
经久不息  jīng jiǔ bù xī






  • 他在经久不息的掌声中退下了舞台。
    He left the stage to prolonged applause.

  • 同学们非常欣赏那位讲演者的演讲,掌声经久不息
    The audience enjoyed the play very much and time and again clapped loudly.

  • 同学们非常欣赏那位讲演者的演讲,掌声经久不息
    The students enjoyed the speaker so much that the clapping continued for a long time.

  • 他的演唱深深感染了观众,赢得了经久不息的热烈掌声。
    His performance moved the audience and received long and warm applause.

  • 父亲,亲情,真爱,永远是这个世界上经久不息的绝唱。
    Father, affection, love, is always the world prolongs the song.

  • 但这只是依赖怀恋往事的小市场,它们不可能经久不息
    But these are niche markets that depend on nostalgia, and they are unlikely to last.

  • 理查德。克莱德曼结束演出的时候,观众全体起立,掌声经久不息
    When Richard Clayderman finished the performance, the whole audience was on their feet and clapped and clapped.

  • 他对游苔莎那种炽热的爱一直是他整个生命里的一种经久不息的力量。
    His passion for Eustacia had been a sort of conserve of his whole life.

  • 迭戈射入了巴西本场第一粒球后,欢呼声再次在体育场回荡,经久不息
    The cheers went up again when Diego scored the first goal of the night for Brazil.

  • 记得当时,全场的掌声经久不息。因为:回家,是中国人最珍视的价值观念。
    I can still remember that the hall echoed with prolonged applause because returning home is the most cherished value held by the Chinese people.

  • 他们的努力得到了肯定,观众经久不息的掌声就是送给这些孩子最好的礼物。
    They diligently obtained the affirmation, audience's prolonged applause give these child best gift.

  • 选秀的评委和观众被他征服了,许多观众感动得落泪,站起来给他经久不息的掌声。
    He captivated the show's judges and audiences, even moving many audiences to tears and to give standing ovations.

  • 你的微笑是一首歌,青春的恋歌。那优美的旋律,经久不息地回荡在我的心地与脑海。
    Your smile is a song, a love song singing for youth. The melody resounds in my heart without stopping.

  • 大自然恒定不变的稳定性,和我们自身经久不息的变化比起来,一定有着同样的效果。
    The fixed and constant immobility of nature , in comparison with the continual change which goes on within us , must have the same effect.

  • 这样一个美妙时刻,圣诞钟声经久不息,我的心在无尽的怀念中,感受你我灵魂的共鸣。
    In such a wonderful time, the Christmas bell prolongs. My heart is immersed in endless longing for you and feeling sympathetic of our souls.

  • 他们的努力在开幕式上得到了肯定,观众经久不息的掌声就是送给这些孩子最好的礼物。
    They diligently obtained the affirmation at the opening ceremony, audience's prolonged applause give these child best gift.

  • 敬畏中国是因为这个国家如此巨大、如此古老、如此厚重,弥漫着经久不息的神秘气息。
    Awe, because it's so vast and so old and so storied; China has an enduring mystique (which its tourism promoters hope never fades).

  • 共产党的官方喉舌人民日报称温的演讲赢得了“经久不息的掌声”,但是没有提到那只鞋。
    People's Daily, the official mouthpiece of the Communist Party, said Mr Wen's speech had won "sustained applause" but did not mention the shoe.

  • 在这样一个美妙的时刻,圣诞钟声经久不息,我的心在无尽的怀念中,感受你我灵魂的共鸣。
    In such a wonderful time, the Christmas bell prolongs. My heart is immersed in endless longing for you and feeling sympathetic response of our soul.

  • 此刻庆祝伊始,场内活动持续了一个小时而其后的庆祝更是经久不息,事实上直至夜幕降临。
    Celebrations start and continue for an hour on the pitch and for longer afterwards, and indeed well into the night.

  • 摘 要 责任是伦理学中比较古老的范畴,责任教育也是人类文化传承中经久不息的主题之一。
    Responsibility is one of old category in ethics, correspondingly, responsibility education is one of prolonged themes in human culture.

  • 在他离开斯佩兰斯基以后,这种有节制的、忧郁的笑声经久不息地在安德烈公爵的耳旁发出回响。
    That punctual, mirthless laugh was ringing in Prince Andrey's ears long after he had left Speransky's.

  • 《永不停跳的舞步》中李月和残疾人艺术团的聋哑舞者们精彩的表演赢得了观众经久不息的掌声。
    "Never Stopped Dance step which Jumped" Li Yue and the disabled person art group's deaf-mute dancers splendid performance has received audience's prolonged applause.

  • 那呼声震耳欲聋,经久不息,令人欢欣鼓舞。众人本身所构成的这个庞大的队伍的人数和威力使他们自己大吃一惊。
    with a shout so deafening, so prolonged, so joyful, that the men themselves felt awestruck at the multitude and force of the mass they made up.

  • 2007年的舞台已徐徐落下帷幕,中国与亚洲共谋的当代艺术市场,传来的掌声、呐喊声、窃喜声、叹息声,经久不息
    The curtain is ringing down slowly on the stage of 2007. In China and Aisa contemporary art market, you can hear all kinds of applause, whoop, chuckle and sigh.

  • 中华人民共和国开国大典,无疑是中华民族历史上最辉煌的时刻。那隆隆的礼炮声,曾经久不息地回荡在天安门广场的上空。
    Gun salute sound of Na Longlong, ever prolonged does not cease ground resound is in of Tiananmen Square in the sky.

  • 斯佩兰斯基的尖细的嗓音听来逆耳,使他觉得奇怪,他那经久不息的虚伪的笑声,不知为什么使安德烈公爵在感情上受到侮辱。
    Speransky's high voice struck him unpleasantly, and his continual laugh in its high-pitched, falsetto note was for some reason an offence to Prince Andrey's feelings.

  • 经济全球化带来的“英语热”经久不息,借助热点话题来深化中文和英文的读者,一般不大会讨厌通过针对话题的探究来提升自己的方式。
    Globalization brings about the hot wave of English learning. For anyone who likes to deepen English as a second language intelligently or go global for whatever reasons, here i …

  • 讲座结束时,台下的掌声经久不息,这是对胡振洲同学本次讲座的充分肯定,也算是大家对他的辛苦的一点感谢吧,也说明了有很多学生对计算机及网络知识有浓厚的兴趣。
    There was a continuous applause under the stage. It was a full conviction about Mr. Hu. It also showed that some students had much interest in computer and network.

  • 经久不息造句相关
