
针锋相对  zhēn fēng xiāng duì








  • 我俩都参加了这场针锋相对的辩论。
    We both took part in the cut and thrust of debate.

  • 你做事要和你平常忧虑的事情针锋相对
    Act in direct conflict with your usual areas of worry.

  • 在争论或辩论中与一种观点针锋相对的观点。
    An opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute.

  • 母亲的声调里有固执而针锋相对的挑战意味。
    Mother's voice held a challenge of stubborn exactitude .

  • 狭路相逢,针锋相对时,不退缩,行动为先;
    Encounter a face to face adversary, sharply confront each other, never move back, action is first.

  • 针锋相对。言行不一。节约时间就是延长生命。
    To save time is to lengthen life .

  • 我与他在22场辩论中,同台较量、针锋相对
    I have stood on the stage and gone toe-to-toe with him in 22 debates.

  • 反动警察审讯她时,她针锋相对地对诬告提出强烈抗议。
    When questioned by the reactionary police, she came right back with a vehement protest against the false charge.

  • “地排式房屋结构”与“墙排产品”出现了针锋相对的矛盾。
    "Construction of building of ground platoon type " with " the wall discharges a product " appeared the contradiction of give tit for tat.

  • 跪求!半条命1。5包括(军团要塞,蓝色沸点,针锋相对
    Go down on one's knees demand! 1. 5 includes Half-Life (the army group fortress , blue boiling point, are diametrically opposed to.

  • 保守党领袖大卫卡梅隆则针锋相对,称其会为那些被忽视的群体而战斗。
    For his part, David Cameron, leader of the Conservatives, has pledged to fight for the "great ignored".

  • 奥地利人的冷静的管理策略与那些在250有历史的厂商势力针锋相对
    Austrian cool managerial tactics came out top against the might of manufacturers who have been in 250 for ever.

  • 伊朗也针锋相对在海湾地区举行军事演习并试射可以打到以色列的导弹。
    Iran in tit-for-tat also held military exercises in the Gulf region and to test-fire a missile capable of hitting Israel.

  • 对这一问题,不同利益集团为了各自利益针锋相对,学界也是见仁见智。
    Different profit-making groups have quite opposite ideas for their respective benefits about this problem, and academic circles also think differently.

  • 在谈判中与外向果断者针锋相对显然是不明智的,那样只会把事情变得更糟。
    Is in sharp opposition in the negotiations with the extroverted decisiveness is obviously wise, such will only become the matter worse.

  • 波普在对“证实原则”批判的同时,针锋相对地提出了自己的“证伪原则”。
    Popper puts forward his "Falsification Principle"------a principle that is diametrically opposed to "Verification Positivism" and sublates it.

  • 审判结束时,双方针锋相对的证词可能只剩下古老的性别原则的一种新的变奏。
    By trial's end, all the contentious testimony may be reduced to a new twist on age - old gender imperatives.

  • 他们难道不知道,青少年和爸妈应该是水火不容、针锋相对,直到…直到永远吗?
    Didn't they get the memo that says teens and their parents are supposed to be at odds until… well, until forever?

  • 关于物权的排他效力是否构成一项独立的物权效力,学者们之间有着针锋相对的观点。
    About whether the exclusive effect is a independent real right, there is deferent view between the scholars.

  • 这使布什先生与反对增兵的新当选民主党大多数针锋相对,许多共和党参议员也反对增兵。
    It puts Mr Bush on a collision course with the new Democratic majority which opposes a troops increase - as do a number of Republican senators.

  • 这两个努力似乎都没有取得什么进展,双方反而在这些问题和发展发展战略和人权等其他问题上针锋相对
    Neither effort appeared to make much progress, and instead the two sides traded barbs over those issues plus others such as development strategies and human rights.

  • 核试验后,巴基斯坦提出了“首先使用核武器”的政策,在核问题上与印度针锋相对,以期维持印巴之间的战略均势。
    After this nuclear test, Pakistan put forward the policy of "First use of nuclear weapons", standing sharp against India on nuclear issue to keep the strategic balance between the two nations.

  • 在5月5日,乔托里先生的车队来到拉舍尔的那天,PML-Q甚至不得不取消了一次针锋相对的集会,原因是无人捧场。
    On May 5th, the day Mr Chaudhry's caravan came to Lahore, the PML-Q had to cancel a rival rally for lack of support.

  • 贪婪的现任德州州长里克。裴瑞,是一位直言不讳的人物,在社交和财政方面都属保守派,曾数次与奥巴马政府针锋相对
    The wolfish incumbent, Rick Perry, is an outspoken social and fiscal conservative who has clanged heads with the Obama administration on several occasions.

  • 和他们不一样,萨克奇并没有与工会领导们针锋相对,而是把他们请到了爱丽舍宫,甚至和他们在法国最好的饭店里共进午餐。
    Mr Sarkozy, in contrast, has gone out of his way to court union leaders, inviting them to the Elysée Palace, and even for lunch at Paris's finest restaurants.

  • 在麦凯恩指责奥巴马是位”性别歧视者”和奥巴马针锋相对回应麦凯恩的表述是”伪善的的愤慨”后,美国总统选举越来越令人反感。
    America's presidential election turned nasty, as John McCain accused Barack Obama of being sexist and Mr Obama responded that Mr McCain was expressing "phoney outrage".

  • 我们看见片中士兵在阿富汗流血,增添议题的真实性。汤姆克鲁斯饰演的参议员和梅莉史翠普饰演的记者,就美国介入此一区域的议题针锋相对
    Those soldiers we see bleeding in Afghanistan lend reality to the issue – American engagement in the region – debated by the senator and the journalist played by Tom Cruise and Meryl Streep.

  • 在骂完她后,你转过身开始骂你的妻子,你责怪她把咖啡杯放得离桌子边缘太近了,紧接着是一段针锋相对的火爆场面,你愤怒的离开去换你的衬衫。
    After scolding her, you turn to your spouse and criticize her for placing the cup too close to the edge of the table. A short verbal battle follows. You storm upstairs and change your shirt.

  • 在党内改革派和共产主义理论家们进行了针锋相对的辩论之后,这项财产法案得到通过。辩论暴露了中国社会在改革开放中出现的各种各样的社会裂痕。
    This comes after a fierce debate between Communist ideologues and reformers that laid bare the huge fissures in Chinese society as it opens to the world.

  • 当然,她在《幽灵的威胁》中已经扫荡了自己的宫殿,不过和与绝地战士并肩作战,以及与一头凶猛的猫科动物针锋相对(?)地打斗相比,就不算什么了。
    Sure, she got to storm her own palace in Menace, but that's nothing compared to fighting alongside Jedi warriors and going toe-to-claw against a nasty cat creature.

  • 针锋相对造句相关
