
物以稀为贵  wù yǐ xī wéi guì







  • 这便是物以稀为贵原则的一个典范。
    This is an example of the Scarcity Principle.

  • 就可说“物以稀为贵”。
    you can say rarity enhances value.

  • 物以稀为贵啊~!这个世界好男人不多!
    You may only be a person in this world, but for someone, you're the world!

  • 东西的价值只有在缺乏时体会最深。物以稀为贵
    The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it.

  • 物以稀为贵”,虾蟹多了,价格就要跌,这就是市场规律。
    "Content with rare for expensive " , shrimp crab is much, the price is about to drop, this is market rule.

  • 肯恩:还有一个法则伴随物以稀为贵法则而来,叫社会认可。
    Ken: There's another principle that goes along with the Law of Scarcity called Social Proof.

  • 有关人士认物以稀为贵将决定着洋家具价格不可避免地上涨。
    Concerned personage thinks, content with rare for expensive will decide foreign furniture price to rise inevitably.

  • 在我们的现实经济生活里,那种单纯抱着“物以稀为贵”,或是“…
    In our real economy life, the sort of pure holding in the arms " content with rare for expensive " , or be " …

  • 物以稀为贵;你想来一块乳酪蛋糕,还是那「最后」一块乳酪蛋糕?
    D. ? And sixth, scarcity: Which do you want more, a piece of cheesecake or the last piece of cheesecake?

  • 常言道,物以稀为贵,若能得遂所愿,我付出的努力就能得到更丰厚的回报。
    The greater the scarcity, compared to everything else, in this one thing that I supply, the higher will be the reward that I can get for my efforts.

  • 个股方面,俗话说,物以稀为贵,操作中应充分挖掘滞涨蓝筹中的有潜力品种。
    Stocks, the saying goes, rare, operation should be fully tapped in the stagflation of the rare potential blue chip varieties.

  • 也许世上聪明的人太多了,物以稀为贵使傻子成了尤,显得十分可,可敬可爱。
    The clever person on the world is too much perhaps, content with rare for expensive make fool became stunner, appear very commendable, respected and lovely.

  • 物以稀为贵”,竣工面积的大幅减少,今年广东楼价的上涨起到了“助推”作用。
    "Things, " for a substantial reduction of size for the increase in property prices this year has played Guangdong "booster" role.

  • 但有些玩家因其少,总觉得物以稀为贵,不问价值,盲目购进,结果一直库存在仓库里。
    However, some players because of their small, feel scarcity, pay no attention to the value of the purchase of the blind, the result has been stock in warehouses.

  • 然而,物以稀为贵,正因鲜有人亲眼见到过我,因此,想见我的人就变得更殷切了。
    People, however, seldom saw me, so they became more eager to see me.

  • 此外,老洋房的可长期投资性及高回报率,也是促成老洋房“物以稀为贵”的因素之一。
    In addition, the old villa will be a long-term investment and high returns, but also to the old villa "around" factor.

  • 你也不能在最富声望的地段,盖更多的房子,因享有声望的地段的本质就是`物以稀为贵
    Nor can you make more houses at the most prestigious addresses, because it is in the nature of prestigious addresses that there are not many of them.

  • 另一种就是顶层豪宅,精装修,景观好,能俯瞰CBD,但供应量一定不能多,物以稀为贵嘛。
    Another is the top-level house, refined decoration, landscape well, overlooking CBD can, but must not be more than supply, around better.

  • 另外,作世界钟表行业位于金字塔塔尖的品牌,“克?梦泽”一直坚持“物以稀为贵”的原则。
    In addition, as the world watches the industry in the brand pyramid hierarchy, "Chak dream of, " has always adhered to the "run" principle.

  • 管子工叫不来,在更高的层次上,大夫更是难请。医生和牙医知道物以稀为贵,并此指导自己的行
    Plumbers will not come. Nor, at the higher level, will doctors. And doctors and dentists know their scarcity value and behave accordingly .

  • 一般说来,价格飞涨的直接原因是土地供应不足造成的,这可应验供求关系决定价格、物以稀为贵的道理。
    Generally, the direct cause of price increases caused by a shortage of land, which could come true supply and demand determine prices, gives the truth.

  • 这个期间,工厂建设在一个牛奶短缺的市场,物以稀为贵,牛奶单价上涨,乳品厂从而获得了良好的经济效益。
    During the factory construction of a milk shortage in the market, the scarcity and rising price of milk, dairy products factory in order to get good economic returns.

  • 欧洲铠甲因材料特点易于保留,存世教多。中国的铠甲相对来说就少些了,物以稀为贵吧,我更看好中国铠甲。
    European loricae is easy to save for its material, and exist a lot. Chinese loricae is less by contrast, it's dear if it's rare, I look forward to Chinese loricae.

  • 物以稀为贵,正确的选择应该是项目中的缺户型,因这种户型不但出租率要比大众户型高,而且不容易被压价。
    Suddenly, the right choice is scarce Huxing project, which not only Huxing rental rates than public Huxing high, but not easily keep price down.

  • 火红的郁金香,蓝色的玫瑰。荷兰老一代花卉栽培者和田中博士的老板都明白,物以稀为贵,而“”则可来自基因调控。
    Flaming tulips. Blue roses. What Dutch growers of older Tanaka's employers both grasped is that rarity, hence economic value, can be created by genetic manipulation.

  • 火红的郁金香,蓝色的玫瑰。荷兰老一代花卉栽培者和田中博士的老板都明白,物以稀为贵,而“”则可来自基因调控。
    Flaming tulips. Blue roses. What Dutch growers of old and Dr Tanaka's employers both grasped is that rarity, and hence economic value, can be created by genetic manipulation.

  • 物以稀为贵,所只有正确认识自己的价值,对自己充满自信,不断发挥自身的潜力,才能将我们生存的意义充分体现出来。
    Rare, only a correct understanding of their value, on their own with confidence, and continue to play their own potential, can be the meaning of our existence fully reflected.

  • 物以稀为贵,所只有正确认识自己的价值,对自己充满自信,不断发挥自身的潜力, 才能将我们生存的意义充分体现出来。
    Rare, only a correct understanding of their value, on their own with confidence, and continue to play their own potential, can be the meaning of our existence fully reflected.

  • 两会期间限制进京车辆,影响了蔬菜进京,物以稀为贵,涨点是必然的,商贩这么做没什么合适不合适的,他们就是抓住机会挣钱。
    During the two restrictions on vehicles in Beijing, the effects of vegetables to Beijing, scarcity, inflation is inevitable, traders do not fit inappropriate, they seize the opportunity to make money.

  • 但许多业内人士认,这对于在建的别墅项目来说未必全是坏消息,它可能会使已开发上市的别墅项目“物以稀为贵”,房价上扬更加明显。
    But many people in the trade believe that this project for the construction of the villa is not all bad news, it might have been listed villa development project "gives" price rose more pronounced.

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