
枯木逢春  kū mù féng chūn








  • 五十年代后,平遥推光漆器又枯木逢春,大放异彩。
    After the fifties, Pingyao pushed light lacquer also ku mu feng chun , Games.

  • 几枝荒木,斜斜搁浅墙头。枯木逢春,惹一垄藤蔓扶墙急走。
    Araki, stranding wall. making a wall of Lung Fu vines.

  • 随着科学技术的发展,新材料、新工艺、新设备将会不断加入到枯木逢春膜领域中。
    With the development of science and technology, new materials, new processes and equipment to continue to participate in the field of getting membrane.

  • 让晚晴园枯木逢春已经很不容易,要确保它保持旺盛的生命力,那是更艰巨的任务。
    To inject new life into the villa was tough enough, to keep the memorial hall a dynamic attraction will be an even more formidable task.

  • 种种迹象表明,南宁市在沉寂了几年甚至一些是沉寂了近十年之后的“烂尾楼”,将在今年枯木逢春重现生机。
    All the signs indicate that the Nanning City in the years before and even some quiet for nearly 10 years after the "uncompleted residential flats" will be repeated this year Kumufengchun vigor.

  • 跆拳道经历了沧桑岁月,花开花落,如今枯木逢春展开新页,不论宗教与种族,在礼义廉耻、忍耐克己、百折不屈的崇高信念下,迅速普及到全世界。
    Taekwon-Do has blossomed again after long hibernation and it has been fast spreading everywhere regardless of religion, courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self control, and indomitable spirit.

  • 因而,许多开发商便将眼光聚焦到了城市已有的旧建筑以及闲置多年的烂尾楼上,动脑筋使其成为名副其实的“香饽饽”,大有否极泰来、枯木逢春之势。
    Thus, many developers will look to the city on the old building and has been idle for years uncompleted residential flats, use it to be a truly "Xiangbobo", a craze, Kumufengchun trend.

  • 枯木逢春造句相关
