
魂牵梦萦  hún qiān mèng yíng







  • 家是你魂牵梦萦的地方…
    Home is a place you dream of…

  • 这是全世界几百万曼联球迷魂牵梦萦的圣地。
    This is the world of millions of Manchester United fans Hunqianmengying site.

  • 从某种程度而言,西藏注定成为魂牵梦萦之地!
    Says from some kind of degree, Tibet is doomed into to be worried the place!

  • 理想事业的一大诱人之处在于你会为之魂牵梦萦
    One of the big appeals of a dream job is dreaming about it.

  • 从此,绛珠草还泪的故事叫多少中国人,魂牵梦萦
    Since then, grass also told the story of tears how many Chinese .

  • 我梦想有一天,我能回到魂牵梦萦的运动中,加入国家铅球队。
    I have a dream that one day, I can go back to my dream sports and join the national team.

  • 斯科特说,“那是我的家,那是我在余生里魂牵梦萦的的球队”。
    Yeah, I thought about it a lot, " Scott said. "That's home for me.

  • 你说,在这抚摸之中,祈求得到了些许曾经魂牵梦萦的那一片空间。
    You say, in this touching among pray for a little bit of that one room had been Hunqianmengying.

  • 你永远是我让我魂牵梦萦的人。是的你是,说你是,你知道你是,宝贝。
    Yes you will, say you will, you know you will, oh baby!

  • 魂牵梦萦维也纳妳的哭妳的笑维也纳维也纳只有妳是我梦中永远的城市…
    My heart and my mind dream only of you of Wien, as it cries, as it laughs…Vienna, Vienna, only you will forever be the city of my dreams…

  • 我更不会为之魂牵梦萦,只能默默地告别,凝望天边的云彩,我无颜责怪。
    Hunqianmengying whom I will not only bid farewell in silence, staring over the horizon the clouds, I discredited blame.

  • 除了这一点外,我的新家不仅有一个超大露台,还有一个令我魂牵梦萦的烟囱。
    Besides quietness and serenity, my new house has a super larger platform and a charming chimney.

  • 守财奴把所有的金子埋在某一隐秘之处,这个地方使他朝思暮想,令他魂牵梦萦
    A miser buried his gold in a certain place where he might be said also to have deposited his heart and spirit.

  • 宋开手里握着那一片枯黄的而且残破的树叶,默默地想着曾经让自己魂牵梦萦的人!
    Sung opens the hand hold that one oneself fetch that dull Huang of and decrepit leaf, silently want to let ever the person to lead long the dream encompass!

  • 香山一直是咱们北京人魂牵梦萦的地方,几乎每个北京人都和香山有过难以割舍的情结。
    Fragrance Hill always has been the pilots of our local Peking man, and almost every Peking man were Fragrance Hill had to leave the complex.

  • 当星星触碰到海面的那刻,听得到烛光摇曳的声音,多么令人魂牵梦萦,而我还有你陪伴左右…
    Zsa is when the stars touch the water, Zsa is the sound of candle flicker, Zsu is and so do you.

  • 我可没看不起春晚,能上春晚对每一个演员来说都是魂牵梦萦的事,会让名气更大,但我力不从心了。
    I can be not looked down on spring late, can go up spring it is the issue that fetch involves a dream to entangle to each actor late, can make fame bigger, but my ability not equal to one's ambition.

  • 吐鲁番,一个令人神思遐想的地方;吐鲁番,一个你魂牵梦萦的家园;吐鲁番,一个人类共有的旅游胜!。
    Turpan, a fascinating place! Turpan, a dreamland! Turpan, a tourist delight possessed by all the human beings!

  • 如果你真的热切渴望要有钱,你的渴望会变成魂牵梦萦的迫切企求,要让自己有如置身其境也就易如反掌了。
    If you truly desire money so keenly that your desire is an obsession, you will have no difficulty in convincing yourself that you will acquire it.

  • 红笺小字,诉不尽缠绵意,轻调素琴,唱不尽风中情。一曲潇湘,多少魂牵梦萦,多少喜怒哀乐,多少爱恨痴怨?
    Hung small print, untold lingering Italy, light tone Su-Qin, sing endless wind Zhong Qing. 1 Xiaoxiang, how much Hunqianmengying, how many emotions, how many love-hate silly grudges?

  • 作曲家对这个问题的理解,将直接影响到一部歌剧作品质量的好坏,因此曾使许许多多的作曲家为之魂牵梦萦,难以释怀。
    The comprehension of this question will influence the quality of works. So every composer can" t drop them into the dream for it."

  • 爱过、痛过才是人生,平凡、简单也是人生,即使没有刻骨铭心的魂牵梦萦,也没有生死相许的感动,但我拥有最真实的守侯。
    Love, pain too is life, ordinary, simple life is, even in the absence of memorable, nor moved, but I have the most real .

  • 来到魂牵梦萦的上海后,他们终于见识到纸醉金迷的繁华美景,只是三人万万想不到,他们也踏入了黑帮世界与亡命之徒的不归路。
    Once in Shanghai, they are tempted by riches they once could only imagine, but they never expected to become involved with the criminal underworld.

  • 于是风中扯起心千丝万缕,魂牵梦萦的念。风中飘落心爱的千行无声泪。积攒着念和泪的心哭不出的总是落在这黑夜无语的千呼万唤!
    heart so intricate wind, read the . Wind 1000 trip beloved falling silent tears. Read and save the tears of the heart it always falls on the long-awaited silent night!

  • 小镇魂牵梦萦的20世纪画坛大师可以开出一长串名单来:帕布罗-毕加索、马克思-恩斯特、马蒂斯和曼-雷,他们都曾在这里生活。
    The list of artists' ghosts haunting this small town is a who's who of 20th-century painters: Pablo Picasso spent time here, as did Max Ernst, Matisse and Man Ray.

  • 爱过、痛过才是人生,平凡、简单也是人生,即使没有刻骨铭心的魂牵梦萦,也没有生死相许的感动,但我拥有最真实的守侯。同样是幸福。
    Love, pain too is life, ordinary, simple life is, even in the absence of memorable, nor? moved, but I have the most real . Well-being of the same.

  • 有段时间他觉得自己无法再待下去,但离开这间房子同时也意味著将永远听不到叫唤她名字的声音--那个他仍然魂牵梦萦的声音。于是他留下。
    For a time he felt he could not remain, but to leave the house meant to leave the sound of her name, which he still craved; and so he stayed.

  • 无论是对那些住在群岛上的土著人,还是那些热爱群岛的人来说,他们都会在首次见到夏威夷时便被其美丽所迷住。这是一处令人魂牵梦萦的地方。
    Those for whom the islands were made, or who were made for the islands, are swept off their feet in the first moments of meeting, 19)embraced and are embraced.

  • 一个重要的、浪漫的关系在这一月里也即将让你魂牵梦萦~这一月开始的时候,你会禁不住一直畅想,两个人如果在一起了生活又会变得怎样呢~?
    An important romantic relationship may begin to captivate you this month, too. The start of the month has you imagining what life might be like if the two of you were to be together.

  • 理想职业的一大诱人之处在于你会为之魂牵梦萦。去年,乔治“莱因哈特(georgereinhart)看到一则西印度群岛私人岛屿马斯蒂奎岛招聘总经理的广告。
    one of the big appeals of a dream job is dreaming about it. last year, george reinhart saw an ad for a managing director of the privately owned island of mustique in the west indies.

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