
震天动地  zhèn tiān dòng dì








  • 一些小事都忘得一干二净了,大事震天动地
    Some have completely forgotten the little things, big crews are moving in!

  • 音止瀑布则似一根巨柱从高处冲击而下,声如雷鸣,震天动地
    Music is just like a Juzhu falls from height and impact, such as the sound of thunder, and made so much noise and action.

  • 看台上,由近百名员工组成的恒大集团方队摇旗呐喊、助威声震天动地
    Bleachers, some 100 staff members from the team banner Hengda Group side, a boost of resistance movement.

  • 随我意愿,抓住夕阳的另一面,尽管我们不再有昔日的力量,去震天动地
    From my purpose hold to be the other side of sunset. And though we are not now that strength which as old days moved earth and heaven.

  • 亿万道电光在云端疾走,交锋,搏斗,激起一片震天动地的雷声,仿佛要把这座山城炸开。
    Billions of lightning flashes were running though the clouds, shocking and fighting, which aroused the world-shaking thunders to explode off the hill town.

  • 这个捷报和昌塞洛斯维尔大捷的消息几乎同时传到了亚特兰大,引起全城一片震天动地的欢呼。
    The news reached Atlanta almost simultaneously with the news of the victory at Chancellorsville, and the town fairly rocked with exultation and with laughter.

  • 可她对于疾病的表现丝毫不加掩饰,不是关起门来自己呆着,反而震天动地地吐在厨房垃圾桶里。
    But she showed not the slightest discretion in the practice of her illness. Far from shutting herself away, she would vomit noisily into the kitchen garbage can.

  • 6月26日,珠江两岸彩旗迎风招展,锣声震天动地,2004广州国际龙舟邀请赛在此隆重举行。
    26, Pearl River cross-strait bunting fluttered in the breeze, Luosheng resistance movement, 2004 Guangzhou International Dragon Boat Races held in the grand.

  • 8月30日宣布大选结果时,并没有什么盛大的庆祝,因此人们很容易认为这并不是一件震天动地的大事。
    There were no loud celebrations when the results of the general election were announced on August 30th. It is tempting therefore to write it off as no earth-shattering event.

  • 亿万道电光在云端疾走,交锋,搏斗,激起一片震天动地的雷声,仿佛要把这座山城炸开。一场暴雨随时等候着雷公的派遣。
    And the mountain town, almost split apart by the wrath of His Mightiness, awaited the storm that might come in no time.

  • 震天动地造句相关
