚的生活气息。
    Buddha talked about, preaching that the public Buddha listened attentively, different posture, rich flavor of life.

  • 佛教大乘禅宗第二代祖师慧可曾在成安讲经说法,留下了元符寺、说法台等大量人文景观。
    Mahayana Buddhism Zen Patriarch Hui the second-generation can be preaching in as an argument, leaving the element at Temple, said a large number of human landscape, such as Taiwan.

  • 太上老君像,通高1。96米,贴金彩绘,神态严肃而慈祥,象在讲经说法,又似在沉思冥想。
    As Lao, 1. 96-meter high, with the painting, expression serious and kind-looking, as in Lecture that appears in a silent meditation.

  • 画面上,释迦牟尼端坐在莲花座上,慈容可掬地向信徒讲经说法,周围一百多位弟子洗耳恭听
    On the screen, Sakyamuni Duanzuo in the lotus seat, Cirongkeju Jiang Jing said to his followers, around 100 followers listen.

  • 太上老君像,通高1。96米,贴金彩绘,神态严肃而慈祥,象在讲经说法,又似在沉思冥想。
    As Lao, 1. 96-meter high, with the painting, expression_r_r_r_r_r serious and kind-looking, as in Lecture that appears in a silent meditation.

  • 第二年春天,就在大师说法讲经的地方,神奇的长出一棵菩提树,更吸引了无数慕名而来的游客。
    Following spring, that preaching in the local master, the magic of growing a tree, but also attract many tourists come.

  • 从另外的角度看:它既像一头威猛无比的雄狮,又像一头巨象,它们都是空王佛讲经说法时的坐骑。
    Looked from other angle that, It both looks like an overwhelming power incomparable male lion, and looks like a great elephant, they all are spatial Wang Fu preach time the view saddle horse.

  • 白鹿寺位于益阳市白鹿公园,创建于唐元和年间,相传裴休曾在此讲经说法,有白鹿衔花出来聆听,故名。
    Bailuyuan Temple in Yiyang City, White Deer Park, founded in Tang yuan and years, in this Peixiu Legend has it that Jiang Jing, a white deer to spend up to listen to the title, Gu Ming.

  • 此外还建立了佛学图书馆,创办了初级佛学培训班,由法师授课,每月定期讲经说法,不断提高四众素质。
    Besides, Buddhism library is also built and primary Buddhism training class is run, with the Master teaching and expounding the texts of Buddhism every month, to improve the quality of the masses.

  • 罗什寺塔是三藏法师鸠摩罗什讲经说法之地,鸠摩罗什被称为我国古代四大佛经翻译家之首,被誉为译经泰斗;
    Roche Temple Pagoda is Sanzo Master Kumarajiva preaching that place known as China's ancient Kumarajiva four of the first translator of Buddhist scriptures, known as the greatest Translation;

  • 壁画内容是释迦牟尼佛应化事迹图,分为6幅10图,介绍了佛祖降生、成道、讲经说法、度众生及涅槃等主要事迹。
    Sakyamuni is the murals should be deeds of maps, divided into 6 Figure 10, introduced the birth of Buddha, as, preaching, that all living creatures and the degree of Nirvana and other major stories.

  • 在苦行林中,禅坐菩提树下,风雨不起,终于成佛。35岁时,在野鹿苑(今波罗奈城)初转法轮,讲经说法,普渡众生。
    In the ascetic forestbodhi tree, the wind and rain can not afford to finally achieve. 35-year-old, the opposition Luyuan (now City) early Zhuan, preaching that all living creatures Purdue.

  • 讲经说法造句相关
