
深恶痛绝  shēn wù tòng jué




《孟子·尽心下》“斯可谓之乡愿矣” 宋·朱熹集注:“过门不入而不恨之,以其不见亲就为幸,深恶而痛绝之也。”




  • 对于用人来献祭的想法深恶痛绝
    A deep hatred of human sacrifice.

  • 我对这种莫须有的诽谤深恶痛绝
    I strongly resent such unwarranted aspersions.

  • 欧洲人对拿他们的食品开玩笑深恶痛绝
    Europeans harbor a deep revulsion toward any funny business with their food.

  • 时太祖对谋反事件深恶痛绝,准了吴斌所奏。
    Dynasty when the incident abhorrence of rebellion, a quasi-played by Wu Bin.

  • 共产党中的保守派对于开禁色情电影深恶痛绝
    Communist Party conservatives abhor the idea of condoning explicit sex.

  • 厨房的油烟是妈妈们的大敌,对此大家深恶痛绝
    The lampblack of the kitchen is the archenemy of mom, to this everybody detest.

  • 对于权力部门和官员的这些陈规陋习,网友们是深恶痛绝的。
    For the power sector and officials of these stereotypes, users are hated.

  • 拜虚无偶象的人,你深恶痛绝。上主,然而我却对你全心信赖。
    You hate those who serve worthless idols, but I trust in the LORD.

  • 但是,我们深恶痛绝那些用肮脏手段''。'暴富'。''的人。
    But we strongly resent those who get rich by dirty means.

  • 露辛达的祖先,特别是她的外曾祖艾布纳·黑尔曾这样表示深恶痛绝
    Lucinda Whipple's ancestors had stormed, particularly her great-grandfather Abner Hale .

  • 可是我倒以为你这样对他深恶痛绝,固然说不上什么理由,却是非常聪明。
    And yet I meant to be uncommonly clever in taking so decided a dislike to him, without any reason.

  • 居家教育的反对者认为它造成了社会分化,部分反对派人士对此更是深恶痛绝
    Opponents of home-schooling—and some of them are vehement—argue that it is socially divisive.

  • 但由于人们对1989年*深恶痛绝的心理,人权活动人士当时拥有很大的影响力。
    But in China, activists had leverage: disgust at the 1989 * Square massacre.

  • 这样的事让我深恶痛绝,从中我感到,等级观念在人的脑子里是多么深刻地存在着。
    Such thing lets my detest, from which I feel, grade idea is how deep existence in the person's brain move.

  • 甚至在他加盟尼克斯一个赛季后,开拓者的资深专家仍然对其深恶痛绝,相当厌恶。
    He even joined the Knicks in a season, the pioneer in the senior experts of their abhorrence, rather disgusted.

  • 失节文人是中国古代知识分子中的一个特殊群体,是人们不屑谈起或深恶痛绝的对象。
    Disloyal scholars, a special group of people among the intellectuals in Ancient China, were detested and disdained when talked about.

  • 政府允诺会涨工资,但是让工会深恶痛绝的是,涨工资要和工作表现挂钩,而和工龄无关。
    The government is promising pay rises but, to the union's disgust, it intends to link them to performance, not seniority.

  • 玛丽也很快地作好了准备,三个孩子就一块动身去主日学校——那地方是汤姆最深恶痛绝的;
    Mary was soon ready, and the three children set out for Sunday-school -- a place that Tom hated with his whole heart;

  • 这些犯罪活动危害社会治安,严重侵犯公民的人身、生命和财产安全,为全国人民所深恶痛绝
    These criminal activities have endangered public security, gravely infringed on the citizens' personal safety, lives and property, and are abhorred by the people across the country.

  • 伍德先生对圣诞节可谓深恶痛绝,他连圣诞大餐也放弃了,以午餐肉、烤豆和自来水取而代之
    He has even foregone traditional Christmas fare -- opting instead for a frugal diet of processed luncheon meat known as Spam, baked beans and tap water.

  • 当时我找不到可*的人给我念……我年轻时,‘洋人’是被人深恶痛绝的……我找不到人给我念啊!
    There was never anyone I could trust…Uitlanders were hated in my young days…I could not ask anyone.

  • 霍尔特对教师和教育机构深恶痛绝,认为这些人和机构实际上是给孩子获取知识、掌握本领设置重重障碍。
    Holt is full of ire against teachers and educational institutions, whom he believes actually serve as a hindrance to acquiring knowledge and learning skills.

  • 因对持续猖獗的选举舞弊现象深恶痛绝,菲律宾一位立法人士提议通过立法阿飘是什么除去选民名单中亡故人员的名字。
    Philippine lawmaker frustrated by rampant electoral fraud has proposed legislation to get the names of the dead off voter rolls.

  • 思嘉犹豫了一下,她看见一个犯人无力地抬起头来瞪了约翰尼一眼,表现出深恶痛绝的样子,接着又低下头,两眼看地了。
    Scarlett hesitated and saw one of the convicts raise a weary head and give Johnnie a stare of intense hatred before he looked at the ground again.

  • 我一向憎恶我这名字,但现在对它的深恶痛绝又加深了一层,因为我们两个用的都是这同一个名字,我现在听到它的次数成了先前的两倍。
    I had always hated my name, but now I hated it even more because both of us had the same name. I heard it twice as often. And there was something that worried me even more deeply.

  • 他躺在床上咧着嘴笑,诅咒谩骂,同时以那种奇怪的、令人生厌的方式用手指比划,似乎要表明他对此类事情已深恶痛绝,不屑用语言表达。
    As he lies there, grinning and cursing, he manipulates his fingers in that curious, bored way of his, as though to convey the impression that his disgust is too great for words.

  • 我起初选用波尔-洛雅勒的拉丁文法,但是,没有什么收获。这些没有规范的诗句使我深恶痛绝,最后却只能造成一种一只耳朵进一只耳朵出的效果!
    At first I began with the Port-Royal method, but without result. Its barbarous verses disgusted me, and my ear could never retain them.

  • 唐代并不存在性开放的社会风气,从结婚、离婚到再嫁,唐人仍然是传统的、保守的。对于婚外性行为,唐人更是深恶痛绝,并予以严厉谴责和制裁。
    It is hard to say there was a sexual freedom in Tang dynasty since the Tang people were conservative and traditional in marriage, divorce and remarriage.

  • 《新白娘子传奇》里也有一个主要人物,那就是法海,对于法海,我们总是深恶痛绝,对于他的出场,我们只是说他是一个和尚,专门破坏美好姻缘的和尚。
    The main actor in "The Legend of The White Snake" is Fahai, when we saw him, we hated him deeply. We only said he was a monk, he only eradicated the perfect marriage.

  • 奥巴马总统称,在利比亚,为获释的洛克比空难爆炸者举行复杂的返乡欢迎活动是让人深恶痛绝的。那名爆炸者因为即将死于前列腺癌而从一家苏格兰监狱被释放。
    President Obama is describing the elaborate homecoming of the freed Lockerbie bomber in Libya as "highly objectionable". He was freed from a Scotland prison because he's dying of prostate cancer.

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