
晨钟暮鼓  chén zhōng mù gǔ








  • 我们于晨钟暮鼓挥洒青春的激情!
    We are contributing our youthful passion all time!

  • 定义重复闹钟每天暮鼓晨钟,唤醒了起伏。
    Defines repeat alarms for daily wake-ups.

  • 如若,晨钟暮鼓,蛙鸣乌啼,一点点的记录,慢慢的逝去。
    Should the, and bell Drum, frogs Wu Ti, a little bit of records, slowly passing away.

  • 短缺充当暮鼓晨钟,唤醒了变化,在流感疫苗产业,专家们说。
    The shortage serves as a wake-up call for change in the flu vaccine industry, experts say.

  • 内容简介: 本书可以说是敲醒这一世代人的暮鼓晨钟、旷野呼喊。
    This is so far the best book I have ever read about the "Parenting".

  • 佛寺林立,佛徒众多,晨钟暮鼓,香烟燎绕,颇引一些虔诚僧众来此观光求法;
    Buddhist temple forest, Fotu many Chenzhong Mugu, Liao cigarettes around, with quite a number of devout monks to come here for sightseeing;

  • 暮鼓晨钟,夕阳西下,蹒跚步履,银发满卷。幸福离我们是这样的短暂而快乐。
    The drum in the sunset and bell in the sunrise, the gray hair teeters in the sunset. happiness is so transitory but happy.

  • 这样的思维,在佛教发展与资本主义日趋密切的今天,显然更有暮鼓晨钟的效应。
    This kind of thought is like an awakening call especially when Buddhism and capitalism are interacting more and more closely in the modern era.

  • 秦砖汉瓦、暮鼓晨钟、高新科技、现代文明,使西安拥有了世界,世界拥抱了西安!
    Han Qin brick watts, actually nevertheless timely wakeup calls, high-tech, modern civilization, so that Xi'an has the world and the world embraced Xi'an!

  • 秦砖汉瓦、暮鼓晨钟、高新科技、现代文明,使西安拥有了世界,世界拥抱了西安!
    Qin Han brick tile, actually nevertheless timely wakeup calls, high-tech, modern civilization, so that the world has a Xi'an, Xi'an, the embrace of the world!

  • 近年来国际间正为姑息逆流所弥漫,范义士的行动,不啻暮鼓晨钟,正可发挥激浊扬清的果效。
    In recent years the world has been filled with an atmosphere of appeasement. Fan's action should have shaken the appeasement illusionists back to their senses.

  • 以前楼上悬架一面大鼓,傍晚击鼓报时,与钟楼上的钟形成“晨钟”、“暮鼓”,古称作鼓楼。
    hence, its name the Drum Tower. The bell in the Bell Tower and the drum in the Drum Tower have been referred to as "the Morning Bell" and "the Dusk Drum".

  • 将那尘世曾经蒙垢的心灵洗涤,将那追逐名利的念头藏起,和着暮鼓晨钟,通阅佛教典籍,追寻安乐祥和。
    They disregard the thought of seeking fame and fortune, read the Buddha's scripture with the ringing bell in the morning and the beating drum in the evening and seek for quietness and peace.

  • 来拉萨的朋友可以来此小聚,奉上酥油茶,和店主一起慢慢品位暮鼓晨钟和或自然天成的绿松石、玛瑙,或制作精美的首饰、工艺品;
    To Lhasa friends can come to this small-and offer Su Youcha, and the owner of a slowly Mugu Chenzhong grade or natural Tiancheng and the turquoise, agate, or the production of fine jewelry, crafts;

  • 晨钟暮鼓造句相关
