
无所不可  wú suǒ bù kě






  • 这是不可捉摸的神奇力量,它无所不在。
    It's an intangible power, existing somewhere out in the others.

  • 真是无所不可使用间谍。
    Indeed, there is no place where espionage cannot be used.

  • 如果无所举措,印度将不可避免地迎来经济硬着陆。
    If something is not done, then a hard landing will become inevitable.

  • 如果无所举措,印度将不可避免地迎来经济“硬着陆”。
    If something is not done, then a hard landing will become inevitable.

  • 大卫:他简直太不可思议了!这个人无所畏惧。他什么都不怕。
    David:He was incredible. This guy is fearless. He has no fear.

  • 黑皇杖可以防止敌人控制住你,使你可以无所畏惧和不可阻挡的攻击英雄。
    A Black King Bar will prevent enemies from disabling you, making you very fearsome and almost unstoppable when attacking heroes.

  • 立足点需要的螺栓安装过程中;当电力不可用时,使用替换的柴油引擎;
    No footing bolts needed during installation; use diesel engine in replacement when electric power is unavailable;

  • 免责声明:因实施以下方案带来的任何不可抗力不可预测的事件都与本文作者涉!
    Don't need the responsibility declare:Because of carry out the following what project bring be any force majeure the affairs of the inscrutability all and this text the author have nothing related!

  • 观众可以在影片中深深体会到无所不在的宿命气氛,不可思议的美好时光很快就会结束。
    And, as in that film, there a profound sense of inevitability permeating the atmosphere, a realization that this magical time must come to an end -- and soon.

  • 这个案件中,不可思议的还有,杨佳的精神病鉴定,是司法鉴定主体资格的机构做。
    That's not all the unbelievable there is in this case, Yang Jia's mental illness evaluation was performed by a body which lacks judicial testimony qualifications.

  • 置双手于脑后表明一种优越的、“无所不知”的态度。而置双脚于桌上刚意味着领地不可侵犯。
    Both-hands-on-head shows a superior 'know-it-all' attitude and feet-on-desk shows a territorial claim to it.

  • 天下指而物不可谓指也(世界上有「被指的」,自然而言「东西」不可「被解说旨」。)
    There is nothing in this world that is referred to. Ergo, a thing cannot be said to mean.

  • 天下指而物不可谓指也(世界上有「被指的」,自然而言「东西」不可「被解说旨」。)
    Thing's definition does not exist on the world so thing cannot to explication.

  • 置双手于脑后表明一种优越的、“无所不知”的态度,而置双脚于桌上则意味着领地之不可侵犯。
    Both-hands-on-head shows a superior 'know-it-all' attitude and feet-on-desk shows a territorial claim to it.

  • 克里斯伯格先生表示,很显然,虽然警务工作改善起的作用不可磨灭,但这不可能是主要解释。
    Obviously, smarter policing can't hurt, Mr Krisberg says, but it cannot be the main explanation.

  • 功电源如同有功电源一样,是保证电力系统电能质量、电压质量、降低网络损耗以及安全运行所不可缺少的部分。
    As the same as the active source, the reactive sources an important part which maintain the quality of power and voltage and makes the electric-network dissipation reducing.

  • 你要守除酵节,照我吩咐你的,在亚笔月内定的日期,吃酵饼七天。谁也不可空手朝见我,因为你是这月出了埃及。
    Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto me in the year. [bbe] Three times in the year you are to keep a feast to me.

  • 后来我才发现,在那具神奇的装置,竟住著一个不可思议的人物,名叫“请接服务台”;而且她还是个无所不知的万事通。
    Then I discovered that somewhere inside that wonderful device lived an amazing person—her name was "Information Pease" and there was nothing she did not know.

  • 此种执著一开始就注定要失败功的,因为其中并没有任何基础和真正存在,而我们执著的东西其根本本质却是不可执取的。
    Such grasping is futile from the start and condemned to frustration, for there is no basis or truth in it, and what we are grasping at is by its very nature ungraspable.

  • 除开我明了的各种事物的渺小和某种不可理解的、但却至为重要的事物的伟大而外,并任何事物,并任何事物值得坚信不移啊!
    There is nothing, nothing certain but the nothingness of all that is comprehensible to us, and the grandeur of something incomprehensible, but more important!

  • 但是,无所不见的上主,以色列的天主,用不可救药和从未见过的病症,打击了他。他刚说完这话,他的脏腑就痛不可忍,五内感到剧痛。
    Then the Lord who sees all, the God of Israel, punished him with an incurable sickness of an internal nature.

  • 这种对体力要求很高的训练方式不仅锻炼了他们的体能,也磨练了他们的坚强意志,而这种意志正是箭虚发地射中70米以外的靶心所不可缺少的。
    Physically demanding, the weird regime also hones the mental toughness archers need to consistently plunk arrows into a bull's?eye 70 m away.

  • 论如何,红军已经向大家做出榜样:曼联并非不可战胜!希望这样的一场比赛能够给予其他球队信心,让他们在面对卫冕冠军的时候能够无所畏惧。
    But now that Liverpool have proven so emphatically that United are far from being invincible then maybe others will be as brave when they come up against the reigning champions.

  • 论如何,红军已经向大家做出榜样:曼联并非不可战胜!希望这样的一场比赛能够给予其他球队信心,让他们在面对卫冕冠军的时候能够无所畏惧。
    There may even be a little bit of doubt creeping in at Old Trafford because defeats like the one they suffered on Saturday can be hard to get over.

  • 无所不可造句相关
