
前呼后拥  qián hū hòu yōng








  • 前呼后拥, 戒备森严。
    (Whenever they went out) there wasa great fanfare, with people waiting on (them) and guardsswarming all around.

  • 她喜欢仆人前呼后拥地侍候她。
    She loves to have servants dance attendance (up) on her.

  • 他出现时,子女前呼后拥不计其数。
    He appeared, surrounded by his numerous progeny.

  • 她喜欢仆人前呼后拥地伺候她。
    She loves to have servants dance attendance upon her.

  • 在卫兵前呼后拥下一路小跑穿过城市。
    trotting through the city with guards running before and behind.

  • 越是大领导越是前呼后拥
    The leaders are trying big.

  • 追随我的脚步,前呼后拥
    Many a foot to follow mine!

  • 这位大演员的周围经常有些前呼后拥的人。
    The great actor was surrounded by his usual crowd of hangers - on .

  • 这位大演员的周围经常有些前呼后拥的人。
    The great actor was surrounded by his usual crowd of hangers on.

  • 不管她走到哪里,随从和佣人都是前呼后拥的。
    Wherever she went she was attended on by a large number of followers and servants.

  • 那位富有魅力的女演员逛街时总是被前呼后拥地围着。
    The glamorous actress always went shopping with many attendants crowding round her.

  • 那个歌手让那帮总是溜须拍马、前呼后拥的人给围住了。
    The singer was surrounded by the usual crowd of lackeys and hangers-on.

  • 歌星、影星都有追星族,走到哪里都有鲜花、掌声,前呼后拥,风光得要命。
    Singers, movie stars have Zhuixingzu, to where there are flowers, applause, hard, the scenery is going.

  • 入场、退场都有数十名警察、保安前呼后拥,马云的派头超过了很多港台明星。
    The admission, leaves the stage has several ten police, the security to be accompanied by a retinue, Ma Yun the manner has surpassed many Hong Kong and Taiwan stars.

  • 这位天后前呼后拥的在四时抵达,较预约的时间晚了一小时。不过这情有可原。
    The star and her entourage arrive at 4pm, an hour late, which isn't much of a surprise.

  • 出门前呼后拥,派头十足,对手下的工作人员,呼来喝去,有时不满还拳脚相向。
    Qianhuhouyong out, full style, opponents of staff, called to drink, and sometimes also dissatisfied with fists against one another.

  • 哪怕她是跟在别人的身后,或者如公主般被人前呼后拥的为一个又一个惊喜而雀跃。
    Even if she was with other people in the behind, or as if the princess was the Qianhuhouyong for one jump for joy and surprise.

  • 不久以后,一位高官坐着轿子路过此地,仆从如云,前呼后拥,还有士兵鸣锣开道。
    Soon a high official passed by, carried in a sedan chair, accompanied by attendants and escorted by soldiers beating gongs.

  • 君不见,某某君从美国回来了,于是,从地方到中央前呼后拥一大批人接见啦、怎样啦滴。
    Have you not seen that so-and-so from the United States-back, then, from local to central authorities before meeting with a large number of people around you, what you drop.

  • 有的干部下基层警 车开道,记者拍照,大小车辆前呼后拥, 阵容庞大,却让老百姓见了害怕;
    Some cadres leave clear the way of basic level patron wagon, the reporter takes a picture, size car with a large retinue, the battle array is giant, let common people see however fear;

  • 领导到基层,走到哪里都是前呼后拥,大大小小的官员把其围在当中, 与群众形成了一道隔离墙。
    Head grass-roots unit, where walking along is with a large retinue, greatly young officer surrounds his in in the center, formed a segregation wall with masses.

  • 一旦他要出来,也必是一本正经,而且,还有六条狗前呼后拥着,不管谁要走近,那些狗都会吼叫起来。
    When he did emerge, it was in a ceremonial manner, with an escort of six dogs who closely surrounded him and growled if anyone came too near.

  • 层层白云如同汪洋大海的波浪,波涛起伏,飘飘荡荡,又像莽莽雪原的银蛇蜡像,前呼后拥,奔腾不息。
    Tumbling like the waves of the ocean, the banks of clouds heave and roll, following each other in an endless procession, sometimes giving the impression of a vast snow-and ice-bound field in motion.

  • 武汉《长江日报》的一篇评论文章中说,“让我觉得不习惯的是奥巴马自己撑着雨伞下飞机,没有人前呼后拥
    'I felt unaccustomed to this--Obama holding the umbrella on his own, ' said a commentator in the Wuhan-based Changjiang Daily. 'There was nobody crowding round.

  • 卫兵们围绕着宫殿,到处架设起机关枪,艾森豪威尔前往凡尔赛或者其他什么地方开会时,总是一大批武装卫兵坐着吉普车前呼后拥
    Guards with machine guns took up places all around the palace, and when Eisenhower went to Verdun or elsewhere for a meeting he was led and followed by armed guards in jeeps.

  • 如果说德州变了的话,那就是变得更像纯粹的德州了。因为其他州的权贵大亨以及对他们前呼后拥的那些人都在积蓄精力,准备前往两处人气极旺的地方。
    If anything, it was more Texan than ever, since the out-of-state movers and shakers and their hangers-on were saving their energies for two new hot zones.

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