
金口玉言  jīn kǒu yù yán








  • 你需要这种正直来做到金口玉言
    You need to have the integrity to make your word gold.

  • 皇帝金口玉言当然是正确的。
    What the emperor said are right.

  • 机遇常常偏爱善断和行动之人。-------金口玉言
    Fortune usually favors those who use their judgement and action.

  • 节俭本身就是一宗财产。但不要对你的健康和事业吝啬。-----金口玉言
    Frugality is an estate alone. But don't be mean to your health your business.

  • 卖奶牛也等于把奶也卖了,所以要要个正确的价格。-----------金口玉言
    If you sell the cow, you sell her milk too. So require a right price.

  • 大多时旁观者看得更多,或看到的与当局者看到的不一样。-----------金口玉言
    Most of the time lookers-on see more than players, or different with players.

  • 但毫无疑问,危机管理(危机公关)是舶来品,外国的教案,西方专家的金口玉言,被捧为经典。
    However, there is no doubt that the crisis management (crisis public relations) is abroad, teaching overseas, Western experts made Jinkou Yu was holding for the classic.

  • 无功得名是常事,无过失名也是常事。所以,他时常轻易地被偷或被弄脏。-------金口玉言
    Reputation is often got without merit and lost without fault. So it is often easily got stolen or defiled.

  • 当时我认为是妹妹“瞎胡闹”,但是事实证明我妹妹没有比这更金口玉言的了,我一看见他就赏心悦目。
    I think I said something like 'Buzz off! 'But my sister couldn't have been more right. I knew it from the moment I saw him, and the memory still gives me goose flesh.

  • 这回,我也有点儿和阑尾炎较劲的意思,一边吃药,一边跳舞,有点儿玩儿命的感觉,因为我确实相信大夫的金口玉言,配合治疗坚持运动。
    This time, I was stacking up against the appendicitis. I took medicine, meanwhile I danced. It risked my life since I did believe the doctor's words.

  • 金口玉言造句相关
