
劫数难逃  jié shù nán táo






  • 万物变得更美因为注定劫数难逃
    Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed.

  • 这直接给了阿泰难逃劫数的感觉。
    It immediately gave Artest a sense of doom.

  • 从一开始,英国的入侵就劫数难逃
    The English incursion was doomed from the outset.

  • 但东巴什罗难逃劫数,被妖魔杀害。
    But East can not escape the Jieshu Bashi Luo, the demon was killed.

  • 我第一次遇见你的时候你就劫数难逃
    Your number was up the first time I met you.

  • 这批贷款很多从一开始就注定劫数难逃
    Many of these loans were doomed from the start.

  • 但今天,仍然劫数难逃
    But today, we cannot escape our doomed fate.

  • 这两名前锋如果双剑合璧,比利时将劫数难逃
    If the two forward combination Shuangjian, Belgium Jieshuo will not be able to escape.

  • 如果房价猛跌,必将造成更多断供现象,连带着银行业也劫数难逃
    If the house price falls suddenly, will certainly to create breaks for the phenomenon, the association banking industry also inexorable fate difficultly to run away.

  • 固然从年初开始通用一直在为自己的命运努力挣扎,但终究劫数难逃
    SINCE the start of the year it had seemed probable and for several weeks inevitable.

  • 虽然从年初开始通用一直在为自己的命运努力挣扎,但终究劫数难逃
    SINCE the start of the year it had seemed probable and for several weeks inevitable.

  • 而银行的股值在通告发出前就下跌了27%,债券持有人都难逃劫数
    Shares in the bank fell by 27% ahead of the announcement (bondholders continue to escape unscathed).

  • 突然,劫数难逃的泰坦尼克号充满了屏幕——但却不是我记忆中荧屏上的形象。
    Suddenly, the doomed Titanic fills the screen--but not the way I remember in the movie.

  • 受种种不利因素的影响,国内车市增长速度整体放缓,江门车市也难逃劫数”。
    Adversely affected by various factors, the growth rate of the domestic automobile market as a whole slowed down, Jiangmen automobile market could not escape "Jieshu."

  • 布朗首相同盟至少还可以安慰自己撒切尔夫人下台时,副首相和财政大臣难逃劫数
    Mr Brown's companion could at least have found consolation in the fact that it took the departure of big beasts, namely the deputy prime minister and the chancellor of the exchequer, to doom her.

  • 这项发现暗示,尽管地球上的生物难逃劫数,但地球却可能在太阳的爆炸中幸免于难。
    The discovery suggests that the Earth may survive the explosion of the sun, even if life on Earth would not.

  • 1945年5月初,即使是希特勒最狂热的支持者,也都明白“千年帝国”已是劫数难逃
    At the beginning of May of 1945 it was clear to even the most zealous of Hitler's followers that his "Thousand Year Reich" was doomed.

  • 1945年5月初,即使是希特勒最狂热的支持者,也都明白“千年帝国”已是劫数难逃
    At the beginning of May 1945 it was clear to even the most zealous of Hitler's followers that his "Thousand Year Reich" was doomed.

  • 设在班加罗的abc咨询公司的詹姆斯·阿加沃说:“悲观、劫数难逃的说法有些被夸大了。
    James Agarwal of Bangalore?based ABC Coonsultants, said:"The gloom and doom is being overstated."

  • 分析师认为,若实际数据相比这一预期更为惨淡,那么美股和美元都将遭遇重创,而黄金恐怕也劫数难逃
    Analysts believe that if the actual data more dismal compared to the expected, then U. S. stocks and the dollar will be hit hard, but I'm afraid gold劫数also could not escape.

  • 她笑的时候使人感到她仍是一个姑娘,那张半是娼妓的,饱经风霜的面容底下,隐藏着劫数难逃、但仍在挣扎的女性。
    When she smiled one saw the little girl, one sensed the doomed, still-struggling woman beneath the battered face of the semi-whore.

  • 有天早上吃早饭的时候,我不小心打翻了盐罐儿,那当然意味着倒霉的晦运,除非是捏点盐丢到左肩膀后面,不然就要劫数难逃
    One morning, at breakfast, I upset the salt. That, of course, meant bad luck unless I threw a little over my left shoulder.

  • 劫数难逃造句相关
