
遇人不淑  yù rén bù shū







  • 我们总是抱怨自己怀才遇人不淑
    We always complain about their underappreciated, Yurenbushu.

  • 「这是为所有曾经遇人不淑的女生唱的歌。
    This song is for every girl with lousy boyfriends!

  • 现在的我遇人不淑, 更怪自己够果断…
    A good place. Many , many people are here learning and communicating.

  • 如果你遇人不淑,那么尽快离开,他们值得你浪费时间。
    Just move on if you experienced someone like this. They don't worth a time spending with.

  • 追求浪漫的二女儿一再遇人不淑,百筱柔于是暗地里撮合她和香港首富的儿子。
    Her mother expects her to marry a man called He Zhenan who is the son of the richest man in Hong Kong.

  • 遇人不淑是场莫大的悲剧,遇人不淑偏偏又爱得深切,那就是陷入了万劫复的地狱。
    Yurenbushu market is a woman of great tragedy, Yurenbushu just Aide Shen also cut, it is beyond redemption into a hell.

  • 年青女子温碧霞因遇人不淑而大了肚,后更被迫要当舞小姐。幸的是她妹夫李丽珍也同样步她后尘。
    Abandoned by her boyfriend, young Wan gets pregnant and is forced to become a courtesan after giving birth. The bad thing is that her sister is having the same fate.

  • 所以与合作或有任何事需要与交往时,我们都必须下些功夫,去彻底地的了解这的品性,才会有遇人不淑的懊恼。
    Therefore, when you cooperate with others, you must do some works to learn about your companions and co operators so as to avoid from being cheated.

  • 合租可减轻房租负担,并相对安全,对于刚走出校门的学生来说是首选。可是选择合租伙伴也要谨慎,如果遇人不淑那可就惨了。
    sharing the burden of rent burden, and relatively safe for students who have just completed is the first choice. But sharing partners should choose carefully if misfortune that may miserable.

  • 遇人不淑造句相关
