
罪恶昭彰  zuì è zhāo zhāng







  • 她不承认世界有这些罪恶昭彰的过错。
    She would admit none of the notorious errors of the world.

  • 我发了个电报,报道了那个臭名昭彰的组织的罪恶
    I have sent a cable describing the wickedness of that infamous organization.

  • 近来就发生了一个罪恶昭彰的破坏一国环境保护的WTO决议,即虾龟案。
    One recent egregious example of the WTO's ability to undercut a country's environmental protections is the WTO's decision in the shrimp-turtle case.

  • 一个如此罪恶昭彰的君主,其一切的行为都可以确认为暴君,实不堪做一个自由民族的统治者。
    A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

  • 一个如此罪恶昭彰的君主,其一切的行为都可以确认为暴君,实不堪做一个自由民族的统治者。
    Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

  • 那些罪恶昭彰的大汉奸虽被处置了,但其幕后操纵者却仍然逍遥法外,依旧作威作福,欺压人民。
    Thus, the worst, that is, the open and flagrant traitors were done away with, but the men who stood behind the traitors and were still suppressing the people remained.

  • 西方银行界的CEO和董事长们所犯下的错误似乎更加罪恶昭彰,因为领取高额薪酬并没有帮助任何一个实体在这场危机中表现的更好。
    The errors of the CEOs and Chairmen of Western Banks seem all the more flagrant that extraordinary compensation did not help any single entity perform extraordinarily during the crisis.

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