
步步为营  bù bù wéi yíng







  • 这需要步步为营锲而不舍
    This requires at every step, and perseverance.

  • 也许,步步为营才是主力最终的选择。
    Perhaps, the main step-by-step is the final choice.

  • 稳扎稳打,步步为营,才能赢得比赛。
    Slow and steady wins the race .

  • 孤身走在人的世界里,我总要步步为营
    Rushing in the human world, every step i take, i take it cautiously.

  • 我们必须步步为营,,现在我们只考虑阿斯科利。
    We must focus on one game at a time and right now our thoughts are only on Ascoli.

  • 白鼬们步步为营,而且他们是世上最精良的卫兵。
    The stoats are on guard, at every point, and they make the best sentinels in the world.

  • 神秘的音乐,表现出秘道探险的步步为营的危急情景。
    Mysterious music expressing the danger in secret paths.

  • 但是,这两家公司都步步为营,戈恩无法有大的举动。
    But he has enough to do, as both companies are on the defensive.

  • 另辟蹊径的品牌定位,步步为营的媒介策略,“好记星”不断积蓄实力。
    The brand that additional monarch paths locates, the agency of consolidate step by step is politic, "Good note a bit " ceaseless saving actual strength.

  • 当然要打赢这场仗我还有很长很长的路,我会步步为营来争取长期的胜利。
    I am still a looooong way from winning the battle, but every day I don't lose is a day closer to achieving long-term victory.

  • 一旦你的牢骚减少了10%,那么就沿用此法,步步为营,将抱怨越减越少。
    Then, once you've decreased your whining by 10%, you can keep bootstrapping your way down to complaining less and less.

  • 我们致力于脚踏实地步步为营,以客为本的精神,为客户提供最优质的服务。
    We are committed to practical, step-by-step business, customer-oriented spirit, to provide customers the best quality service.

  • 对基督徒来说,世界好比一个密麻的丛林,他们要战战兢兢,步步为营的走过去。
    It is also like dense underbrush in which a Christian must look very carefully where to step.

  • 作为神秘大陆的殖民者,你的任务并不是步步为营,而是率领自己的军队去探索。
    As a mysterious continent colonizers, your task is not a step-by-step, but led his troops to explore.

  • 土地政策步步为营,金融政策一再收紧,房地产圈内日渐被一种紧张的氛围所笼罩。
    land policy step-by-step, repeated tightening of monetary policy, real estate circles have been plagued by a tense atmosphere.

  • 东风标致始终坚持步步为营的战略,全方位打造国际水准的更高质量营销服务体系。
    DONGFENG Peugeot has persisted in the strategy step by step, has promoted a high international level quality distribution service system.

  • 东风标致始终坚持步步为营的战略,全方位打造国际水准的更高质量营销服务体系。
    DONGFENG Peugeot insists on the strategy step by step all the time, to make a complete international, and high-standard marketing service system.

  • 在加速器以这种步步为营的方式,向完整的任务迈进的过程中,问题是一定会出现的。
    As the full commissioning of the accelerator proceeds in this measured step-by-step fashion, problems are sure to arise.

  • 你是应该加班加点、浮躁的去挣更多的工资?还是应该小心谨慎,步步为营的放眼长远?
    Should you push hard and furious to earn more money or should you be cautious and look towards building long-term profits?

  • 就像下棋一样,你永远要步步为营,要让你的球员站好位置以免我们丢掉控球权后对手发动反击。
    It's like a game of chess, you always have to be one step ahead and you need to keep the players in good positions in case the team loses possession.

  • 形成时期虽然理性主义占统治地位,但与此同时情感的研究颇有步步为营之势,非理性主义思潮也偶露峥嵘。
    Although rationalism was dominant during the initial formation stage research into emotions advanced step by step and some non-rationalism trends manifested themselves, too.

  • 生命不可能一点挫败都没有,除非你如履薄冰、步步为营,枉费走了这一遭,如果真是这样,你算未战先降了!
    It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default.

  • 而很多城市由于有效需求依然旺盛,房价受到政策影响较小,但无论是开发商还是消费者,都开始变得步步为营
    And the effective demand is still strong in many cities, prices have policy implications smaller, but whether developers or consumers, are beginning to become the step-by-step.

  • 埋藏宝物的庙宇危机四伏,玩家必须步步为营,小心移动菱形地板块件,但玩家同时亦可给对手架起墙壁制造障碍;
    In order to overcome the dangerous abysses of the temple, the players must carefully move the rhombic floor tiles.

  • 其次,我们有耶稣为兄弟,祂的灵指教我们怎样步步为营地走惊险重重的人生「钢线」(希伯来书2:10-18)。
    Second, we have a Brother who by his Spirit teaches us how to skillfully walk the "high-wire" of life on earth (Hebrews 2:10-18).

  • 诸葛亮一生谨慎,能考虑到别人没考虑到的问题,步步为营,每一步都是精心计算,然后才作决定,绝不会鲁莽行事。
    Liang life care, to take into account other people did not take into account, step-by-step, every step is carefully calculated to make a decision after that will not be acted recklessly.

  • 被逼得步步为营的祖马要反击了,他开始接受报纸采访,到穷乡僻壤进行视察,到津巴布韦为那里的协商政府排忧解难。
    A chastened Mr Zuma is already fighting back, giving newspaper interviews, going on walkabouts in poor townships and flying to Zimbabwe to try to end a deadlock in its power-sharing government.

  • 进化步步为营4。成吉思是类昆虫创造物。它的后代有一天可能会成为啮齿动物,或更远的某一天,会和猩猩一样聪明伶俐。
    Evolution proceeds in steps. Genghis is an insect-equivalent. Its descendants someday will be rodents, and someday further, as smart and nimble as apes.

  • 治理室内污染是一个长期的过程,消费者只有步步为营,才能去伪求真,挑选到合格的治理机构,真正将室内污染驱除出家门。
    Accordingly, when consumer is choosing to administer an unit, do not want wait for information verbal commitment and covet petty gain, should polish double eye, choose eligible organization.

  • 结果说明,实时位移控制可靠度分析较整体位移控制可靠度分析更具有现实意义,更能保证支护结构最终达到安全可靠,是一个步步为营的策略。
    It′ s proved reliability analysis with real-time deformation control during the construction process has more practical meaning and the safety of support structures will be guaranteed gradually.

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