
直捣黄龙  zhí dǎo huáng lóng








  • 最终,“直捣黄龙”的失败使得申花高层颜面无光。
    Finally, pounds Huanglong straight the defeat causes the Shenhua high-level face countenance not to have the light.

  • 当你真正开始直捣黄龙,穿过肠壁,进军肚脐的时候,要注意其实只有几英寸,就不能再动了,要拉回来些。
    As you start to insert something past the anus, into the rectum, aim for the belly button(肚脐). After a few inches, you'll hit the curve. Pull back a little.

  • 内梅特得到70分钟的上场时间,第六分钟全场无人盯防的他直捣黄龙,可以他的趟球过大被出击斯特克伦博解围出底线。
    Krisztian Nemeth had his moments during his 70 minute outing. He found himself clean through on goal in the sixth minute but a heavy touch gave Stekelenburg the chance to clear.

  • 我当时确实有点怵,生怕不能满足她。直到后来,她告诉我说每次他们上床,当他准备直捣黄龙的时候他就会高喊:挺住!!
    I was eh, I was really intimidated until she told me that every time they were in bed together, when he was on his way in, so / expect, he used to go, "*! ""

  • 我不会为比分争执什么,我们正在与世界级的球员交战,但是我对第一个失球而苦恼,我们已经退居禁区,竟然让贝纳永这样直捣黄龙
    I can't argue with the result, we were playing against world-class players. But I was annoyed with the first goal we conceded, we backed off into the box and allowed Benayoun to get his shot in.

  • 如果我在博尔赫斯图书馆里搜索我的书《失控》时特别机敏的话,说不定要不了几个小时我就已经辨明了绕过图书馆层层书架直捣黄龙的方向了。
    If I had been especially astute in my search in the Library for my book Out of Control, after several hours I might have discerned a cardinal direction to my wanderings through the library stacks.

  • 让一个陌生的、没感觉的、干粗活的野男人开门见山,直捣黄龙,我觉得自己无比的淫贱、下流,但这正是我要达到几分钟前接近的高潮所需要的。
    It made me feel super-dirty and was just what I needed to re-reach the orgasm I was so close to minutes earlier.

  • 直捣黄龙造句相关
