
扶摇直上  fú yáo zhí shàng








  • 史密斯上周新开的店业绩扶摇直上
    Smith's new store opened last week and it's going great guns.

  • 自从新路建成,该区房价扶摇直上
    Houses in this area have all appreciated since the now road was built.

  • 生活费扶摇直上,而收入则一泻千里。
    The cost of living has skyrocketed. Income levels have plummeted.

  • 通货膨胀扶摇直上,说明商业即将转向萧条。
    Spiraling inflation is a symptom of a downturn in the business cycle.

  • 就连本来应该扶摇直上的黄金价格也出现下跌。
    Even the price of gold is falling when it should be heading to the moon.

  • 这可是一架让师傅们的存款额扶摇直上的阶梯啊!
    This is a LADDER for those masters' to skyrocket their asset.

  • 美国专攻低阶消费市场的电视购物业,业绩扶摇直上
    [report from our correspondent] the United States is specialized in low rank the TV that consumes the market buys property, outstanding achievement rise steeply.

  • 与所有巨变一样,小企鹅的扶摇直上也让几家欢喜几家愁。
    Like all great change, the rise steeply of small penguin also lets a few jubilate a few anxious.

  • 随着公司主营业务的华丽转身,该股扶摇直上的走势令市场为之震撼。
    With the company's main business of the beautiful turn, which rose through the trend of the market was shocked.

  • 公司债扶摇直上的走势,与相应上市公司的股价表现呈现出巨大反差。
    The trend of corporate bonds skyrocket, with the corresponding performance of a listed company's shares showing a great contrast.

  • 任何人巧妙的罐头看见, 中国经济上是一个主要球员以潜力扶摇直上
    Anyone smart can see that China is a major player economically with the potential to skyrocket.

  • 进入2002年,受国际市场纺织业发展的影响,进口氨纶的价格扶摇直上
    Enter 2002, suffer the effect that international market textile develops, import the price rise steeply of ammoniac black silk ribbon.

  • 随著他的借款数量扶摇直上,为了填补亏空,他用信用卡借款买股票,作最后一搏。
    As his borrowings spiralled, he used his credit cards to buy stocks in a desperate bid to recoup his losses.

  • 对于交易员而言,这是段激动人心的时光,财富就像会飞的魔毯一样神奇地扶摇直上
    It was an exciting time to be a trader as money magically meandered overhead like some sort of magic carpet ride.

  • 官方说,面对油价飞涨,他们没有选择的余地。扶摇直上的原油价格已使政府财政吃紧。
    Authorities have said they have no alternative to the sharp increases because surging crude oil prices have strained government finances.

  • 制片、营销和演员成本扶摇直上,而DVD销售(电影业盈利最丰厚的收入来源)已大幅下降。
    Production, marketing and talent costs have spiralled as sales of DVDs, the industry's most profitable revenue stream, have tumbled.

  • 据此,我们就容易理解一方面供给过剩,另一方面房价却扶摇直上这样的怪现象为什么会发生。
    Accordingly, we can easily understand the excess supply on the one hand and, on the other hand, housing prices have soared this strange phenomenon took place.

  • 10月份国内锌价暴涨原因分析在过去的一个月里(10月份),国内市场锌价扶摇直上,令人瞠目。
    10 month soares case study is in a month in the past (October) , price of home market zinc rise steeply, stare making a person.

  • 在布托死前,黄金和石油的价格就有利可图,但是拉瓦尔品第事件被报道后,使得他们的价格扶摇直上
    Ahead of Ms Bhutto's death, both gold and oil had fallen to profit-taking, but both made rapid swings higher as events in Rawalpindi became known.

  • 随着边远地区房价扶摇直上,而市中心楼盘持续走低,市中心的房价与边远地区房价差距已经明显改观。
    remote areas, and continued low market downtown, town houses and apartment gap in remote areas have markedly improved.

  • 古迹游是借着英国本土旅游普遍繁荣的东风扶摇直上的,而本土旅游的繁荣是由经济衰退和英镑疲软引起的。
    The heritage business is riding the coat-tails of a general boom in domestic tourism, a result of the recession and a weaker pound.

  • 蛰伏5年归来的万方地产开盘即大涨642%,报20。71元,但股价并未就此止步,而是瞬间扶摇直上
    5-year return of dormant万方property that is opening up 642 percent, at 20. 71 yuan, but the price did not stop there, but rose through the moment.

  • 港人对CEPA的信心和统计数字一起扶摇直上,而“更紧密的经贸关系”也就被不断赋予着越来越多的内涵。
    CEPA to the Hong Kong people's confidence and statistics together skyrocketed, "Closer economic and trade relations" will be constantly adding more and more content.

  • 其他一些国家,包括印尼和越南,吸毒群体的艾滋病感染率就如冲天火箭扶摇直上,而且大有向其他人群传播之势。
    Several others, including Indonesia and Vietnam, are witnessing sky-rocketing infection rates among drug users, from whom the disease might soon start spreading to the wider population.

  • 这几年随着房地产市场的升温,商品房的价格也扶摇直上,买一套房子动辄几十万,这对工薪族来讲实可谓“天文数字”。
    With the warming of the past few years the real estate market, commercial housing prices also soared, hundreds of thousands of Maiyitaofangzi frequently, and this is one of earners as "astronomical."

  • 在当时几位还名不见经传的女演员如今都成为了娱乐圈可以独挡一面的人物,而其中只是饰演一个丫鬟,从此之后人气是扶摇直上
    At that time, also in a number of unknown actress now become the entertainment business can Dudangyimian the figures, which only plays a Yahuan, is a popular Since then rose through.

  • 他们在私有资本球员之后掩藏了在苏州和浙江秘密的买了,他们以后卖了,可得许多赢利的许多高档物品——当物产价格扶摇直上时。
    They hid behind private capital players in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and secretly bought many high-end properties that they later sold at substantial profit when property prices skyrocketed.

  • 两年前,当英伦三岛进入政治活动密集的秋季时,英国工党还正沐浴在一片荣光之中:当时该党新任首相布朗的民意支持率强劲反弹、扶摇直上
    TWO years ago, as it entered Britain's politically feverish autumn, the Labour Party was glorying in the gravity-defying poll bounce achieved by its new prime minister.

  • 中国扶摇直上的经济发展趋势,相对较低的生活开销以及在此能回避一些在美国新工作中必不可少的工会开支的优势成为他们来到中国的最大诱惑。
    They are lured by China's surging economy, the lower cost of living and a chance to bypass some of the dues-paying that is common to first jobs in the United States.

  • 随著人气扶摇直上,压力也随之而来,而每当感受到身为一家之长的责任时也出现了想要找个可以依赖的人的想法。“只要是辛苦的时候也可以甘苦与共的男生就好了。
    As her popularity increased and so did her stress levels, and whenever she felt the pressure of being the head of a household, she has begun to crave having someone near to lean on.

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