
血迹斑斑  xuè jì bān bān






  • 他的裤子破了,大腿上血迹斑斑
    His pants are torn and his leg is bloody.

  • 那儿路面早已是血迹斑斑了。
    The pavement was red for a long time at that spot.

  • 血迹斑斑的,在那张桌子上,充作物证。
    There it is, all blood-stained, on the desk, as a testimony of the crime.

  • 杀人犯手上仍血迹斑斑
    The murderer's hands still reek with blood.

  • 血迹斑斑却没有伤口?
    All this blood no wound.

  • 首府被遗弃。敌人在挺进。雪地上血迹斑斑
    The capital was abandoned. The enemy was advancing. The snow was stained with blood.

  • 他的衣服上血迹斑斑,所以我们怀疑他是凶手。
    His clothes were blood-stained, so we suspected that he was a murderer.

  • 雪地上血迹斑斑
    The snow was stained with blood.

  • 雪是血迹斑斑
    The snow was stained with blood.

  • 血人巴罗是一个浑身血迹斑斑,严酷的,沉默寡言的可怕家伙。
    The Bloody Baron is a grim, silent, terrifying fellow who is covered with bloodstains.

  • 许多夜晚我能得到很多血迹斑斑的银币,却得不到任何生命和知识。
    Some nights I gathered many blood-dappled coins, but garnered neither lives nor knowledge.

  • 大刀,长矛,那锈迹斑斑的土铳。铜锣,军号,那血迹斑斑的战衣。
    Gong, bugle, the battle garment with that full of stains or spots bloodstain.

  • 记者现场看到,地上血迹斑斑,从血迹上来看,伤者当时在不断奔逃。
    Reporters at the scene saw bloody on the ground, with blood from the point of view, the patient was in constant panic.

  • 他的手用一条血迹斑斑的手帕绑着,右裤腿从膝盖到裤脚都被撕破了。
    His hand was wrapped in a bloody handkerchief, and the right trouser leg was ripped from knee to ankle.

  • 血迹斑斑的湿润的青草和变黑了的白桑树只能讲叙这个故事的一部分。
    The stained , slippery grass, the darkened mulberries, told only half the story.

  • 的影响,别克商务车被拖到停车场事件发生后,汽车司机和共同血迹斑斑
    BMW parked in the parking lot incident, the engine hood tilt exposed.

  • 鲜血如注,从他的鼻孔里喷涌而出,流过双唇,最后流到了已经血迹斑斑的地板上。
    Blood roared out of his nostrils, onto his lips and eventually onto the already blood-stained floor.

  • 室内一片狼藉,玻璃碴满地,写字台底下血迹斑斑,业主查跃生被打后就躲在这里。
    Indoor a messy, Bolicha Montreal, under the blood-stained desk, the owners of Town and beaten after hiding here.

  • 血迹斑斑,糊满尘土,已经僵死的细脖子上的剃了半边的脑袋,动来动去地在地上拖着。
    The dead, shaven head, stained with blood and grim ed with dust, was trailed along the ground, rolling from side to side on the long neck.

  • 这时男人人也应承担少女的一点痛苦,不要挣脱,让女朋友紧抓你的身体,就算自己血迹斑斑
    By now should not be too anxious, want the take your time, undresses gently for her, eliminates her tense feeling.

  • 我想,我们那些政客最讨厌的就是纵使双手血迹斑斑,还是千篇一律的摆出一副道貌岸然的嘴脸。
    What I find most abominable in our politicians is that, even when their hands are stained with blood, they invariably adopt a holier-than-thou attitude.

  • 她刚刚失去母亲,身上粉色的衣服血迹斑斑。她在专注地盯着什么,但那东西却似乎只有她能够看得见。
    She has just become motherless. Her pink clothes are bloodied and her eyes stare at something only she can see.

  • 没了斯皮兹,就少了麻烦。”次日早晨,当弗朗索瓦发现斯皮兹不见了,而巴克身上血迹斑斑的时候,说了这些话。
    No more Spitz, no more trouble, " said Francois the next morning when he discovered that Spitz had disappeared and that Buck was covered in blood."

  • 饥饿的印度幼崽,博茨瓦纳,1999一只印度豹幼崽被它刚刚的猎食弄得血迹斑斑。它显示了一个速度奇快的猎手特征。
    Hungry Cheetah Cub, Botswana, 1999"Bloodstained from its last meal, a cub shows features of a hunter built for speed."

  • 不管是个人佩戴还是竖在建筑物上,十字架都是向世人宣告各各他血迹斑斑的十字架,是我们得著赦免和救赎的唯一希望。
    It proclaims to the world, whether on a person or a building, that the blood-stained cross of Calvary is our only hope of forgiveness and salvation.

  • 新华社报道说,这起事故发生在一个弯道上,造成多节车厢倾覆到沟渠中。此外,血迹斑斑的被褥和破碎的热水瓶散落一地。
    The accident, which happened at a bend, caused the carriages to topple into a ditch, Xinhua reported, adding that bloodstained sheets and broken Thermos flasks littered the ground.

  • 难道医生就不应该将杀人者杰克(残害妇女的凶犯)送交警察,律师就不应该拒绝掩盖血迹斑斑的罪证,出来指证他的当事人是残害他人的凶手吗?
    Is there not a point where a doctor should hand Jack the Ripper over to the police and a lawyer refuse to suppress the bloodstained evidence that proves his client a torturer ?

  • 不幸的朋友别哭 ,用你那血迹斑斑带着泥土的双手失去双眸中饱含的泪水,擦干英雄辛劳的汗水,你能从废墟中走出来是他们心灵最大的慰藉,更是我们共同的心愿。
    No crying, unlucky friends, wiping your tears filled with your eyes with your bloody and clayed hands, drying the sweat of heroes. Your coming back from the clics is our comfort and dream.

  • 一位前模特在一个血迹斑斑的手提箱里被发现,尸体由于没有手掌或者牙齿并且被严重肢解,侦探不得不通过乳房填充物上的序列号鉴定尸体是JasmineFiore。
    An ex-model found stuffed in a bloodstained suitcase without fingers or teeth was so badly mutilated that detectives had to identify Jasmine Fiore through a serial number of her breast implants.

  • 她紧紧拉住科尼太太的胳膊,使她俯身靠近自己。“就在这间屋子里,我曾帮助过一个漂亮的年轻女人。她进来时,两只脚伤痕累累,血迹斑斑,她在这儿生下了一个男孩就死了。”
    ' She held onto Mrs Corney's arm and pulled her down towards her 'In this same room I once helped a pretty young woman who came in with cut and bleeding feet, who gave birth to a boy and then died.

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