
逢山开路  féng shān kāi lù







  • 也是科学昌明,工业发达之后,人们逢山开路、遇水搭桥;
    After the development of science and industry, people can build roads over mountains and bridge rivers.

  • 而对国企的政策是振兴国企,在政策上是逢山开路,遇水架桥。
    The state-owned enterprises is the policy of revitalizing the state-owned enterprises, the policy is open mountains, water bridge.

  • 他也只有倚仗熟谙金融与企业管理的林无敌,才能逢山开路,遇河搭桥。
    He also rely on only well versed in financial and business management of the Invincible Lin, in order to pave the way mountains, river bypass the event.

  • 逢山开路,遇水架桥”,我们热烈欢迎各界有识之士与我们携手共进,共创辉煌。
    "Open roads meeting the mountain and build bridges meeting the water", we warmly welcome all walks of life to create the brilliant future with us.

  • 新中国成立后,铁路一天天延伸,建设者们逢山开路,遇水架桥,一个个小站建在崇山峻岭中又成为一段历史的见证。
    After the founding of New China, one day rail extension, the builders every mountains, rivers bridge, one station was built in the high mountain ridges, has become a Witness to History.

  • 密林掩映的巨大石碑引起了我的注意,碑上面这样的一段文字:“天高我敢攀,地厚我敢钻,逢山开路,遇水架桥。”
    Hidden forests huge stone caught my attention, so the top section of the monument reads: "days I'm climbing high, and thick and I'm bored, open mountains, water bridge."

  • 就是逢山开路,逢水搭桥,就是没有愤怒和沮丧的接受变化,就是掌握好生活所给与你的,而不是试图完全按照所想铸造生活。
    It's rolling with the punches. It's accepting change without getting angry or frustrated. It's taking what life gives you, rather than trying to mold life to be exactly as you want it to be.

  • 逢山开路造句相关
