
横冲直撞  héng chōng zhí zhuàng








  • 生气的大猩猩在商场里横冲直撞
    The angry gorilla went on a rampage through the mall.

  • 他在美国汽车市场上横冲直撞
    He's running amok through the American car market.

  • 许多车祸是由那些横冲直撞的人造成。
    Many car accidents are caused by road hogs.

  • 这夥暴徒在村中横冲直撞
    The mob rampaged through the village.

  • 武装抢劫犯在金融区内横冲直撞胡作非为。
    The armed robbers rampaged through the financial district.

  • 他这样横冲直撞,是不是一星期左右来一次?
    Does he rampage around like this once a week or so?

  • 因司机失控,那辆汽车就横冲直撞下山去。
    The driver lost control and the car careened down the hill.

  • 昨天一辆车的刹车失灵了,在大街上横冲直撞
    Yesterday a car's brakes malfunctioned, it was swerving all over the road.

  • 一个人开着名车横冲直撞,没有人会说车的不对。
    Without giving a glance at Islamic laws, people believe what the newspapers say.

  • 天使皆为之却步而傻瓜却横冲直撞;笨人有愚勇。
    Fools rush in where angels fear to treat.

  • 你走路横冲直撞。在办公室走路尽量轻点,不要打扰别人。
    You Walk Like an Elephant: Try to move around the office quietly to avoid disturbing the people around you.

  • 在耶路撒冷,一辆工程车扎入车流,横冲直撞,造成四人受伤。
    In Jerusalem, a construction truck slams into vehicles, injuring four people.

  • 地球上,生命横冲直撞,把势力扩张到固体、液体和气体之中。
    On Earth, life elbows its way into solid, liquid, gas.

  • 车辆横冲直撞,严重地威胁着城市生活,路上行人无不提心吊胆。
    The present onslaught of vehicles poses a serious threat to urban life and pedestrian peace of mind.

  • 横冲直撞是格斗触发的。降低怪物的触发能力将减少横冲直撞的次数。
    Rampage is a proc. Cripple helps reduce the number of rampages a mob does.

  • 俄罗斯有世界上最横冲直撞但同时技术又最娴熟的驾驶员,以及最粗心的行人。
    Russia has the most reckless, but at the same time skillful, drivers, and the most careless pedestrians in the world.

  • '暴'。''''。'跳'。'';横冲直撞使用暴力的,狂乱的行动或表现。
    A course of violent, frenzied action or behavior.

  • 今年三月间,一只野生袋鼠破窗闯入坎培拉郊区一间民宅,并在房子里横冲直撞
    In March, a stray kangaroo burst through the window of a suburban Canberra home and rampaged through the house.

  • 他们就像满足地驰在滚道上的电车,鄙视轻快的横冲直撞的飞行。穿越整座城市。
    They are like street cars running contentedly on their rails and they despise the sprightly flitter that dashes in and out of the traffic and speeds so jauntily across the open country .

  • 在小布什横冲直撞的过程中,环境与教育也受到了打击,但却没有人认真地提出反对。
    In the course of young George's rampage the environment and education also suffer, yet no one seriously objects.

  • 五天前这一户汉族家庭在这个小商店被杀死--凶手是在乌鲁木齐横冲直撞的维吾尔人。
    Five days ago a Han Chinese family was butchered in this small shop — victims of the Uighurs who rampaged through Urumqi.

  • 一男子的亲戚在此人驾车人后在旧金山的街道横冲直撞之后被逮捕时称此人总是惹麻烦。
    Relatives of a man arrested after a hit-and-run rampage through the streets of San Francisco described him as a trouble man.

  • 我像个杂种一样学了一些唬人把戏,也像一头小蛮牛横冲直撞不甘心被不能胜任的角色绊住。
    I worked like a son of a bitch to learn a few tricks and I fight like a steer to avoid getting stuck with parts I can't play.

  • 当然油箱里装满优质汽油倒是好事,但是驾驶室里要是坐着横冲直撞的司机就完全是另外一回事了。
    It is all very well, again, to have a tiger in the tank, but to have one in the driver's seat is another matter altogether.

  • 可能的话,去练武,如果你困惑,看看校园里横冲直撞的机动车,就知道软弱是多么悲哀的一件事。
    Please practice martial arts if possible. If you are confused, just take a look at the automobiles rampaging on campus, you'll find how pathetic you are being vulnerable.

  • 啊,这种伤害对职业运动员都是常见的。我倒是很惊讶那些美式足球队员,打起球来横冲直撞,居然还能走路。
    LL: Yes, having a bum knee or leg is very common, particularly among former professional athletes.

  • 寒风使白云在天上疾驰,高烟囱里冒出的烟让风刮得成了一条条薄薄的幅,一飘出去很远很远。狂风在街头拐角肆虐,横冲直撞
    It studded the fleecy clouds in the heavens, trailed long, thin streamers of smoke from the tall stacks, and raced about the streets and corners in sharp and sudden puffs.

  • 虽然他们也会遇到诸如类人生物横冲直撞或人类入侵一类问题时,但它们的生活似乎不受这些常常把其它精灵弄得焦头烂额的烦忧影响。
    While they face problems from rampaging humanoids or the encroachment of humans, they seem to live free of the cares that so often plague other elves.

  • 为了报复警察逮捕他们的领导人,武装分子在北部数州横冲直撞。从大砍刀到弓箭和毒害箭头,但凡拿在手中的东西,他们统统用来袭击警察。
    In retaliation for the arrest of their leaders, militants went on the rampage in several northern states, attacking the police with anything that came to hand, from machetes to bows and poison arrows.

  • 强化锋:我觉得这个天赋应该包括“横冲直撞”对锋的加成,并且再额外加上0。5/1秒时间的锋眩晕时间。目前这个天赋基本没什么战士去点。
    Improved Charge: I feel this talent should incorporate what the existing "Bull Rush" talent does for Charge and add 0. 5/1 second longer duration on Charge stun effect.

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