
阴魂不散  yīn hún bù sàn






  • 这个问题如咒语般阴魂不散
    That's the question always haunting like a spell.

  • 反犹主义在欧洲阴魂不散
    The ghost of anti-Semitism still haunts Europe.

  • 但那段儿著名的历史仍然“阴魂不散”。
    But the noteworthy history still haunts this meeting.

  • 即将进行的选举中,各种弊端仍将阴魂不散
    The real problems of FIFA will not disappear with the election.

  • 传说今晚,阴魂不散,死光又现,鬼魂四处转!
    Legend tonight, the ghost don't spread, death ray again now, the ghost turn everywhere!

  • 审查制度一直阴魂不散。它总是换了伪装就跑回来。
    notes: The Censorship never gives up. It always comes back in a disguise.

  • 审查制度一直阴魂不散。它总是换了伪装就跑回来。
    The Censorship never gives up. It always comes back in a disguise.

  • 在所有的经济学谬论中,相信机器在总体上导致失业最为阴魂不散
    AMONG THE MOST viable of all economic delusions is the belief that machines on net balance create unemployment.

  • 夜深人静时,即使那些怪异嘎吱声依然阴魂不散,你也不会害怕了。
    For the rest of the evening, even though the creaking noise continues, you are no longer fearful.

  • 在所有的经济错觉中,“机器必然导致失业”这种错误最为阴魂不散
    AMONG THE MOST viable of all economic delusions is the belief that machines on net balance create unemployment.

  • 这个问题自19世纪起就开始阴魂不散地缠上了他们,而形势每况愈下
    The question has been haunting them since the 19th century, and things seem to be going from bad to worse.

  • 有好几个月,这只猫的样子都在我脑海里阴魂不散。我甚至后悔失去了它。
    For months I could not rid myself of the phantasm of the cat. I went so far as to regret the loss of the animal.

  • 阴魂不散的贸易保护主义给严峻的经济形势再添一层黑影,明年的贸易额更不容乐观。
    Overlaying the worsening economic outlook is the lingering threat of protectionism, which could drive trade volumes even lower next year.

  • 是半岛上阴魂不散的冷战思维让不同意识形态和社会制度的人们互相敌对,充满杀气。
    It is the Cold War-minded logic lingering on the peninsula to assert that anyone having different ideology and social system is liable to become an object of enmity and strangulation.

  • 仲天骐:这个时候,我想的人怎么会是她?夏之星?这算是心有所思,还是阴魂不散啊?
    Vernon zhong: right now, why is she the one i think? Xia zhi xing? Is this heart thought, or ghost gathered?

  • 而西方、日本也曾大肆炮制宣传过“中国威胁论”,这种理论在一些国家至今仍阴魂不散
    And the West and Japan have also wantonly concocted the so-called "China Threat" that is hovering in some states.

  • 天啊!为什么莫扎特阴魂不散?他又在另外一家店里面卖自己的球球了!真的是揾食艰难啊…
    Oh my God! Why Mozart is here and there and everywhere? I saw him selling his balls in another shop. It's really tough to earn money…

  • 如果忽视存款或是中断储蓄,在你打算退休到海边度假时它们就会回来在你周围“阴魂不散”。
    Ignoring your savings -- or discontinuing them -- will come back to haunt you when you want to leave off working and relax on the beach.

  • 而如今,每逢雨季,洞内泉水如注,奔流不息,时有刺鼻之腥臊气味传来,疑为怪兽之阴魂不散
    However, you may smell stinking smell when it rains in rainy season, spring flow out. The soul of this monster might be still in cavity.

  • 但这并不能让他们的盗版变得更为合法,只会让那些阴魂不散的书商们更加肆无忌惮地卖这些书。
    While this would not have made their editions any more legal, it would have served to make stiff-necked booksellers more ready to carry the books.

  • 在《狙击手》中,马克·沃尔伯格扮演了一个疲惫的遁世前狙击手,一心想逃离自己阴魂不散的过去。
    In Shooter, Mark Wahlberg plays a reclusive, worn-out ex-sniper trying to escape the ghosts of his past.

  • 圣安东队显得疲惫,整体表现坏多于好, 投球屡屡不进,栏板每每遛跑, 而丹佛金块队老是阴魂不散
    San Antonio looked tired and more than a little ragged. Shots weren't falling, rebounds were getting away and the Denver Nuggets kept hanging around.

  • 让我想到一部电影叫做『1048』,恐怖的情节,看过去像在那阴魂不散的客厅中,好像有东西在其中。
    Let me expect a film to be named "1048" . Terrific plot, saw it as in that sitting room where murder cries for vengeance in the past. It seems that there are things among them. >.

  • 基辅˙乌克兰—每当咳嗽或喉咙痛,每次痛楚都让比斯特里奇村的瓦伦提娜˙史丹尤科感觉到车诺比阴魂不散
    KIEV, Ukraine -- With every cough and sore throat, every ache and pain, Valentyna Stanyuk feels Chernobyl stalking her.

  • 不管你怎么看待鬼魂,当说起这个土耳其东部边境上的荒无人烟的高地时,人们很难不想到“阴魂不散”这个词。
    WHATEVER you think about ghosts, it is hard to speak of this desolate plateau on Turkey's eastern edge without using the word "haunted".

  • 这是高能物理学家梦寐以求的新机器,但是,那半路夭折的「超导超级对撞机」,以及该计画所虚掷的金钱,却仍是阴魂不散
    But the specter of the defunct Superconducting Supercollider—and the money the project ended up wasting—looms large.

  • 国再度进行奶制品召回,彷佛早先三聚氰胺毒奶丑闻阴魂不散,当时这一事件令中国政府修改了食品安全法,并承诺加大透明度。
    A milk recall in China evoked an earlier scare involving the chemical melamine that prompted authorities to revise food-safety laws and pledge more transparency.

  • 中国再度进行奶制品召回,彷佛早先三聚氰胺毒奶丑闻阴魂不散,当时这一事件令中国政府修改了食品安全法,并承诺加大透明度。
    A milk recall in China evoked an earlier scare involving the chemical melamine that prompted authorities to revise food-safety laws and pledge more transparency.

  • 好一个天大的玩笑,还以为所有的问题解决了,自利和私心却阴魂不散,舞台上的玩家们玩弄着我们,车迷们,傻瓜,我们都一样。
    A grand jest indeed, in word, and in deed — to think the problems all solved, when ego still holds sway in this play, the players upon the stage having played us, the fans, for fools.

  • 历史记录显示,早在7000年前,偏头痛就阴魂不散地跟著人类,但它却一直是饱受误解、认识最浅,且无适当治疗方法的疾病之一。
    Historical records suggest the condition has been with us for at least 7, 000 years, yet it continues to be one of the most misunderstood, poorly recognized and inadequately treated medical disorders.

  • 阴魂不散造句相关
