
看破红尘  kàn pò hóng chén








  • 只可惜、我早已(看破红尘)了。
    Unfortunately, I have already (disillusioned with Red Dust) of the .

  • 看破红尘,望穿秋水,又能怎样?
    See through Red Dust, for ages, but also what?

  • 我不是佛教的圣人,我不会看破红尘
    Because I know myself and tears are useless.

  • 既然你看破红尘就该遁入空门,继续做和尚。
    Why don't you stay here to be a monk?

  • 没有爱一个人会看破红尘也会变得凶狠残忍。
    Without love a person could go hayward and also become cruel and ferocious.

  • 或者看破红尘,游戏情场,成为女人恨恨的那种男人。
    Possibly, be cynical , play feeling becomes that woman regret man.

  • 或者看破红尘,游戏情场,成为女人恨恨的那种男人。
    Or Kanpo Red Dust, games market conditions, a woman Henhen the kind of men.

  • 世人常道:看透生死,看破红尘,其实多因失去了爱情。
    The common people often says: The outguess life and death , be cynical , in fact many reason has lost love.

  • 他不像是失去理智的白痴,也不像是看破红尘的消极主义者。
    He is not irrational idiots, not like the negative and see through Mundane Life those.

  • 他不像是失去理智的白痴,也不像是看破红尘的消极主义者。
    He wasn't like a stupid man without mind, or a negativist who has passed everything by.

  • 他不像是失去理智的白痴,也不像是看破红尘的消极主义者。
    His ising unlike is the idiocy for losing her heading, also being unlike is the passivism for seeing through the emptiness of the world.

  • 人为什么在失落或失恋的时候,情绪低落;所什么看破红尘/?
    Factitious what is lose or when be lovelorn, the mood is low; / of human society of what see through?

  • 总是大有看破红尘的感觉,见人只说三分话,莫把心事全部抛。
    Always have the feeling, see world of mortals lavishly only three words, don't put all the cast mind.

  • 我们能看破红尘的一个角落,遇事保持一个平常心,就是烧高香了。
    We should be thankful for if we can see through one part of this mundane world, and keep a peaceful heart for everything.

  • 它着重于宫崎骏刻画的一个看破红尘和愤世嫉俗的个人化的自画像。
    Its focus on Marco as disillusioned and cynical is a personal self-portrait by Miyazaki.

  • 我原以为,年岁就意味着看破红尘--实际上,它更多代表的是痛失挚爱。
    I used to think getting old was about vanity-but actually it's about losing people you love.

  • 你常常被那些诱人的注意,机会或者迷人的家伙所诱惑,一旦你看破红尘,你将不再迷惑。
    While you've often been seduced by intriguing ideas, offers or charming individuals, once your earth sign canniness kicks in, you come to your senses.

  • 一段始乱终弃的爱情,可以让人痛哭流涕,看破滚滚红尘,但却阻挡不了世人对美好爱情的追求。
    after a period of use, kicked away the love, can make people burst into tears, walk out Red Dust, but but the world will not stop the pursuit of a better love.

  • 或许,此生我未曾看破红尘,那些深深的依恋,在夜的舞台中央,飞舞水袖,轻舞霓裳,朝我遥遥招手。
    Perhaps, I have never looked through the earthly world for my whole life. The deep attachment dances in the night arena with flying long sleeves, waving to me in the distance.

  • 或许,此生我未曾看破红尘,那些深深的依恋,在夜的舞台中央,飞舞水袖,轻舞霓裳,朝我遥遥招手。
    Maybe, I am still attach on to the human society, that deep attachment, in the center of stage, with shaking sleeves and dancing clothes, wave to me in far distance.

  • 或许,此生我未曾看破红尘,那些深深的依恋,在夜的舞台中央,飞舞水袖,轻舞霓裳,朝我遥遥招手。
    Perhaps, never had I seen through the emptiness of the world. At the center stage of night, those affectionateness, of waving sleeves, of valsing gossamer, was beckoning to me far away.

  • 或许,此生我未曾看破红尘,那些深深的依恋,在夜的舞台中央,飞舞水袖,轻舞霓裳,朝我遥遥招手。
    Perhaps, I never see through the worldly life. Those deeply sentiments are beckoning me in the distance at the centre of the stage of night, with the fluttering water sleeves and dancing furbelows.

  • 由于对两次大战之间那个时期具有特别杰出的时间观念,他的那种看破红尘的气质和 熟练的技巧 影响了整个一代作家。
    Possessed of the most remarkable time sense of the period between wars, his disillusioned temperament and technical skill have influenced a whole generation of writer.

  • 凯伦·潘朝他径直走来。他正坐在那儿,漫不经心,坐在一只地狱猫尸体的屁股上,目光投向远方,仿佛自己对这世界早已看破红尘一般。
    Karen Penn went straight for him as he sat there nonchalantly on the rump of a defunct Hellcat, looking off into the distance as if he didn't have a care in the world.

  • 但她对这里已看破红尘,生活在瓦维尔城堡附近一隅的她,乘坐马车要走过几条街道,15世纪的建筑物和知识分子的氛围一一展现在眼前。
    But she has seen this place all her life, living in the shadow of Wawel Castle, walking these streets with their carriages and their 15th-century architecture and the intellectual atmosphere.

  • 或者看破红尘,游戏情场,成为女人恨恨的那种男人。他们可以很容易俘获女孩子的心,但是他们也会在黑的夜里流泪。心里有爱的时候,没有女孩;
    Then he turned around, knelt down and proposed to the lady…i replied yes and the only thing I could do was to look at them, smiled, clapped my hands, and saying 'congratulations'.

  • 张爱玲是一个“看破红尘”的作家,她用自己那支冷静到了几近残酷之笔,刺到人性的最痛处,彻底揭示了被亲情关系掩盖着的惨不忍睹的真实———人间无爱。
    She uses her "cool to cruel" pen to uncover hidden human nature: no love in the world, a horrible fact that is concealed with human tenderness.

  • 我们常认为看破红尘的意思就是什么都不想要了,不再眷恋世间,失去了感情,六根清净,所以一个人一旦看破红尘就会循道出家,而所有出家的人就是看破红尘的人。
    I have put out a piece of goods yesterday midnight. That is the first time to put it out. Today when I went to see it, I found that there's no one.

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