
背井离乡  bèi jǐng lí xiāng








  • 她叔叔背井离乡十年后返回英国。
    of ten year her uncle returned to britain.

  • 我想背井离乡,到宁波去生根发芽了。
    I want to stay far away from home and arrived rather wave to take root germination.

  • 近些年有数百万人为逃离冲突而背井离乡
    Millions of people have left their homes to flee conflicts in recent years.

  • 战争使很多人背井离乡
    The war uprooted many people.

  • 毁灭性的暴风雨让成千上万的人背井离乡
    The devastating storm forced thousands to leave their homes.

  • 水灾令许多人背井离乡
    Many people are uprooted from their home by the flood.

  • 真是天灾:江河冲毁堤坝,人们背井离乡
    It was an act of God: the river broke its banks and they were flooded out.

  • 为此,他们愿意改变生活,背井离乡并且负债累累。
    To do this they are willing to uproot their lives, relocate and plunge themselves deep into debt.

  • 其次是迁移——人们为了寻找足够的资源而不得不背井离乡
    They include migration—people are forced to move in search of adequate resources.

  • 联合国难民署揭露数以万计的哥伦比亚当地居民被迫背井离乡
    The U. N refugee agency (officials) report thousands of indigenous people in Colombia continue to be displaced from their homes.

  • 妳受教于高级寄宿学校,还是身无长物背井离乡卖艺为生的皮匠?
    Were you educated in the finest boarding schools, or did banners who left their homestead only to check their traps raise you?

  • 该机构发言人安娜·沙夫对美国之音说,他们中许多人已经多次背井离乡
    Unlike other war situations, she says there are no organized camps for displaced people in North and South Kivu.

  • 他漂泊异乡的旅程只是上千万农民工生活的一个缩影。他们为了生活,背井离乡
    His is a journey that tens of millions of workers make every year, leaving their villages and their families behind.

  • 就连上海本土工业企业也背井离乡,年中,上海轮胎橡胶集团就在重庆搞了30个亿的项目。
    Even the local industrial enterprises in Shanghai have uprooted years, the Shanghai Tire &Rubber Group in Chongqing to carry out 30 million.

  • 路透道,背井离乡,生活无聊,再加上口袋里有些多余的钱,他们在嫖妓的时候几乎不用安全套。
    Often far from home, bored, and with some spare cash in their pockets, few of them use condoms when they visit prostitutes, according to Reuters.

  • 赛利娜跟我讲述着喜鹊在背井离乡数月后返回鸭溪的情形及他的亲戚是怎样到他姐姐家欢迎他返乡的。
    Salina was talking, telling me about Magpie's return to Crow Creek after months in exile and how his relatives went to his sister's house and welcomed him home.

  • 联合国高级难民事务署表示,国家主要城市中心估计有10万人在有组织的抢劫团伙袭击下而背井离乡
    UNHCR says an estimated 100, 000 people have been uprooted in systematic rates raids carried out by marauding, gains gangs in the country's main urban centers.

  • 1948年第一次中东战争,特别是1967年第三次中东战争后,数百万巴勒斯坦人背井离乡,沦为难民。
    The Arab-Israeli wars of 1948 and 1967 uprooted over a million Palestinian Arabs and turned them into a fast-growing refugee population residing in crowded camps in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

  • 流放、呻吟、背井离乡,这些组成了一幅缓慢变化的画面,被藏匿的受害者的唯一的证明—声音和凌乱的符号。
    Exile, mourning, parted space, it all creates a slow-motion animation, the only visible testimony of an experience whose victims are de facto concealed: merely voices and shyly scribbled signs.

  • 这个地方的精神领袖——达赖喇嘛,从那以后,他和他的众多追随者一直在印度的达兰萨拉过着背井离乡的生活。
    The region's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, fled with many of his followers and has been living in exile in Dharamsala in India ever since.

  • 联合国难民署报告中称,由于政府军与塔利班组织的激战,巴基斯坦西北部边境的省份已有150万人背井离乡
    The United Nations refugee agency reported that 1. 5m people have been displaced in Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province by the army's campaign against the Taliban.

  • 它来自于年轻人,他们颠覆了传统的观念,为了找工作他们不惜背井离乡,却只能得到微薄的报酬和很少的休息时间。
    It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation's apathy who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep.

  • 受农村贫困状况的驱使,抱着到城市过较好生活的希望,每年都有成百万的农民背井离乡住进人满为患的城市贫民窟。
    poverty, pulled by the hope of a better life in the cities, tens of millions of country people uproot themselves every year to join the swelling urban slums31.

  • 到2050年,气候的变化会导致数亿人背井离乡。山姆•奈特远赴加纳,到有可能成为移民输出地的地区进行实地调查。
    By 2050, climate change could force hundreds of millions of people from their lands. Sam Knight traveled to Ghana to see one region from which potential environmental refugees might come.

  • 他们形成了很多种类的人群。然而他们又不能归于我们在伊拉克所看到的其他正常的人群,比如那些在国内背井离乡的人群。
    They fall into a lot of categories, but they do not fit into some of the other standard categories that we see in Iraq, such as internally displaced.

  • 1845年爆发的马铃薯灾荒赤裸裸的暴露了这种过度依赖所造成的危害:至少一百万人死亡,还有一百万人不得不背井离乡
    The danger of such dependency was starkly revealed by the Irish potato famine of 1845: at least a million people died, and another million emigrated.

  • 天主教教皇本笃十六世星期天再次强烈呼吁在格鲁吉亚开辟人道主义通道,以便将救援物资送给因战争而背井离乡的格鲁吉亚人。
    Pope Benedict XVI issued another strong appeal on Sunday for a humanitarian corridor to be opened to allow aid to get through to the displaced in Georgia.

  • 目前已经有一些南非人感到了世界经济危机以及来自津巴布韦的3百万背井离乡的民众对南非带来的影响,他们对援助这么大笔资金感到不快。
    Already some South Africans - feeling the effects of the world economic crisis and of some 3 million displaced Zimbabweans in their country - are grumbling about funding such a large bailout.

  • 在另外一份杂乱的评估中,“人类影响报告:气候变化——剖析一场无声的危机”的作者说26,000,000人已近因为气候的变化而背井离乡
    In another haphazard estimate, the authors of "Human Impact Report: Climate Change—Anatomy of a Silent Crisis" say 26m people have already been displaced by climate change.

  • 海岸警卫队的区司令员海军少将大卫?昆柯尔(DavidKunkel)最近向那些背井离乡的古巴人竭力呼吁“不要雇佣参与偷运事务的罪犯让他们失业”。
    Rear-Admiral David Kunkel, the Coast Guard's district commander, recently appealed to Cuban exiles to "put the criminals who engage in human smuggling out of business by not using them".

  • 背井离乡造句相关
