
审时度势  shěn shí duó shì






  • 就是说不要贪心,要学会审时度势
    That is not greedy, to learn how to size up the situation.

  • 顾云昌表示,任何政策都应该审时度势
    Gu Yunchang said that any policy should size up the situation.

  • 他们追随他的原因就是他审时度势的态度。
    The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude.

  • 赢家善于审时度势,对形势做出恰当的反应。
    A winner's timing is right. Winners respond appropriately to the situation.

  • 心甘情愿地工作,关心公共利益,审时度势专心致志
    Labour not unwillingly, nor without regard to the common interest, nor without due consideration, nor with distraction;

  • 审时度势,在黄土地上选择了一条五彩缤纷的花道路。
    His consider the situation, a colourful beautiful path chose on loess ground.

  • 从法国足联的角度来讲,他们需要进行自我反省,需要审时度势
    And from the French FA's point of view, they need to look at themselves and look at this situation.

  • 如果你不偶尔地在审时度势后冒些险,你就不能像别人一样很快进步。
    If you don't occasionally take calculated gambles, you won't get ahead as quickly as those who do.

  • 目前来讲,他还待在佛罗伦萨,但我们也必须审时度势,选在走或留。
    For the moment he will stay in Florence, but we have to evaluate the situation. He may or may not leave.

  • 审时度势的政策将会促进市场的发展,并且还会带来期权和期货指数。
    Better regulation would help the market to grow and to introduce new products like options and index futures.

  • 目前选择现金的投资者确信,他们过段时间肯定能审时度势,及时转向。
    Those investors who cling now to cash are betting they can efficiently time their move away from it later.

  • 贝蒂展示了斯林基的精神,那就是根据生活的起伏变化,审时度势行事。
    Betty embodies the spirit of the Slinky, rolling through the years according to the way life pushes and pulls.

  • 职业发展中的个人要懂得应变之道,能够审时度势,切忌钻到牛角尖里面去。
    Top people take jobs primarily because they meet their needs for growth, challenge, and learning.

  • 大胆试验创新,在实践中积极探索前进,又要按客观规律办事,审时度势,讲求实效。
    experiments and actively explore the way forward. At the same time, we should act in accordance with objective laws, correctly appraise situations and strive for practical results.

  • 企业管理者惟有审时度势,与时俱进,不断强化管理创新,才能增强企业的核心竞争力。
    Enterprise managers have to size up the situation, advancing with the times, and constantly strengthening management and innovative in order to enhance the core competitiveness.

  • 这是我们共同的看法,希望致力于组装的中国汽车能够审时度势,对组装采取谨慎态度。
    This was our common opinion, we hoped that the Chinese auto makers committed to assembly could size up the situation, and took a cautious attitude towards it.

  • 通过“审时度势”,那些管理者才有能力去做也应该去做的工作,通常并不是太难找到。
    What then could or should be done is usually not too difficult to discover.

  • 中国的官方新闻通讯社—新华社最近称,“北京共识”意味着进行市场改革需要审时度势
    China's state-run news agency, Xinhua, recently said the Beijing consensus meant "prudence in market reforms".

  • 对此,天津市房地产协会秘书长梁正文表示,开发商目前应该很好地审时度势,不可盲目开发。
    In this regard, the Secretary-General Liang body of Tianjin real estate associations, developers should present a good situation, not blind development.

  • 同时,双边FTA也是一把双刃剑,需要审时度势,趋利弊害,在强化内功的基础上合理发展。
    But bilateral FTA is also a "two edged sword", we should take advantage of it efficiently and appropriately.

  • 在企业发展上,镇党委、政府一班人审时度势,围绕山区丰富的矿产资源优势,大力宣传,招商引资。
    On enterprise development at the town party committees and governments take stock of the situation a group of people around the mountain's rich mineral resources to vigorously publicize investment.

  • 对于准备销售的项目,好的销售时机必须把握现在,是审时度势,不可恋战,时间成本就是最大的风险。
    Sales for the preparation of projects, a good marketing opportunity to grasp now, is up, not to go on fighting, the time cost is the greatest risk.

  • 因此,金融中介机构只有在金融创新过程中审时度势地把握这种变化并及时正确地应对,方可赢得一席之地。
    Consequently, the finance medium should make ready adjustments in response to these changes in order to survive the competition.

  • 你似乎可以承诺无限的精力和时间,尤其是当别人以合适的方式与你沟通的时候,态度相当的尊敬,审时度势
    You can be incredibly generous with your time and energy, especially when someone approaches you in just the right way -- with the proper amount of respect and discretion. Here they come now.

  • 面对机遇与挑战,我国证券公司如何审时度势,积极调整经营思路和发展战略已成为许多业内人士关心的问题。
    Therefore, it is urgent for Chinese securities companies to make a systematic study about the development strategy with both imminent opportunities and challenges.

  • 我们知道如何审时度势、保持秩序井然,了解如何去出击、战胜竞争对手,我们对如何实现赢利性增长了然于胸!
    We know how to put our own houses in order, and how to raid those of our competitors, to grow our businesses profitably.

  • 近年来随着世界各国加速发展太阳能光伏产业的趋势,公司审时度势,开始致力于开发太阳能光伏行业的相关生产设备。
    During recent years, with the tendency of rapid development in solar cell throughout the world, the company takes the advantage to work on related equipment in solar cell industry.

  • 那些资源丰富的国家曾经是西方的势力范围,但由于它们如今的缺席,中国审时度势,乘虚而入,开始站稳脚跟并逐步发挥出重大影响。
    It has won most influence in countries where Western governments were conspicuous by their absence, and where few important strategic interests are at stake.

  • 1999年,党中央、国务院审时度势,作出了大幅度扩大高校招生规模的重大决策,直接推动了一个适应时代要求的高等教育进入21世纪。
    In 1999, the Chinese government decided to expand the scale of its higher education by a large margin, propelling China's higher education into a new era to meet the needs of the 21st century.

  • 中国增加在两组织的出资份额和投票权已经水到渠成,但是仍需审时度势,清醒认识自己的优势与不足。份额与投票权的增加并不会自动提高成员在国际金融组织的影响力。
    China to increase the share capital of the two organizations have the right to vote and only natural, but still need to size up the situation, a clear understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.

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