
尽心竭力  jìn xīn jié lì








  • 你知道自己已经尽心竭力, 对你自己也是一种安慰。
    It's always something to know you've done the most you could.

  • 尽心竭力,以求工作更有成效。
    He stretched himself to achieve better result in his work.

  • 尽心竭力,以求工作更有成效。
    He stretched himself to achieve better results in his work.

  • 生活会回报你的尽心竭力
    Life will reward your best effort.

  • 我们会尽心竭力为你们开拓市场,实现双赢。
    We will be dedicated for you to develop new markets, achieve a win-win situation.

  • 你知道自己已经尽心竭力,对你自己也是一种安慰。
    It's always something to know you've done the most you could.

  • 我要尽心竭力使你们在我去世以后,也时常记念这些事。
    And I will endeavour, that you frequently have after my decease, whereby you may keep a memory of these things.

  • 只要尽心竭力工作,你便可以在各阶层击败50%的人。
    You beat 50 percent of people at any level by working hard.

  • 如果认为世界上没有奇迹,那么你会尽心竭力,突破极限;
    When nothing is a miracle, you gain the power of doing anything you want and you have no limits.

  • 苏总是尽心竭力地帮助我们,我真不知道该该怎么谢她才好。
    Sue has made every endeavour to help us. I hardly know how we can thank her enough.

  • 这一措施有力地推动员工为公司尽心竭力,以期与公司共享成功。
    This is a powerful incentive to motivate the staff to do their utmost and to share in the company's prosperity if it reaches its goal.

  • 何时你最可能尽心竭力把事情办好?那就是当你已经采取行动之时。
    When are you most likely to make the effort to get things done? It's when you're already taking action.

  • 我下决心要得A,尽心竭力准备论文,直至自己确信它已经十分完美。
    Determined to get an A, I put in a great deal of effort on making sure that my paper was perfect.

  • 我们衷心希望这是我们双方长期愉快合作的开始,我们将为此尽心竭力
    W sincerely hope this will be the beginning of a long and pleasant business association.

  • 何时你最可能尽心竭力把事情办好?那就是当你已经采取行动之时。(可变成一句话)
    When are you most likely to make the effort to get things done? It's when you're already taking action.

  • 公司以公道的价格、尽心竭力的服务和务实守信的作风将会是我们成功合作的信心保证。
    Company is with the price of the justice, devote the all-out service to keep promise to will be a confidence that we succeed the cooperation to guarantee with the style that tries to be practical.

  • 超跃公司将以立足山西,面向世界宏图伟略、为美化人民生活,促进社会发展,尽心竭力
    Chao Yue company will be based in Shanxi, the world vision slightly, in order to beautify the life of the people, promote social development, and dedication.

  • 我愿意你们晓得,我为你们和老底嘉人,并一切没有与我亲自见面的人,是何等的尽心竭力
    For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you and for those at Laodicea and for all who have not seen me face to face.

  • 请教育我的孩子懂得艰苦工作的价值和懂得尽心竭力、忠于职守完成工作的积极的道德意义。
    Please teach my children the value of hard work and the positive moral meaning of work when it is performed to the best and most faithful of their abilities.

  • 我愿意你们晓得,我为你们和老底嘉人,并一切没有与我亲自见面的人,是何等的尽心竭力
    For it is my desire to give you news of the great fight I am making for you and for those at Laodicea, and for all who have not seen my face in the flesh;

  • 作为回报,东欧前共产主义国家则尽心竭力地予美支持,特别是派兵参加伊拉克与阿富汗战争。
    In return, ex-communist countries loyally supported America, particularly in providing troops for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  • 1我愿意你们晓得,我为你们和老底嘉人,并一切没有与我亲自见面的人,是何等的尽心竭力
    I want you to know how much I am struggling for you and for those at Laodicea, and for all who have not met me personally.

  • 至于雇工,他们看守羊群,只不过是为了一天的工资,没有人会企望他们尽心竭力的去牧养羊群。
    The hireling, who may watch over the flock merely for a day's wage, is not expected to be so devoted.

  • 所以,英明的君主宁愿舍近求远,这样就能保全功业,尊崇“贤人”,下级也就会乐于尽心竭力了。
    Thus the wise ruler would rather take the long process than the short process, so that he is able to complete his achievements, respect the Capable and have his subordinates give their best for him.

  • 于是,她从第一笔用劳动换来的报酬中,尽心竭力地节省出600卢布,偿还给亚历山大奖学金委员会。
    So using her first financial reward obtained through hard work, she strived to save up 600 roubles to repay the Alexander Scholarship Committee.

  • 虽然尽心竭力,但是到目前为止,他无力将自己的政见形成一个体系,对国家宏观经济的前景有一个全面的论述。
    for all its braininess, has so far failed to frame its proposals in a "narrative" about the economy.

  • 不管你交上了哪一种运气,你那位好心的妈妈反正会尽心竭力来成全你的,你只要想到这一点,就会感到安慰了。
    Bennet, "but it is a comfort to think that, whatever of that kind may befall you, you have an affectionate mother who will always make the most of it."

  • 公司秉承健康实名制原则,将陆续为消费者带来更多具有绿色品牌概念的健康食品,尽心竭力地为您提供安全、健康、平价的日常每一餐。
    Following the principle of real-name system for health, Zhaofeng will try to have consumers enjoy safe, healthy and fair price meals, by providing you with more and more green &healthy foods.

  • 而且如今雷斯脱自己已经繁荣,他就乐得对他慷慨,乐得对他表示好感了,况且他对于兄弟本来就没有恶意,向来都是尽心竭力促他觉悟的。
    He could afford to be generous. He could afford to make up. And after all, he had done his best to aid his brother to come to his senses—and with the best intentions.

  • 许多时候,上帝的仆人终日劳神苦思,为祂的主人尽心竭力,殚思极虑,所以上帝对他们说︰「孩子,现在你可安歇,享受我为你预备的安息。」
    They worked hard all day and wore themselves out in their Master's service, and so He said to them, "Now rest in anticipation of that eternal Sabbath which I have prepared for you."

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