
帝王将相  dì wáng jiòn xiàng







  • 百姓们迫切需要帝王将相、达官贵人们能以礼相待。
    common people crave for the emperors who can treat people with due respect?

  • 他不该把我送进学校去念书,去研究那些死了的帝王将相
    He shouldn't have sent me to school to learn about dead emperors.

  • 很久以前这里就是很多文人墨客、帝王将相游玩狩猎的场所。
    Here is a long time ago many Wenrenmoke, the emperor of the play will be hunting places.

  • 俱往矣,曾建立了崭新文明的帝王将相,但更加伟大的人物接踵而来。
    Rulers around whom clustered new forms of civilization pass away, but greater men succeed them.

  • 另有人认为除帝王将相之类而外,还有演说家、学者、改良家、哲学家和诗人)。
    another includes besides monarchs, orators, scientific men, reformers, philosophers, and poets).

  • 中岳庙是中国历代帝王将相祭祀、封禅中岳山神的场所,也是中国道教文化的发源地之一。
    Zhongyue Temple was a place of sacrificial offering for all the emperors in different dynasties. It also was one of the places of origin for Taoism culture.

  • 乱弹的演出剧目大都取材于历史演义及古代传奇、杂剧等,以反映帝王将相、宫廷纠纷的戏为主。
    Luan Most of the productions based on ancient history and legend Kingdoms, Dynasty and so on, to reflect the will of the emperor, the court dispute dominated the play.

  • 首先,史学家记述的是他所认定的领导人类的个别人物的活动(有的人认为帝王将相就是这类人物;
    In the first place the historian describes the conduct of separate persons who, in his opinion, lead humanity (one regards as such only monarchs, military generals, and ministers of state;

  • 中岳庙是中国历代帝王将相祭祀、封禅中岳山神购乐学的场所,也是中国道教文化购乐学的发源地之一。
    Zhongyue Temple was a place of sacrificial offering for all the emperors in different dynasties. It also was one of the places of origin for Taoism culture.

  • 这个幽灵混杂着历史的伤痕、千年的苦毒、帝王将相兄弟相残的刀光剑影和王朝更替动荡杀戮的森森白骨。
    The specter is a mixture of historical wounds, thousand year hatreds, emperors who killed their brothers, dynasties that fell to political upheaval creating forests of whitened bones.

  • 我国古代也很早就出现了别墅,大的有帝王的行宫,将相的府邸,小的有富商巨贾地主乡绅的山庄、庄园。
    My ancient villa is a very long, a large imperial Palace will be the sites, the small man with the landowners and rich merchants Villa, estate.

  • 不仅在舞台表演中扮演着重要的角色,起到了娱乐上至帝王将相下至平民百姓的作用,并受到了广泛的追捧。
    Is not only playing the important role in the stage show, played at the entertainment to the king military and political leader under to common people's role, and received widely has pursued holds.

  • ZEEU提示:北区有全国唯一的“太和殿”实景复制拍摄场,游客可在这里拍照,演绎一回帝王将相的故事。
    ZEEU Note: North is the only "Taihe Dian" real copy photography market, tourists can take pictures in here, the emperor will perform a back of the story.

  • 上至帝王将相、下至黎民百姓都对此深信不疑,于是便聚众敲锣打鼓、大放鞭炮,以轰走“天狗”、“挽救”太阳。
    Will be similar to the emperor on down to the common people have Lai Man has no doubt, then assembling a crowd to large firecrackers to "Tengu", "save" the sun.

  • 作者力求通过庶民百姓视角来建构台湾历史,与那些以帝王将相、大家族变迁的宏大叙事来建构历史的作品大有区别。
    Trying to build up the history of Taiwan through the viewing angle of the common persons, the novel is rather different from the writings describing the tribe changes of the nobilities.

  • 具象联想:中国古代帝王将相、才子佳人的服装面料,富贵荣华、权高位重;舞台上的戏服面料,轻柔飘逸、明艳动人;
    As a Lenovo: Ancient Chinese emperors would phase, Caizijiaren apparel fabrics, wealth and splendor, the right to high weight of the costumes on stage fabrics, elegant gentle, touching Mingyan;

  • 千百年来,人类一直在寻求延长寿命的良方秘药,从平民百姓到达官显贵、帝王将相都用尽了各种办法,耗尽了百般心思。
    Since thousands of years, the human has been searching for the way that can extend their lives. From the peasants to the nobles, even the emperor and the ministers, they all have tried their best.

  • 来吧!在中世纪遗留下来的古镇那铺满鹅卵石的街道上徜徉,你会回想起那些曾经走过这条道路的帝王将相、宗教信徒和文坛巨匠。
    Stroll through the cobbled streets of the medieval Old Town and remember the monarchs, religious zealots and literary giants who walked this way before you.

  • 另方面,“为帝王将相作家谱的所谓‘正史’,也往往掩不住”作为“中国的脊梁”的仁人志士“前赴后继”的“光耀”[32]。
    On the other hand, "as the emperor Writers spectrum so-called 'official history', are often not conceal "as" the backbone of China "of the people with lofty ideals" of endless "and" shine "[32].

  • 清明节的起源,据传始于古代帝王将相“墓祭”之礼,后来民间亦相仿效,于此日祭祖扫墓,历代沿袭而成为中华民族一种固定的风俗。
    Tomb-sweeping Day traces back to a manner of  the tomb of the ancient empires, and folks follow to sweep tombs at this day. Finally it becomes a kind of customs of China.

  • 它口感香甜凉爽,又是由牛奶这种纯粹而又基本的食物制作而成,让历代的帝王将相都为之心花怒放。同时在今天,人们也不用花太多钱就可以体验到片刻的清凉和无穷乐趣。
    Associated with milk, a pure and basic food, its sweet cooling taste has pleased emperors and kings throughout the history, and is today an inexpensive way of obtaining a moment of cool bliss.

  • 帝王将相造句相关
