
所向无敌  suǒ xiàng wú dí








  • 瑞典的大军正趋于所向无敌
    Sweden is amassing an invincible army.

  • 人们一直以为美国所向无敌
    People used to believe that the US couldn't be beat.

  • 如果三个罪恶之源再度联手,就会所向无敌
    If the three Prime Evils unite, they will be invincible.

  • 他以为他打网球所向无敌但遇到她却是旗鼓相当
    He thought he could beat anyone at tennis but he's met his match in her.

  • 打败波斯之后,所向无敌的亚历山大却败了给自己。
    After he defeated Persia, nothing could stop Alexander but himself.

  • 那时利斯顿已经蝉联了两年世界冠军,公认所向无敌
    Liston had been world champion for two years, and was deemed by many to be invincible.

  • 他以为他打网球所向无敌, 但遇到她却是旗鼓相当。
    He thought he could beat anyone at tennis, but he's met his match in her.

  • 他说:“猴王阁下,有三种品质能让一个人所向无敌
    He said, "My lord, king of monkeys, there are three qualities that make a person unbeatable by his enemies."

  • 人们说“爱”所向无敌,也许“爱”从来没有遇见过G。
    Gossip: They say love conquers all, but maybe love never meet Georgina Sparks.

  • 要说富可敌国的金钱是奥巴马所向无敌的动力这并不确切。
    Nor is it clear that money has been an overwhelming boost to Mr Obama so far.

  • 奥国人的精密和俄国人的勇敢相结合,所向无敌,您还要怎样呢?
    The union of Austrian exactitude with Russian valour—what could you wish for more?

  • 经理人奋斗不息,工程师和设计师锐意创新,整个公司几乎所向无敌
    Add imagination, grinding hard work, fiercely motivated managers and innovative engineers and designers, and the company seems almost impossible to beat.

  • 金正鸿四处踢馆,所向无敌,惟其身份与目的并不为人知悉,金正鸿来到小镇。
    Jin Zhenghong kicks the hall in all directions, invincible, because the status and the goal and learn unknown, Jin Zhenghong arrives at the small town.

  • 自信的勇者,不服输的个性与积极负责态度,只要多份耐心,常保笑容将所向无敌
    Self-confidence of the brave, never admitted defeat personality and positive and responsible attitude, as long as more than patience and regular smile will be invincible;

  • 你害怕「绝佳之境」,害怕自己的绝佳本质,因为你忘了这一境界本身是所向无敌的。
    You are afraid of Excellence, of being Excellence, because you have forgotten that It is Invincibility, Itself.

  • 如果理想的本身合理,再加上这种武器,那麽,这种理想,奋斗于世界之上,必定是所向无敌的。
    If ideal reasonable, and catch this kind weapon, so, this ideal, and struggle in the world , is invincible absolutely.

  • 由于人长的漂亮,貌如美女子,难以威敌,每次上阵都要戴上一幅相貌凶恶的假面具,所向无敌
    As a result of long beautiful people, beautiful landscape, such as child, it is difficult to Granville enemy, each must be put into a ferocious facial masks and invincible.

  • 索尼公司充满想象力,埋头苦干。经理人奋斗不息,工程师和设计师锐意创新,整个公司几乎所向无敌
    Add imagination, grinding hard work, fiercely motivated managers and innovative engineers and designers, and the company seems almost impossible to beat.

  • 真理是谬误的强劲克星,她无所畏惧所向无敌,惟有害怕人们解除她的天然武器――自由地论争和思辩;
    that she is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear from the conflict unless by human interposition disarmed of her natural weapons, free argument and debate;

  • 这位年轻的守门员得到了老特拉福德球迷的热烈掌声,但是最大的收获被木伦斯汀所向无敌的球队所获得。
    The young goalkeeper was given a warm ovation from the Old Trafford crowd, but the biggest reception was saved for Rene Meulensteen's all-conquering side.

  • 这种鱼生就拿海里所有的鱼当食料,它们游得那么快,那么壮健,武器齐备,以致所向无敌。(见第二自然节)
    This was a fish built to feed on all the fishes in the sea, that were so fast and strong and well armed that they had no other enemy.

  • 如果一个民族像一盘散沙,这个民族就会遭遇入侵,但是如果团结的像一个人似的,那么这么民族将所向无敌
    If a nation is disunited like a heap of loose sand, it will be subject to invasion. But if a nation is united like one man, it will have nothing to fear.

  • 当敌人的魁首率领那所向无敌的军队到了波斯时,竟在纳纳雅庙内,被纳纳雅女神的司祭设计诱杀,剁为肉泥。
    their leader left for Persia with a seemingly invincible army, but the priests of the goddess Nanea laid a trap for them and killed them in her temple.

  • 罗恩是一名非常情绪化的球员,有时候他在场上所向无敌,但有时候他却有些软弱,他就是在这两种状态下摇摆。
    Rowen is an unusual emotionalism player, sometimes he on field invincible, but he actually somewhat is sometimes weak, he is swings under these two conditions.

  • 然而他们一过了撒烈溪之后,上帝就开始施行大能,使其他的国家害怕以色列(2:25),因为祂的军队所向无敌
    From this time on, God began to move in a mighty way and caused the other nations to fear Israel (2:25), for His army was on the move.

  • 拥有梦想的青春是简单快乐的,拥有梦想的青春是奋发向前的,拥有梦想的青春是无所畏惧的,拥有梦想的青春是所向无敌的!
    Youth have a dream of happiness is simple, has a dream of youth is the enterprise with a dream of youth is fearless, has a dream of youth is invincible!

  • 神在第24、25节指出,亚述王以为自己所向无敌,所以目空一切,却不认识到其实是神用他来成就他的计划(26-27节)。
    God mentions in verses 24, 25 how the king thought he had done everything himself, not realising that God had been using him to accomplish God's purposes (v. 26, 27).

  • 神在第24、25节指出,亚述王以为自己所向无敌,所以目空一切,却不认识到其实是神用他来成就祂的计划(26-27节)。
    God mentions in verses 24, 25 how the king thought he had done everything himself, not realising that God had been using him to accomplish God's purposes (v. 26, 27).

  • 罗斯福总统:美国人自以为所向无敌,现在美国的优良舰队却被雪困住我们视为弱者的敌军摧毁。我们被逼得无路可退,所以一定要马上反击。
    President Roosevelt: and now our proudest ships have been destroyed by an enemy we considered inferior. We are on the ropes, gentlemen. That's exactly why we have to strike back now.

  • 当他询问特尔斐(希腊古都)的神谕的时候,任何对亚历山大是否成功地战胜波斯的疑惑都置之一旁,因为神谕告诉他:“我的儿子,你是所向无敌。”
    Any doubts Alexander might have had about the success of his Persian campaign were put to rest when he consulted the Oracle at Delphi, who told him, "Thou art invincible, my son."

  • 所向无敌造句相关
