
青出于蓝  qīng chū yú lán








  • 没有人能一日就青出于蓝而胜于蓝。
    no man is his craft's master the first day.

  • 我希望他们能够做到青出于蓝而胜于蓝。
    I want [them] making as good or better decisions than I would.

  • 所谓的推陈出新,青出于蓝大概就是如此。
    The so-called new, so probably outperformed us.

  • 中国人时常说,“青出于蓝,而胜于蓝”。
    The Chinese often say, "green proceed from blue, but better than and blue".

  • 就此而言,民进党是“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”!!
    I must say the DPP are out of blue and bluer than the blue! !

  • 姚建萍就是这样一位“青出于蓝,而胜于蓝”的绣娘。
    Yao Jianping This is a "Qingchuyulan, and better than blue" embroidered mother.

  • 很自然,我们有了孩子。更自然,也是汗脚,且青出于蓝胜于蓝。
    Very nature, we had a kid. More the nature is also sweat feet, and green proceed from blue and better than and blue.

  • 新游戏你很快就上手,并且展现天份,不久你就能青出于蓝更胜于蓝。
    You'll quickly learn a new game, and show a natural talent. It's not long before you're better than your teachers.

  • 没有大师级的老师,其学生“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”的几率又会有多大?
    Without the teacher of master degree, its student " the students surpasses the teacher and excel blue " can odds have again how old?

  • 新游戏你很快就上手,并且展现天份,不久你就能青出于蓝更胜于蓝。
    You'll learn a new game, and show a natural talent. It's not long before you're better than your teachers.

  • 所以不能接受电视剧的演员、主持人突然换掉,即使青出于蓝更胜于蓝。
    i can't accustom to new actor/actress/hoster, even it is better than the former one.

  • 灿辉瓷厂新开发的另一特色产品:日、韩料理瓷、蓝彩青花瓷,更是青出于蓝
    Porcelain²Ó»Ôanother feature of newly developed products: Japan, South Korea porcelain dishes, blue color blue and white, it is outperformed us.

  • 柴姐姐编的烂戏实在是让我感动万分,作为后辈的我们怎么可以不青出于蓝呢?
    Firewood elder sister the lousy drama of the plait's being true be to move me thousand times, Be a younger generation of we how can be not green to proceed from blue?

  • 扬州三把刀不仅有精湛的理论,规范的技艺,而且人多艺高,青出于蓝而胜于蓝。
    Yangzhou three knives not only superb theory, standardized skills, but more people Arts, Qingchuyulan which is better than blue.

  • 巴法塔赫党将召开20年来首次代表大会,可能会推选出青出于蓝的一届领导班子。
    The Palestinians' Fatah party is soon to have its first congress in 20 years, perhaps producing a better crop of leaders.

  • 看到中国年轻的工程师和经理学习他们的技术与经验,并青出于蓝,他们将会非常激动。
    They will be very excited to see the young engineers and managers in China learn their skills and become better than them.

  • 庄子继承了老子的衣钵,并有青出于蓝胜于蓝之势,他的笑声久久地回荡在历史的每一个角落。
    The last coughs of Laotse's laughter were caught up by Chuangtse, and he, being a younger man, had a richer voice, and the ring of his laughter has reverberated throughout the ages.

  • 就目前深圳房地产业来说,总体上已经接近香港水平,局部如物业管理则“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”。
    Shenzhen real estate on the present, the overall level is close to Hong Kong, such as the local property management is "better than flowers and blue."

  • 青出于蓝“小伙子,”父亲楼梯口板着脸说道,“闹钟敲四下,你才把女儿带回来,没听错吧?”
    "Young man, " said angry father from head stairs, "didn't hear clock strike four when you brought my daughter in?

  • 在开发商的“教育”下,客户迅速成长,可谓青出于蓝而胜于蓝,客户的成熟度远超出开发商想象。
    In developers "education" of customers grew rapidly, and it is blue flowers, clients maturity far beyond developers imagination.

  • 青出于蓝“小伙子,”父亲在楼梯口板着脸说道,“闹钟敲了四下,你才把我女儿带回来,我没听错吧?”
    Too Smart for Dad"Young man, " said the angry father from the head of stairs, "didn't I hear the clock strike four when you brought my daughter in?

  • 此时此刻,充盈在我们心间的,既有师生之情,又有惜别之意,更有“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”的骄傲和自豪。
    At this very moment I 'm sure all teachers are feeling a strong sense of pride as well as a tinge of loss.

  • “小宝马”的遗传基因尤其稳定,繁育出的后代都可谓是优良,他还处于壮年,接班人已经有青出于蓝的了。
    In particular, its genetic stability and to future generations of breeding are good, it is their prime, successors than it already has a fine.

  • 但更重要的是不断引进后起之秀,加以磨练成才,可以独当一面,甚至青出于蓝胜于蓝,成为强有力的接棒者。
    More importantly, the team must keep on recruiting young and romising people who will become even better players to defend the crown.

  • 但更重要的是不断引进后起之秀,加以磨练成才,可以独当一面,甚至青出于蓝胜于蓝,成为强有力的接棒者。
    More importantly, the team must keep on recruiting young and promising people who will become even better players to defend the crown.

  • 芝加哥那位激进的牧师在奥巴马成长的过程中曾发挥作用,现在奥巴马已经青出于蓝而胜于蓝,对此,我没有疑虑。
    His radical Chicago pastor contributed to that journey. Now Obama has grown beyond him. I have no problem with that.

  • 接著我便希望的就是它能青出于蓝更胜于蓝,希望它至少会在使用者(聆听者)的脑海内更胜于它在我脑海内时的样子。
    I then hope that at least it will be better in the user's (listener's) mind than it is in mine.

  • 由于投入不菲资金用以研发先进技术,施华洛世奇已跟光学界鼻祖并列世界领先光学生产商位置,更有青出于蓝胜于蓝之势。
    By committing itself in innovation and creatitivity, Swarovski is now one of the leading optical products manufacturers in the world.

  • 孔子无为而治的政治理想是站在时代发展的前列、代表广大人民利益的进步呼声,是一种积极的无为而治,是对于老子消极的无为而治的青出于蓝而胜于蓝。
    The political thoughts of ruling without intervention kept abreast of time, and represent the progressive appeal of the general public. Confucian's idea is more active than the thought of Lao Zi.

  • 今后,我们将同非洲国家一道,继续积极推动并大力支持中非青年开展交流合作。青出于蓝而胜于蓝。我相信,中非友好事业一定能够在中非年轻一代手中薪火相传、发扬光大。
    People of the younger generation embody not only the hope of greater development of China and Africa, but also the promise of even stronger friendship between the two sides in the future.

  • 青出于蓝造句相关
