
一锤子买卖  yī chuí zi mǎi mài






  • 的短命快感,再也不能把人生当作一锤子买卖了。
    the short-lived pleasure of life can no longer be treated as a sale of a hammer.

  • 有的网店太嚣张了,都做一锤子买卖,骗你没商量。
    Some net inn too aggressive, do one hammer business, cheat you to did not discuss.

  • 有的网店太嚣张了,都做一锤子买卖,骗你没商量。
    Some shop Tai Xiaozhang, have done a hammer trading, Mo Shangliang deceive you.

  • 银行按揭使住房消费由一锤子买卖变为种长期消费等。
    Mortgage Bank to the sale of housing consumption by a hammer into a long-term consumption.

  • 而在服务上,“山寨平板”与消费者也是“一锤子买卖”。
    But in the service, "the village in a mountainous area plate" and the consumer is also "the short-lived business".

  • 但须牢记客户只要次就是自己的终身客户,不做一锤子买卖
    But must remember clients just once that will be our Life-long customers , don't do A hammer trading.

  • 那些做“一锤子买卖的欺诈行为的企业,是难以保持长久的。
    Those do " the enterprise of the fraudulent action of buying and selling of one hammer " , keep long hard.

  • 奥运地产不是“一锤子买卖”,定要考虑到楼盘的未来发展趋势。
    Olympic property is not "a hammer and" must take into account the future development trend.

  • 奥运地产同样不是“一锤子买卖”,定要考虑到楼盘的未来发展趋势。
    Olympic real estate is not the same "one hammer sale" must take into account the future development trend.

  • 除非是一锤子买卖,不然的话,下次再去审批(减免许多费用)岂不是要碰钉子?
    Unless the sale is a hammer, otherwise, go for the next (relief many of the costs) is not serious?This friend, in a certain government department serving, already own their own homes.

  • 因此,当我们听说他要举办个新的“一锤子买卖”式的黄金时间游戏节目,我们精心的。
    So when we heard he was going to host a new "Deal or No Deal"-style prime-time game show, we were psyched.

  • 不能做一锤子买卖。欧洲商人对于样品很好而交货的成批商品质量低于样品质量的情况不能接受。
    Thirdly, do not follow one-off deal. they can't accept the quality difference between bulk goods and fine samples.

  • 系统集成不是一锤子买卖,如果商家只关心用户的钱,恐怕他赚到的不仅仅是钱还有客户赋予他的骂名。
    The system is compositive not be one hammer buying and selling, if the businessman cares the money of the user only, be afraid of his gain is money still has a client to gift not just his bad name.

  • 当被问到改进过的标准导弹-3是否是美国新的反卫星武器技术时,卡特莱特说:“这是一锤子买卖”。
    "It's a one-time deal, " Cartwright said when asked whether the modified Standard Missile 3 should be considered a new U. S. anti-satellite weapon technology.

  • 也许客户非常喜欢你们的产品,但是如果得不到很好的服务,也只不过是一锤子买卖,你会失去许多忠实的客户。
    Although customers may love your product and your company, it only takes one interaction (or lack of action) to swiftly change their loyalties.

  • 再说,现在买楼不是‘一锤子买卖’,买完楼还有办房产证等系列事情,购房合同的内容规定就显得至关重要。
    Moreover, not now buy 'sale of a hammer' After Banfangchanzheng, there are a series of things, the purchase contract provisions on the content seems essential.

  • 然后就是一锤子买卖,只能袖手旁观,期待着自己堆积如山的研究论文不要付诸东流:火箭要毫无差错的飞冲天。
    And then getting only one chance to let 'er rip, crossing your fingers and hoping all your mountains of paper studies will pay off and nothing will go wrong the first time out.

  • 基于热门电视连续剧的数以百万计的世界各地的球迷,一锤子买卖:百万美元团将所有的游戏节目的行动和兴奋到你的iPhone或iPod触摸!
    Based on the hit TV series with millions of fans worldwide, Deal or No Deal: Million Dollar Mission puts all the game show's action and excitement onto your i Phone or iPod Touch!

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