
无师自通  wú shī zì tōng







  • 那位无师自通的学者昨天去世。
    The self-educated scholar passed away yesterday.

  • 无师自通,学会骑骆驼了。
    I've taught myself how to ride a camel.

  • 巴林弹钢琴无师自通﹐但是只会弹黑键。
    Israel taught himself to play the piano. But he could play only the black keys.

  • 别人在学法语德语时,我却无师自通地学了手语。
    While my friends were learning French and German, I was teaching myself sign language.

  • 兴趣是他最好的老师,以至于最终达到无师自通的境界。
    Interest is the best teacher, which at last make Po a kungfu master.

  • 由专业人员实时解盘,发送即时信息,炒股变成无师自通
    Jie Pan professionals from the real-time, send instant messages and stock market into a self-taught.

  • 在世界上的绝大多数地方,情侣亲吻技巧几乎都是无师自通或自学成才。
    The vast majority of the world where couples kissing skills are almost entirely self-taught or self-taught.

  • 有些无师自通的“拆字家”甚至能从汉字中窥知中西两种文明暗合的内容。
    Some gifted students are so good at deciphering a character by taking it apart that they can figure out what western civilization and Chinese civilization happen to share.

  • 通过倾听环绕周身的音乐,人们对音乐规则的无师自通与生俱来,或许更早。
    They start picking up the rules from the day they are born, perhaps even before, by hearing it all around them.

  • 无论是无师自通、快速学习、不须按部就班的技巧等,都可能是能力的线索。
    A glimpse of untutored excellence, rapid learning, a skill mastered without recourse to steps—all these are clues that a strength may be in play.

  • 张宏道是一位无师自通,却能表现出恣意绚烂的色彩、构图协调的素人画家。
    Zhang Hong-dao, a common person but a self-taught painter, can express bright colours, coordinated composition.

  • 是学院派的专业训练、天才型的无师自通、或是抛弃制式刻板,顺从心灵的挥发呢?
    School is the professional training, the type of genius without division since Link, or abandon rigid standards, along the volatile souls?

  • 对于绘画,我一直相信有天赋的说法,更何况红尘兄自小在绘画上就有无师自通之智。
    For painting, I always believe in talent, and for an artist like Hongchen, who could paint well without instructors since his childhood, my belief seems particularly valid.

  • 即使母亲的技能不怎麽高明,孩子就近请教高手,仍然学得会看来无从无师自通的先进技术。
    if mom is not particularly skillful, knowledgeable experts will be close at hand, and a youngster will still be able to learn the fancy techniques that apparently do not come automatically.

  • 经常请假或者旷课的人不出两个星期就会落后于同等水平的同学,除非他是个无师自通的天才。
    He who often asks for leave or is absent from classes are sure to lag behind his classmates unless he is a genius who needs no teachers.

  • 经常请假或者旷课的人不出两个星期就会落后于同等水平的同学,除非他是个无师自通的天才。
    He who often asks for leave or is absent from classes are sure to lag behind his classmates unless hi is a genius who needs no teachers.

  • 地产圈五光十色,也是好看极了,地产商在今天这个作秀的时代,好像个个都是无师自通的高手。
    estate circles began, but also very good, developers in today's show times, since they are all non-division-mediation.

  • 他“如痴如狂”地购买有关足球的书籍和录像,他吸取各种思想但坚信自己上佳素质是无师自通的。
    A "completely crazy" buyer of books and videos about football, he soaked up ideas but believes that his best attributes cannot be taught.

  • 与很多喜欢家居设计、热爱家庭生活的人一样,刘太太注重生活品质的内心,让所有的创造都无师自通
    Like liking to live in the design, person that has deep love for domesticity more very much, mrs Liu pays attention to the heart of life character, make all creation self-taught.

  • 真是个好学生!这么快第一份作业就出来啦。总的来说,非常不错!你还找什么老师呀?你完全可以无师自通啦!
    Wow, what a good student! First homework! Fast and over all, very good! I don't really think that you need a teacher. You definitely can study by yourself.

  • 所以,我宁可说,爱是没有天造地设的老师的,爱又是无法无师自通的。爱很艰巨,爱要我们在时间中苦苦摸索。
    Therefore, I would rather say that love is not the teacher's ?love is not the self-taught. Very difficult love, love in the time that we find hard.

  • 自诩为「白鸟」的郑美珠无师自通,绘画风格幻丽诡谲,相类于拉丁美洲的魔幻写实,正如她的新书,十分耐看。
    Cheng Mei-chu (a. k. a. White Bird) taught herself how to paint. Her works, reminiscent of the magical realism of Latin America, like her new book, are truly a pleasure.

  • 他找来资料买来书籍,凭着自己对音乐的感觉和不达目的绝不罢休的顽强劲,竟无师自通地掌握了单簧管的演奏技巧。
    He brought the information to buy books, music, with its own sense of purpose and will never give up the strong effort, and even self-taught master of the clarinet playing skills.

  • 性功能是天生的,男性胎儿在子宫内就能勃起,可是性技巧的掌握就不是无师自通的事了,必须学习,必须接受充分、科学的性教育。
    Sexual function is inherent, the male is fetal can erect inside the uterus, but the control of sexual skill is not self-taught thing, must learn, must accept sufficient, scientific sex education.

  • 古德赫的命运与“想得太多”并无甚关系,而是与一个无师自通的达拉斯男孩爱在废弃的高尔夫球场和棒球场里独自玩耍有着莫大联系。
    Guldahl's fate had little to do with over thinking his game, and much to do with the untutored Dallas boy who once loved to play abandoned courses and baseball diamonds alone.

  • 给楼主翻译一下哈:你怎么能说冬至是废物呢?(看13楼),他漂亮,人品好,聪明,做生意无师自通,想想他所处的环境,他现在能做什么呢?
    How can you say Dong is a good for nothing bum, he is pretty, nice, clever on business even without educated, considering the social environment, what he can do right now, joining the army?

  • 所谓“剩下来的东西”,其实就是自学的能力,也就是举一反三无师自通的能力。大学不是“职业培训班”,而是一个让学生适应社会,适应不同工作岗位的平台。
    So-called" the thing that leave", is a self-educated ability in fact, and also is to draw inference from one example or self-taught ability.

  • 图1、4:陈嗣雪刺绣的神情(图1),及其作品「母与子」(图4)。图2、3:李贤淑学乱针绣无师自通,图2:是她两年前的作品「委屈」;图3:是「小外孙女照镜子」。
    Chen Sze-hsueh doing crisscross embroidery. 4. Her work "Mother and child". 2, 3: Li Hsien-hsu's works. 2. "Grievance". 3. "Grand-daughter looking in the mirror. "

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