
诱敌深入  yòu dí shēn rù






  • 但和鬼子不能硬拼,要本着诱敌深入,各个击破的原则。
    But not Yingpin and Guizi, Youdi in-depth, all broken up the principle.

  • 那个“1”也最好不要什么“反击”了,而是诱敌深入的比较好。
    That " 1 " also had better not what " strike back " , lure however enemy thorough comparison is good.

  • 此时空头得逞,重手大幅打破布林下轨才是“诱敌深入”的超跌抄底良机。
    This time the dead end prevails, the heavy hand breaks largely under Breene the axle is "lures the enemy in deep" ultra falls copies the bottom good opportunity.

  • 今天,美国人通过这么一场诱敌深入的戏,让中国官方储备倾巢而出,那结果是什么?
    Today, Americans are the enemy through such an in-depth play, so that China Qingchaoerchu official reserves, the result is what?

  • 其间哈的无敌曾巧扮美女法师,牺牲色相,诱敌深入,英勇捐躯数次,以至最后爆的只剩衣服一件。
    Kazakhstan which has been skillfully play the invincible Master Beauty sacrifice color, depth , bravery died several times, and the final burst of only one clothes.

  • 第五次反“围剿”时,干部的意见开头是继续军事冒险主义反对诱敌深入的观点,后来是变成了军事保守主义。
    In the fifth, they at first persisted in the military adventurist view, which opposed luring the enemy in deep, but later turned to military conservatism.

  • 第五次反“围剿”时,干部的意见开头是继续军事冒险主义反对诱敌深入的观点,后来是变成了军事保守主义。
    In the fifth, they at first persisted in the military adventurist view , which opposed luring the enemy in deep, but later turned to military conservatism.

  • 谈到拿破仑已经感到战线拉长的危险,谈到俄国人方面有意诱敌深入俄国腹地,显然其假设都是属于这一类的推测;
    The notion that Napoleon was aware of the danger of extending his line, and that the Russians had a scheme for drawing the enemy into the heart of Russia, obviously belong to the same category;

  • 在俄国整个战争时期不但没有诱敌深入俄国腹地的意图,而且从敌人刚入侵俄国时候起,就千方百计地阻止法军的深入
    Far from desiring to lure the French into the heart of Russia, the Russians did their utmost to arrest their progress throughout the war from the time they crossed the frontier.

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