
道德文章  dào dé wén zhāng







  • 有些读者把我的文章解释为违反道德原则。
    I've had a few readers interpret these articles as arguments against moral principles.

  • 他的道德文章,生前影响一时,身后亦誉评有加。
    His morals and articles gained praise and comment before death and after.

  • 文章系统分析了大学生道德问题的成因,提出了应对之策。
    the sexual morality idea melts at will. The article analyzes the origin of university student morals, and proposes the countermeasures.

  • 文章强调了环境道德教育在德育体系中具有的重要地位和作用。
    There are some problems in the environmental moral education of pr駈ary and secondary schools, thought we have achieved certain outcome.

  • 一种短小的体现某种道德原则的故事性文章,通常出现在布道文中。
    A tale, usually inserted into the text of a sermon, that illustrates a moral principle.

  • 文章认为,陶行知的道德教育思想是对中华传统美德的继承和弘扬。
    In this article, the author thinks that Tao's thought is the inheritance and enhancement of Chinese traditional merits.

  • 我们是本著世界级教练学的道德守则进行所有文章及活动内容的添加。
    All activities and articles posted should be aligned in accordance with international coaching code and ethics.

  • 历史上对医学发展作出贡献的医学家同时在道德文章上同样均有很深的造诣。
    History shows that those who made great contributions to the development of traditional Chinese medicine also cultivated themselves profoundly in moral practice.

  • 文章道德控制、社会控制、司法控制三个方面,论述了扒窃行为的控制对策。
    This article expounds the control countermeasures of pick-pocketing from moral control aspect, social control aspect and judicial control aspect.

  • 摘要:文章从本体论、道德论和认识论三个维度对冯友兰的大全概念做了解读。
    Ectract: It is explained and acquired the DA QUAN by scholar Feng around three dimensions of Ontology, Ethics and Epistemology.

  • 文章指出,企业道德是社会道德的重要组成部分,并阐述了企业道德的社会意义。
    The article pointed out that, the enterprise morals are the social morals important constituent, andelaborated the enterprise morals social significance.

  • 这篇文章就某些记者的道德行为提出疑问,这些记者据说曾用威胁手段获得采访权。
    The article questions the ethical conduct of certain journalists, who are claimed to have used threats in order to obtain interviews.

  • 前者往往借助于道德哲学的论证,文章以米克尔约翰、德沃金为例对此进路予以说明;
    The front should often be proved by moral philosophy, such as Meiklejohn and Dworkin.

  • 文章论述了大学生道德目标体系重构的基本原则,提出了大学生目标体系的基本模式。
    As a result we must readjust it immediately. This thesis gives primary principles of its readjustment, and primary pattern.

  • 在海德特的文章道德的崇高和积极心理学”里,他摘自托马斯杰克逊的一个生活片段。
    In Haidt's article "Elevation and the Positive Psychology of Morality" he includes an anecdote from Thomas Jefferson's life.

  • 李泽厚通过对现代新儒家的解读,指出其核心之误是以道德代政治,文章对此进行了梳理。
    LI Ze-hou points out that its core misunderstanding is its use of ethics instead of politics and he makes a careful analysis of it through his interpretation on modern Neo Confucians.

  • 其以东林书院为中心,护法程朱理学,发而为道德文章,经世救时,呈现出独特的儒学风貌。
    Taking the Donglin College as the center, they defended the Neo-Confucianism advocated by Cheng Hao and Zhu Xi, and wrote articles to save the ethos, showing a unique style of Confucianism.

  • 文章分析了礼仪是道德、职业道德内在要求的外在表现形式,它们之间相互渗透、相互补充;
    The essay analyses the internal needs and external forms of professional moral and politeness of the liˉbarbarians.

  • 对此,文章提出了开展网络道德教育、制定系统的网络行为规范、构建医德教育的新体系等对策。
    Therefore, this article puts forward the tactics to develop network morality education, plan systematical network behaviour standard, and build up new system of medical morality education.

  • 目前,这个搜索返回40个结果,包括特拉华州的许多意见和职业道德的几个杂志文章和其他网页。
    This search currently returns 40 results, including many Delaware ethics opinions and several magazine articles and other pages.

  • 总体上,曾巩认为道德修养比文章修养更重要,但同时又文道兼顾,认为二者是相互联系,密不可分的。
    He believed that the Tao (content) is more important than the Wen (form) in essays, and the two should be kept in harmony.

  • 文章认为,良好道德素质是构建社会主义和谐社会的关键因素之一,是推动和谐社会建设的强大精神力量。
    The article proposes that good moral quality is one of the main factors and great spiritual force in establishing a socialism harmonious society.

  • 文章认为,科学道德情感应包括对于实验动物的关爱、对于人类受试者的人权的尊重、对科研同行工作的尊敬等基本内容。
    The author holds that the scientific morals should include the love for the subject animals, the respect for the human being subject, and esteeming the work of others.

  • 文章首先对法制及道德的概念进行简要概括,并对法制教育及道德教育进行界定,进而分析了法制教育与道德教育之间的联系。
    It briefly summarizes about the concept of legal education and moral cultivation and makes a definition about them, and then analyses the relation between them.

  • 目前,该搜索可返回40个结果,包括特拉华州律师协会关于职业道德的意见以及其他杂志、文章等媒体对此问题的一些看法。
    This search currently returns 40 results, including many Delaware ethics opinions and several magazine articles and other pages.

  • 正确认识大学生的思想道德素质现状,是开展大学生思想道德教育的前提,文章就如何考察当前大学生的思想道德素质状况提出了几点看法。
    To understand correctly is very important to develop their ethic education. the article on how college students study the current status of the ideological and moral qualities made a few comments.

  • 文章从伦理道德的角度,提出一种新的旅游资源开发道德,研究它的基本原则和规范,这对于旅游资源可持续发展将具有十分重要的理论指导意义。
    Based on this viewpoint, this paper holds a main principle which is the accordant development of man with nature, then holds three practical moral norms.

  • 特别是文章对网络新闻道德问题的特点分析,是在对网络新闻道德问题进行分类的基础上得出的,它不同于过去对网络中各个问题大而笼统的研究。
    Especially, based on the categories of netnews morality, the thesis shows the characteristics of netnews morality, and it is different from the general research of the Internet problems.

  • 文章指出,经济行为与道德行为是属于完全不同的两个层面的行为,经济伦理学的研究至多只能是对经济行为的反道德性和道德行为的非经济性的研究。
    Furthermore, the economic ethics is nothing but an attempt to survey the anti-ethics of the human's ethical behavior because these two kinds of behavior belong to different categories.

  • 新型农村合作医疗制度同保险制度一样,也存在着道德风险的缺陷,文章说明了新型农村合作医疗制度中道德风险的概念与产生机理,提出了减少新型农村合作医疗中道德风险的对策。
    The new rural CMS, like the insurance system, has moral hazard. This article explains the concept of moral hazard, and put forward some efficient ways to control the moral hazard.

  • 道德文章造句相关
