
功亏一篑  gōng kuī yī kuì








  • 为什么你不继续编纂你的词典呢?功亏一篑, 你不觉得可惜吗?
    Why do you discontinue compiling your dictionary? Don't you think it a pity to give it up when it is nearly completed?

  • 盃到嘴边还会洒。指会功亏一篑
    There is many a slip between the cup and the lip.

  • 杯到囗边也会失手;功亏一篑
    There's many a slip's twixt the cup and the lip.

  • 盃到嘴边还会洒,功亏一篑
    There is many a slip between the cup and lip !

  • 杯到嘴边还会洒。功亏一篑
    There are many a slip between the cup and the lip.

  • 杯到嘴边还会洒,功亏一篑
    There's many a slip between the cup and the lip.

  • 他离实现他的梦想已然十分接近,却功亏一篑
    He had come close — but had not succeeded — in fulfilling his dream.

  • 这次埋伏暗杀使得政府迄今为止的努力似乎功亏一篑
    The ambush made the government's efforts thus far seem inadequate.

  • 大多数磋商者认为没有中美两国的全权参与,任何协议必将功亏一篑
    Without the full participation of the United States and China, most negotiators believe that any agreement is doomed to fail.

  • 在巨大商机的刺激下,极有可能使泡沫重新吹起来,最终导致宏观调控功亏一篑
    Stimulated by the tremendous business opportunities in a grave risk of re-bubble blown up, and eventually lead to macro-control effort.

  • 能够行耶和华眼中看为正的事,固然是好,但心不专诚就有点可惜、功亏一篑了。
    He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, but his heart was not completely true to the Lord.

  • 在万事具备的情况下,拳头便是惟一的东风了,如果拳头握得不紧难免会功亏一篑
    In all cases, the fist is the only dongfeng, and if the fist strong down inevitably fell short of success.

  • 这些队都打得差不多,但都功亏一篑。因为我们保持了耐心,没有失去对防线的专注。
    All those teams have played in a similar way and ended up with no reward because we've remained patient and not lost our concentration at the back.

  • 眼看离成功只有一步之遥,最后还是功亏一篑,本周的打击让华盛顿人倍感苦涩和失望。
    After they had at last come so close, this week's defeat was a bitter disappointment to Washingtonians.

  • 本次反弹如不能轻松突破并成功占领,很可能会引发大量投资者逃跑,从而使得反弹功亏一篑
    The rebound can not be as easy to break through and the success of the occupation, is likely to lead to a large number of investors to escape, so that the rebound fell short of success.

  • 摩尔摇摇头,说:「不可能是梦,我努力了几十年,费尽心血,如今功亏一篑,这绝对不是梦!」
    Moor shook his head and said, "It couldn't be a dream. I've been working hard for decades but all my effort and hard work has come to nothing. It was definitely not a dream! ""

  • 许多中国人认为2000年那次申奥功亏一篑是由于心怀不轨的西方人企图让它们自己的国家榜上有名。
    Many Chinese saw the narrow failure of their bid to host the games in 2000 as the result of malicious western attempts to keep their country in check.

  • 不过,有不少开发商在全力施展楼盘销售竞争招数时,却忽视了销售的一些细节,功亏一篑,严重影响了销售。
    However, many property developers in full display device sales competition, but some details overlooked marketing, risk, a serious impact on sales.

  • 戈尔8年前在佛罗里达州以微弱的差距输给得克萨斯州州长乔治W布什,从而使得他问鼎白宫的努力功亏一篑
    Gore's narrow loss in Florida eight years go to then Texas Governor George Bush cost him the presidential election.

  • 含含糊糊、模棱两可可以成为对某些目标的追求的失败之吻,再不然就是死亡之吻,而且还是众多人功亏一篑的根源。
    Vagueness or ambivalence can be the kiss of defeat, if not death, in some pursuits and are often why some folks get lost in their efforts.

  • 糖放入后,调成大火,此时汤不是很多了,需要时不时的将汤汁浇在肉块上面,所以这时候千万不要离开,以免功亏一篑
    High heat when sugar is in, now u should keep an eye closely to the meat coz there's not much liquor in the popper.

  • 虽然我对球员在最后一节奋勇直追,但无奈比方差距太大,终于功亏一篑。随着裁判吹响终场哨,双方比分定格在74:58。
    Despite all our efforts, we still lose the game as the score gap was too big, with the ending whistle blew by referee the score was fixed at 74:58.

  • 当新机会摆在你的面前的时候,敢于放弃已经获得了一切,这不是功亏一篑,这不是半途而废,这是为了谋求更大的发展空间;
    When a new chance facing with you, daring to give up what you have gained, it is not a failure, not a pause on the way, but to pursue much bigger developing space.

  • 让我一度对自己产生了怀疑和没有信心,差点在六级备考最后阶段功亏一篑的想要放弃,终于还是坚持按原定的复习计划执行下去。
    I once had a suspect on their own and do not have confidence, almost six in the final stage of the notes short of giving up, or finally adhere to the original plan to review the implementation of it.

  • 只要福克先生有一次赶不上船,那怕只差几小时,就得再等下一班的船。这几小时的差误就能使他的旅行计划功亏一篑、完全垮台。
    should Phileas Fogg once miss, even by an hour, a steamer, he would have to wait for the next, and that would irrevocably render his attempt vain.

  • 马刺目前24胜12负。他们最近总是在比赛的最后一节功亏一篑,周日以98:105主场不敌魔术,让对手在第4节拿到31分。
    The Spurs (24-12) faltered in the final quarter of their most recent game, giving up 31 points en route to a 105-98 home loss to Orlando on Sunday.

  • 人民是由社会不同的个人组成。我们必须承认总是有一小撮人在黑暗中与魔共舞,夜夜丰收,他们也势必尽一切努力保住现状,否则功亏一篑
    People are consist of different type of individuals, we must admit that a small groups of people must have benefited from unjust and injustice, so they will try everything to maintain status quo.

  • 而令西班牙队心痛的是,他们在1988年的比赛上因点球大战而功亏一篑,而此次比赛中塞维利亚队却因点球大战名声鹊起,成为最佳球队。
    But again heart break for Espanyol, they had made the final in 1988 lost that one by penalties as well and Sevilla really are building reputation for being a fantastic team at the moment.

  • 由于在发展的过程中,是不可能一帆风顺的,肯定会有许多的变数,如果不能够有所坚持的话,在达到目标前就可能因为改变目标而功亏一篑了。
    Since the procedure of development may be rugged and variable, if we cannot insist on it, we may fall short of success for lack of a final effort and constant change of goals.

  • 为进一步减少贸易壁垒,我们付出了七年的努力,现在却功亏一篑,十分遗憾,这不止因为这些谈判的目标是提高最贫穷国家在富裕国家市场中的准入水平。
    The collapse of the seven-year effort to further reduce trade barriers is regrettable, not least because it aimed to increase the access of the poorest countries to rich-country markets.

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