
雷打不动  léi dǎ bù dòng






  • 这套手续几乎60年来雷打不动
    The procedure has scarcely changed in 60 years.

  • 在有的州里登记并雷打不动的要求。
    In several states it is not even a statuary requirement.

  • 第一,每月一次“约会之夜”,雷打不动
    Set a monthly 'date night'stick to it.

  • 从第二天起我就开始了雷打不动的跑步和节食行
    I started a rigorous program of running and dieting the very next day.

  • 下午3点,这个时间成了这里雷打不动的一个鲜明标志。
    Afternoon at 3 o'clock, this time became here final bright symbol.

  • 然而模联储长篇大论中雷打不动的风格便是模糊的政策细节。
    But drowning out the specifics was the thundering tone of the Fed's long statement.

  • 家人一起围坐在桌子旁吃顿饭曾经是家庭生活中雷打不动的一部份。
    Sitting round the table together for a meal was once the bedrock of family life.

  • 每天都给自己一个雷打不动的作业,并在当天就使它成为一份杰作。
    Every day he gave a hip operation, and on the day it became a masterpiece.

  • 老翁、老妪早上起来,第一件事就是坐在火塘边熬罐罐茶,雷打不动
    Old man, old woman the morning, the first thing is to sit Tankhuo tang bian boil tea, lei da bu dong .

  • 可惟独写总结,自上小学起,似乎注定要雷打不动地一直延续到自己退休。
    Ke Wei writes summary alone, go up oneself since elementary school, be destined to want to continue finally to oneself to retire all the time it seems that.

  • 卡片也显得无足轻重,加上父亲的情人节礼物雷打不动,我便再多加留意。
    The cards seemed less important, and I took for granted the valentines that would always be there.

  • 这已经成为她神圣可侵犯的活了,什麽事都能改变她的日程,真是雷打不动
    This has become her sacred cow - nothing can change her schedule rain or shine.

  • 这已经成为她神圣可侵犯的活了,什么事都能改变她的日程,真是雷打不动
    This has become her sacred cow - nothing can change her schedule rain or shine.

  • 侯勇买房的过程,就是面对雷打不动的高房价,自己主调整心态、降低条件的过程。
    Houyong sales process is the face of the high prices persisted, they take the initiative to readjust the mentality, the process of reducing conditions.

  • 在加盟马竞之后,劳尔-加西亚立刻成为了阿吉的掌中宝,主力位置也是雷打不动
    Prior to joining Atletico, Raul - Garcia immediately became Zhang Zhongbao Aguirre's main location is Leidabudong.

  • 而这对在过去一直雷打不动的中国男双第一组合,更在中国大师赛期间被传将分道扬镳
    But this to the past continuously unshakeable China men's double first combination, in Chinese master match period is passed on will separate from each other.

  • 在房地产领域,很多楼盘都会选在九、十月份开盘,并有雷打不动的“金九银十”之说。
    In the field of real estate, many of the properties for sale will be elected in nine, opened in October, as well as the Leidabudong "The nine silver ten", said.

  • 长时间的谈话后康德开始他下午雷打不动的沿河散步,后面跟着他的管家手里拿着雨伞以防下雨。
    After a long conversation Kant went for his afternoon walk along the river followed by his servant carrying an umbrella in case it might rain.

  • 半个世纪以前,大多数美国人对休息日和工作日,学期和夏令的界限划分得泾渭分明雷打不动
    A half century ago in the United States, most people experienced strong and precise dividing lines between days of rest and days of work, school time and summer time.

  • 大俱乐部必须保证有四名出色的前锋,但任何人的位置都雷打不动的,竞争也是每个人进步的力。
    A great team must have four grat attackers, without the possibility of guaranteeing the place to anyone. The competition must be a motivation for everyone.

  • 去年的首发控卫阿尔斯通已再是雷打不动的主力先发,詹姆斯和布鲁克斯也都在渴望着有更多的上场时间。
    The point guard position is even less settled with last year's starter Rafer Alston, Mike James and Brooks all looking for playing time.

  • 所以他每天再忙再累,晚上两样功课是雷打不动的,一是边吃饭边在家中上网,浏览过的新闻也要再看一遍。
    He Zailei day one, was unmoved at different homework, eat at home first, while online, the information must be visited twice.

  • 从新婚的第一天开始,每到半夜两三点钟,玲娜是雷打不动要洗澡,而且还必须要丈夫从浴室里把她抱上床。
    From the first day of the wedding, behaved bell every night, gna is excited to take a bath, but also the husband must lake bed from the bathroom.

  • 2004年,作为投资人的谭智,有一个雷打不动的习惯—每天清晨送太太去位于赛特广场的框架传媒公司上班。
    as investment in the Tan Zhi, a Leidabudong the habit - every morning to send his wife in the framework of Dorset Square, the media companies go to work.

  • 老人所追求的目的是决不动摇的,就象男人(女人)对他(她)到手的理想中的女人(男人)的雷打不动的追求。
    The purpose for pursuing of old man's will never falter of, elephant man( woman) the strike by lightninging of woman( man) in the ideal to come to hand to him( she) is motionless of pursue.

  • 上个月,法国工业部部长弗朗索瓦•罗斯说,2009年只是引入竞争的“一个指示性年份”,并非雷打不动的最后期限。
    Last month Franç ois Loos, France's industry minister, said 2009 was "an indicative date" for competition rather than a firm deadline.

  • 上个月,法国工业部部长弗朗索瓦•罗斯说,2009年只是引入竞争的“一个指示性年份”,并非雷打不动的最后期限。
    Last month François Loos, France's industry minister, said 2009 was "an indicative date" for competition rather than a firm deadline.

  • 尽管全球经济局势紧张,但是奢华品营销人员表示,他们的主要任务仍将雷打不动:将更加富有魅力的生活方式销售给追逐时尚的消费者。
    Despite of global economic situation is intense, the luxury salesmen say that their main task will not be alternated: to sale more fascinating life style to those customers who chase fashion.

  • 尽管接替的是道森――火箭队多年雷打不动的特权人物,33岁的穆在改变火箭方面表现得大刀阔斧,无所畏惧,他要在这支队伍身上下自己的烙印。
    Despite replacing a franchise fixture in longtime GM Carroll Dawson, the 33-year-old Morey has shown no fear in putting his own stamp on the team.

  • 明天就是十一国庆,今晚世纪公园的烟火表演么雷打不动,我们涅还是像往常一样踩着脚踏车到公园门口的桥头上又一次近距离地享受了一记免费烟花,厚厚!
    Tomorrow is our National Day, the first celebration fireworks show was in Century Park this night. As usual, we watched on bikes for free from a nearby bridge.

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