
缘木求鱼  yuán mù qiú yú








  • 燧石里拧不出水来(缘木求鱼)。
    You cannot wring water from a flint.

  • 给鸡蛋刮脸是很困难的——缘木求鱼
    It is very hard to shave an egg.

  • 牺牲景气的改革,本来就如缘木求鱼
    Reform at the cost of prosperity will naturally come to no avail.

  • 它若想那样解决问题,无异缘木求鱼
    He would be milking a bull if he tried to settle the problem that way.

  • 在这家商行里想增加工资简直是缘木求鱼
    Getting a pay rise in this firm is like getting blood from a stone.

  • 在这家商行里想增加工资简直是缘木求鱼
    Get a pay rise in this firm is like get blood from a stone.

  • 所罗门看出在人与事上找寻满足,乃是缘木求鱼
    Solomon saw the futility of seeking satisfaction in people and things.

  • 缘木求鱼比喻方向、方法不对,做事达不到目的。
    "yuan mu qiu yu" means if your method is not right, you will be unable to attain your goal.

  • 你向石头求水。你要求不可能的事。(缘木求鱼
    You want to get water from a stone.

  • 沉稳安宁的心境无法保持,要想修行是缘木求鱼的。
    It was impossible to practice without stable and tranquil mind.

  • 况且,指望《物权法》解决贫富不均问题根本上就是缘木求鱼
    Moreover, on the "security law" is the fundamental solution to the problem of disparity between the rich and climbing a tree.

  • 沉稳安宁的心境无法保持,想要修行,根本就是缘木求鱼,决无可能。
    It was impossible to practice without stable and tranquil mind.

  • 在这些政经因素没有根除的情况下,要改变现今日本派阀政治无异是缘木求鱼
    This paper argues that if these factors are not eliminated, it will be very difficult to change Japanese politics.

  • 是的,让一些正在大赚特赚的人们说他们所在的市场有泡沫,无疑是缘木求鱼
    Yes, for some people are making big money special market bubble that they are located, is futile.

  • 有这么多不同的观点及变量,企业想要落实绩效管理制度来达成目标,恐怕是缘木求鱼
    Has such many different viewpoints and the variable, the enterprise wants to carry out the achievements control system to achieve the goal, perhaps is climbs a tree to catch a fish.

  • 事实上如今再去苛求周董求新求变都是缘木求鱼,现实的华语流行乐,谁比谁好多少,谁比谁差几何?!
    Now go find fault with the fact Jay innovative ideas are unrealistic and a reality of the Chinese pop music and who better than anyone else how much worse than anyone else who geometry?!

  • 如果你想以追求一般物品的方式去寻求这样的修为,那无异于缘木求鱼,或求马于菜市,根本是办不到的。
    If you want to seek for the practice in the way you do on common thing, it is impossible to get it; like that you seek fish on the tree or buy horse in the food market.

  • 博士学习最重要就是智性塑造,但如果你的老师要不住在几百哩开外就是一年到头四处演讲,这只能是缘木求鱼
    Doctoral study is all about intellectual formation, and that cannot be done by faculty who live hundreds of miles away or who are always out lecturing elsewhere.

  • 我们图书馆人费尽力气创造系统和程序,想要控制带有不同用户显示形式的标识符,这种方法不但令人沮丧,而且根本就是缘木求鱼
    Those of us in libraries have struggled to create systems and programs that attempt to control identities with user display forms, and it is both a frustrating and flawed approach.

  • 传统民法赋予违约金担保债务履行的功能,但将违约金视为损害赔偿的预定无异于缘木求鱼,只有完全是惩罚性质的违约金才能实现债的担保功能。
    In fact, it is impossible to set penalty as compensatory damages for fulfilling the traditional guarantee funtion of debt in civil law , and only punitive damages can fulfill this task .

  • 缘木求鱼造句相关
