
走马看花  zǒu mǎ kàn huā







  • 一天只能走马看花;一年方能称之旅人。
    A day is a tourist; a year is a traveller.

  • 不过我会建议您搭计程车,如果您不想只是走马看花
    However, I strongly suggest you may take a taxi if you don't want to just take a look at the paintings.

  • 遗憾的是,由于时间的限制,我们也只能是走马看花
    Unfortunately, due to the time reason, we can only be a cursory looking at flowers.

  • 旅游本身的性质就是走马看花,不过我觉得我们是在跑马看花!。
    Tourist travel is by its very nature like " looking at flowers while riding a horse, " only I feel we' ve been looking at flowers at a gallop!

  • 过去观光客走马看花的利马,已经开始吸引美食者上门,因为秘鲁烹饪远近驰名。
    Lima, once bypassed by tourists, has begun to attract gastronomes, because of the excellence of Peruvian cuisine.

  • 大都会是世界最知名的博物馆之一,您真的应该好好的仔细看看,而不是很快的走马看花
    Metropolitan is one of the most famous museum in the world. You really should take a good look at it instead of just having a quick glance.

  • 即使匆匆走马看花氏地逛完整个博物馆,也让我们花了将近四个小时,一直到闭馆时间才步出美术馆。
    Even if we didn't visit the gallery in detail, it still took us almost four hours just have a fast walk-through of it.

  • 人生就像一本书,傻瓜们走马看花似的随手翻阅它,聪明人用心得阅读它,因为他知道这本书只能读一次。
    Life is a book. The foolish only gain a superficial understanding through browsing it, while the wise read it attentively, because they know the book can only be read once.

  • 旅行台湾就差不多我们俩的指定计画。不过,走马看花的观光景点,大吃大喝的购物团…台湾应该不只是这样吧!
    Travelling around Taiwan is something that we must do every year. However, we are so sick of visiting those touristy spots. Taiwan should be so much more than just eating and shopping.

  • 店里夥计往往得费尽唇舌请客人暂停走马看花,坐下来试听MP3随身听,或试打电话,这种理念还真的相当罕见。
    So alien is the concept that store employees often have to coax shoppers to stop browsing and just sit down and pick up an MP3 player or a phone.

  • 兴致勃勃的中国考察团最后很可能沦为走马看花的观光团,大伙只能当看热闹的门外汉,根本无法深入地挖掘任何宝藏。
    At the end of their attachment, they can only be outsiders without gaining any true understanding of China and all its unique business practises.

  • 潘克洛夫和赫伯特在他们落难的这片土地上观察了好久,可是这样走马看花的看了一遍,也很难想象出他们未来的命运如何。
    Pencroft and Herbert examined for some time the country on which they had been cast; but it was difficult to guess after so hasty an inspection what the future had in store for them.

  • 走马看花造句相关
