
万紫千红  wàn zǐ qiān hóng








  • 花园中开满了万紫千红的小花。
    There were hundreds of small flowers in the garden.

  • 万紫千红迎国庆,片片红叶舞秋风。
    Full Ying Guo, Woods Hongye dance autumn wind.

  • 万紫千红,阳光明媚的春天已经来了。
    With thousands of flowers in bloom and the sun shining brightly, spring is here.

  • 万紫千红,阳光明媚的春天已经来了。
    With thousands of flowers in boom and the sun shining brightly, spring is here.

  • 转眼之间,我们的街区变得万紫千红起来。
    Suddenly our block had become a field of color.

  • 弯弯的河水从天上来,流向那万紫千红一片海。
    The curved river water from the space, flows to a that profusion of color piece of sea.

  • 花园里有万紫千红的花朵,大小树丛和其它植物。
    Flowers of the brightest colors, trees and bushes and other things grew in the garden.

  • 春风杨柳时它张开笑脸,大度地喜迎万紫千红同争春;
    Willow spring when it is open smile, generosity to celebrate colorful with Zheng-chun;

  • 看到的只是万紫千红的丰收景色和奋发蓬勃的繁荣气象。
    But I see nothing of this desolation. All around me are abundant harvests.

  • 是在春天万紫千红的花园里,还是在桂林如诗似画的山水里?
    Is a colorful garden in the spring, or in Guilin, where a poem like painting landscapes?

  • 路的左边,是一座山,山上的花争奇斗艳,五彩缤纷,万紫千红
    The left side of the road is a mountain, the mountain flower flourish, which have different colors Full.

  • 八大巨星“霸气如虹迎新年”-“万紫千红迎新春”(2003。
    The 2003 Chinese New Years album starring the "Eight Superstars"…

  • 有时万紫千红,有时银光闪闪,为庆祝节日的人们带来了无数美丽的色彩。
    Full sometimes, and sometimes shiny silver, to celebrate the festival has brought countless people and beautiful colors.

  • 花园里有万紫千红的花朵,大小树丛和其它植物,但是看起来都像是用蜡做的。
    Flowers of the brightest colors, trees and bushes and other things grew in the garden, but it was as if they were made of wax.

  • 你展开了一幅百年的新画卷,你展开了一幅百年的新画卷,捧出万紫千红的春天。
    You have launched hundred year new picture scrolls, you have launched hundred year new picture scrolls, holds the profusion of color spring.

  • 万紫千红KTV》、《电子口岸公司》刊登在《中国室内设计年签2006》。
    "KTV of Various Colors", "Electronic Port Corporation" published in Chinese Interior Design 2006 Yearbook.

  • 尽管,大自然在缔造万紫千红、五彩缤纷的同时,又在导演“红颜薄命”之结局。
    Although, nature in creating colorful, colorful the same time, the director, "Dam Street born unlucky" in the outcome.

  • 一到夏季鸟语花香,莺歌燕舞,万紫千红的世界变为绿色的海洋,整个公园充满青春的活力;
    to a summer of Jade, the joy of spring, a World Full of green ocean, the whole park is full of youthful vigor;

  • 春天用青青的草色,潺潺解冻的河流、万紫千红的香花把大地上的一切都惊醒了——春满人间。
    The spring uses the green grass, the thawy river and a variety of colour flower to arouse everything on the land. Spring is full of the world.

  • 我们到阳明山的时候比樱花最盛开的日子早了一个星期,但那里的万紫千红已足以让我们心旷神怡了。
    It was a week earlier than the predicted best blossoming date when we were there but the beautiful flowers there were already so wonderful.

  • 弯弯的河水从天上来,流向那万紫千红一片海,哗啦啦的歌谣是我们的期待,一路边走边唱才是最自在。
    The curved river water from the space, flows to a that profusion of color piece of sea, crash-bang the ballad is our anticipation, side a roadside walks sings is most comfortable.

  • 每当春天来临,和风拂煦,春水方起,花香柳绿,万紫千红,看上去就像是一幅美丽的图画一样,春满人间。
    Whenever the advent of spring, and Xu Feng Fu, Chun Fang, floral Liulv, Wanziqianhong, looks like a beautiful picture, the Spring world.

  • 万紫千红迎国庆,片片红叶舞秋风。举国上下齐欢畅,家和国盛万事兴。愿这盛大的节日带给你永远的幸运!
    Full Ying Guo, Woods Hongye dance autumn wind. The entire country is behind Qi, and the home-Sheng everything. This grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky!

  • 万紫千红迎国庆,片片红叶舞秋风。举国上下齐欢畅,家和国盛万事兴。愿这盛大的节日带给你永远的幸运!
    Full Ying Guo, Woods Hongye dance autumn wind. The entire country is behind Qi, and the home-Sheng everything. This grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky! 字串7

  • 万紫千红迎国庆,片片红叶舞秋风。举国上下齐欢畅,家和国盛万事兴。愿这盛大的节日带给你永远的幸运。
    Full Ying Guo, Woods Hongye dance autumn wind. The entire country is behind Qi, and the home-Sheng everything. This grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky!

  • 我们看到万物欣欣向荣万紫千红,我们就喜欢。我们看到尸体,看到落花,残叶,腐鼠等就觉得沮丧、呕心。
    When we see flourishing and beautiful creatures, we are delighted. When we see corpse, falling leaf and flower, or dead rat, we feel depressed and sick.

  • 欧罗巴起床来去找那群和她一起游乐的姑娘。这些少女来到鲜花盛开的草地上,眼前的万紫千红使她们心花怒放。
    Europa arose, and began to seek the deer maidens of her compeny. and the girls, so soon as they were come to the flowering meadows, took great delight in various sort of flowers.

  • 老师啊,老师,您就像花园里辛勤的园丁��每天在辛勤耕耘着这片土地,不停的锄草,施肥,浇灌着这片万紫千红的花园。
    My dear i eacher, you are like a diligent gardener, working hard on the land every day, weeding, fertilizing and watering the colorful garden.

  • 我们凭着超前的经营头脑、完善的产品设计、亲和的人性理念、领先的营销策略、完善的技术力量驰骋于万紫千红的照明世界。
    With our minds ahead of the operation, and improve product design, pro-humanity and philosophy, a leading marketing strategy, improve the technical strength of surf in the world Full lighting.

  • 只有“以形写神”,深刻了解和掌握艺术中有限与无限、偶然与必然,对今天创造一个万紫千红、百花齐放、富有多样性独创性的艺术形象的苑地,有重要的意。
    Only with this method, it is significant to under stand and master the finiteness and infiniteness, contingency and inevitableness of art to create an creative multiform phase of art.

  • 万紫千红造句相关
