
包藏祸心  bāo cáng huò xīn








  • 他们的建议不仅一钱不值, 而且包藏祸心
    Their proposals are all worthless and designed out of sinister motives.

  • 成语“包藏祸心”及“不宁唯是”皆出于此。
    Idiom "harboring evil" and "restless CD-is" out of all this.

  • 这篇文章的背后肯定包藏祸心,而不是什么无知。
    Ill-will rather than ignorance surely lies behind the writing of such an article.

  • 但是以「贪腐」为诉求拉他下台是包藏祸心的美丽糖衣。
    However, using "corruption" to pull him down was a candy with poison inside.

  • 在我们衣着光鲜的外表下,都包藏着一颗不安分的祸心
    In us the appearance with bright dress falls, the evil intent that containing an uneasiness is divided.

  • 狗:守了一辈子的门,得出一个经验:陌生人献给你的殷勤里,往往包藏祸心
    Dog:Guarded the door in lifetime, get an experience:Stranger dedicate to you of attentive inside, usually entertain rebellious scheme.

  • 中共中央统战部常务副部长朱维群谴责西藏流亡精神领袖为包藏祸心的分裂主义者。
    A senior Communist party official denounced the Himalayan region's exiled spiritual leader as a scheming "splittist".

  • 而今次习近平在美国后院直斥外国人“吃饱了没事干”,代表了全国人民的心声,是对这些包藏祸心的外国人的有力回击。
    And this time, Xi criticized those overly filled people at the backyard of America, representing the voice of all Chinese. It is a tough counter strike to foreigners with malice.

  • 郑国同你们楚国联姻,本想依靠你们大国来保护我们小国,可是你们心怀鬼胎暗取我国(包藏祸心以图之),这是我们绝对不能容忍的!
    Zheng Chu marriage with you, you want to rely on big countries to protect our small country, but you Xinhuaiguitai dark from China (harboring evil in order to), which is absolutely intolerable!

  • 包藏祸心造句相关
