
直抒己见  zhí shū jǐ jiàn







  • 如何直抒己见——生活将变得轻松。
    How to say what you mean – life will become a breeze.

  • 如何直抒己见——生活将变成微风习习。
    How to say what you mean – life will become a breeze.

  • 趁这样的机会直抒己见,其意义超过了道德上的义务,而成为一种乐趣。
    On an occasion of this kind it becomes more than a moral duty to speak one 's mind; it becomes a pleasure .

  • 趁这样的机会直抒己见,其意义超过了道德上的义务,而成为一种乐趣。
    On an occasion of this kind it become more than a moral duty to speak one's mind; it become a pleasure.

  • 他才识过人,聪明敏锐,是世界上一位最能直抒己见德高望重的政治家。
    With his brilliant, incisive intellect, he is one of the world's most outspoken and respected statesmen.

  • 但每当一个人敢于直抒己见时,另外一二个人或许会受到感染而同样行事。
    But every time one person would speak out, another person or two was probably inspired to do the same.

  • 他们的散文无视传统古文的程式,直抒己见,畅所欲言,是政治斗争的有效工具。
    They ignored traditional literary forms and expressed their views freely in their writings. Their essays were actually effective weapons in political struggles.

  • 由于美国人讲究直率,在平时的交往中,他们对事情和人都乐于直抒己见,坦言相告。
    Because Americans stress frank, among contacts of usual, they glad to state one's views frankly people to thing have, say frankly and inform .

  • 杰森:卡罗尔,你是不是想说,我和你妈创造的一种气氛,使你无法对我们直抒己见
    Jason: Oh Carol, come on. Are you implying that your mother and I created an atmosphere in which you could not tell us how you felt?

  • 但是,他已经享受了三年愉快的婚姻生活,遇事可以直抒己见,并且基本塑造了一个民众认可的威尔士亲王形象。
    But he has enjoyed three happy years of marriage, believes he speaks his mind, and has carved a relevant role for himself in society as Prince of Wales.

  • 带有称赞的缓和的批评,为日常应尽的服务而感谢别人,征求他人意见而不直抒己见,这些都常被看作是顺从的语言表达法。
    Softening criticism with praise, thanking people for routine services, and asking others for opinions instead of asserting12 your own are forms of speech often seen as submissive13.

  • 带有称赞的缓和的批评,为日常应尽的服务而感谢别人,征求他人意见而不直抒己见,这些都常被看作是顺从的语言表达法。
    Softening criticism with praise, thanking people for routine services, and asking others for opinions instead of asserting your own are forms of speech often seen as submissive.

  • 在刘备面前,诸葛亮总是直抒己见,说明他对刘备的忠诚并非唯唯诺诺的盲目服从,而是有自己独立的立场和见解的“智忠”。
    In the face of Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang always speak of his loyalty to Liu Bei is not stuck to the blind obedience, but rather has its own independent stance and views on the "chi-chung."

  • 直抒己见造句相关
