
整装待发  zhěng zhuāng dài fā






  • 运动员为下月的赛事整装待发
    The athletes are girding their loins for the race next month.

  • “每个孩子都希望整装待发,”她说。
    "Every child wants to fit in, " she said.

  • 总之,我已经整装待发了。
    In short, I'm already having a blast.

  • 男人只要花10分钟就能洗完澡,整装待发
    You can be showered and ready to go in 10 minutes.

  • 但毫无疑问地,我国的武装力量已整装待发
    but make no mistake about it, your armed forces are ready.

  • 战机排好队形,整装待发,乘员们热切地期待着出发的命令。
    The mecha formed up and waited, their crews avid for the word to go.

  • 穆里尼奥感觉切尔西已经为本赛季欧洲冠军杯的冠军整装待发
    Jose Mourinho feels Chelsea are well equipped to win this season's UEFA Champions League title.

  • 这里的职员和志愿者都已经整装待发等待着帮助您计划你的旅程。
    Our staff and volunteers are ready to assist in planning your trip to the Oak Park Area.

  • 另外,机场线东直门站的新出口已经初露端倪,两部扶梯整装待发
    In addition, Dongzhimen Airport Express stations has a new export horizon, ready to go two escalators.

  • 整装待发的新兵们个个精神抖擞,对即将开始的军旅生涯充满信心。
    The new soldiers in uniform are all in high spirits, with full confidence of their future military career.

  • 2007《全球酒店》充满朝气、整装待发,与旅游酒店业一道前行。
    Global Hotel is ready to step into glorious 2007 together with tourism and hotel industry.

  • 一方面,黄将军令全军整装待发,军士见主帅亲临战场,顿时士气高扬。
    General Huang order the whole army embattle. See the General coming battlefield, The morale uplift immediately.

  • 对于2009年,我们已经整装待发,因为这将仍然是颇具挑战的一年。
    For 2009, we have ready to go, because it will remain challenging year.

  • 如他那般内行,Cuff没有完全整装待发去处理关于月亮石的“神话”。
    Sharp as he is, Cuff is not entirely equipped to deal with the "myth" about the Moonstone.

  • 而自驾游的队伍也正整装待发,准备在清明节前后开始大规模“驴友”行动。
    The driving force is also gearing up to the Ching Ming Festival before and after the beginning of large-scale "ALICE" action.

  • 记者昨天从城铁运营公司了解到,目前,所有的轻轨车辆都已经改装完毕、整装待发
    Reporters yesterday from Chengtie operators learned that at present, all light vehicles have been modified, to get all things ready.

  • 我们今晚在这里相聚的时候,我们的男女军人们坚守在海外,还有更多的人正整装待发
    As we meet here tonight, our men and women in uniform stand watch abroad and more are readying to deploy.

  • 三分之一的客人均已前来出席这次舞会,必须出席舞会的罗斯托夫一家,却正忙于整装待发
    A third of the guests had already arrived at this ball, while the Rostovs, who were to be present at it, were still engaged in hurried preparations.

  • 巨人网络的一位负责人对记者表示,无论是产品方面,还是运营方面,巨人网络已经整装待发
    The giant network, a person in charge told reporters that both products, or operating, the giant network has been gearing up.

  • 一台“东方红”21型液力传动内燃机车在昆明北站牵引一列货物列车整装待发,列车将向南行驶。
    DH21 diesel hydraulic locomotive at the head of a metre gauge freight train, bound for the south and about to depart from Kunming Bei station.

  • 然而未来几年中,上上下下的趋势已经整装待发,2010年还可能会有更多未来的麻烦浮出水面。
    The makings of more volatility in the years ahead, however, are already in the pipeline, and the potential for future trouble will build up in 2010.

  • 现在,你将读到本次访谈的完整实录版本,而英格兰队已然整装待发,准备好远附明斯克,迎接新一轮的挑战。
    Now, you can read the full transcript of Gerrard's interview as the Three Lions squad prepare to fly out to Minsk on Tuesday morning.

  • 现在,我希望能保持整个赛季不败,尽管那要求可能太高了点,但这支队伍已经整装待发,去赢得一切,创造历史。
    Now I want to go the whole season unbeaten, although that may be too much to ask, but this team is ready to make history by winning everything.

  • 反观开拓者,开拓者并不是一支如湖人般的冠军之师。开拓者本赛季的目标是进入季后赛,而他们也已整装待发了。
    The Trail Blazers are not considered title contenders like the Lakers, but Portland is expected to make a run at the playoffs now that all its key parts are in place.

  • 昨日起,机场线东直门站的两部直梯由“专梯”改为对所有乘客开放,而两部扶梯已“整装待发”,将于近日开放。
    Yesterday, the Airport Line 2 Dongzhimen Station straight staircase from "The Ladder" to open to all passengers, and two escalators have been "gearing up", will soon open.

  • 当下回再有同样的病原入侵时,已经整装待发的免疫系统就可迅速释出大量抗体,制伏入侵病原,一如自然免疫的反应。
    And as in natural immunity, should the disease-causing agent ever invade, the immune system is fully primed, ready to pump out antibodies to immobilize it.

  • 现在加内特恢复了健康而且整装待发了,但是我们得看看球队在后面长期的时间里如果加内特和雷阿伦出现了问题的话球队的表现。
    Now Garnett is healthy and ready to run, but you have to wonder how good the team can really be if he or Ray Allen goes down for an extended period of time.

  • 一个月前他受伤不能和我们在一起,那时我就表示这对于我们是一个很大很大的损失,但是在这场关键比赛之前,他却已经整装待发了。
    When we lost him one month ago I was saying it is a big, big lose but he was ready to come for this crucial game.

  • 今年53岁的成龙最拿手的功夫是其大无畏的特技动作。如今,他已经录制完成2008北京夏季奥运会官方倒计时主题歌曲<我们整装待发>。
    The 53-year-old actor, best known for his daredevil stunts, has recorded "We Are Ready, " the official countdown song to the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics.

  • 对于英格兰来说,即便鲁尼不能征战B组小组对手巴拉圭、特立尼达和多巴哥以及瑞典,还是寄希望于他在未来的回合中整装待发-当然,如果他们的国家队得以晋级。
    England is hoping that even if he misses the Group B games against Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago and Sweden, he'll be available for future rounds - if the country qualifies.

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