
随波逐流  suí bō zhú liú








  • 遇事要有主见, 决不能随波逐流
    One must have one's own opinions and not drift with the current.

  • 一个成功的人从不随波逐流
    A successful man never drifting with the tide.

  • 你必须学会如何随波逐流
    You have to learn how to flow.

  • 一个真正的人,必定是不随波逐流的人。
    My life is for it itself and not for a spectacle.

  • 请让我随波逐流,被海浪冲走,像飘一样。
    Please make me go into exile. As gone with the wind.

  • 习惯,就是不随波逐流
    Habit, is not to follow the trend.

  • 我依旧是一个道士,一个随波逐流的小道士。
    I still was a Taoist priest, a small drift priests.

  • 这个年代,灯红酒绿的年代,随波逐流的年代。
    This age, false picture of the era, an era of drift.

  • 危险在于许多经理人仅仅想随波逐流,人云亦云。
    The danger lies with many managers who only want to" coast along".

  • 有时,作自己是最难的事,随波逐流也许更容易。
    Sometimes being yourself is the hardest thing to do.

  • 他在讨论问题时总是随波逐流,不肯暴露自己的观点。
    He always drifts with the current in discussion, not making his view known.

  • 它们随波逐流,为许多较大的动物提供了基本的食物。
    They drift about lazily with the currents, providing a basic food for many larger animals.

  • 没有志向的人,就好比没有动力的船,只能随波逐流
    A man without aspirations is like an unpowered boat which has to go with the waves.

  • 国家将因此而被弄得岌岌可危地随波逐流,可能导致战争。
    The country will thus be perilously set adrift, possibly towards the war.

  • 即便那些聪明的投资者也需要极大毅力避免自己随波逐流
    Even the intelligent investor is likely to need great willpower to keep from following the crowd.

  • 只要系统搭乘上进化的上升流峰,它就会随波逐流一直向前。
    As long as the system rides this upwelling crest of evolvability, it surfs along.

  • 这是多么可悲的疾病啊!随波逐流的问题是:你不可能漂流到山顶去。
    Here's one problem with drifting: you can't drift your way to the top of the mountain.

  • 其他人则随波逐流,并不知道丹尼斯的如意保护伞不能不断撑下去了。
    Others were on cruise control, unaware that life under Dennis's cushy umbrella was about to end.

  • 没有生活目标的人,就像河里的一叶小草。他们从不行走,而是随波逐流
    Someone lives a life without any aim, just like a tiny grass in the river. They never walk but drift to the wind.

  • 假如帆或舵中的任何一个损坏了,你们只能随波逐流,或者在大海中停滞不前。
    If either your sails or your rudder be broken, you can but toss and drift, or else be held at a standstill in mid-seas.

  • 美丽的人生是经过深思熟虑之后,创造性地运用我们拥有的资源,拒绝随波逐流的结果。
    A great life is the result of using what you get in a creative and thoughtful way, instead of just what comes next.

  • 我大可随波逐流,他想,管自睡去,预先把钓索在脚趾上绕上一圈,有动静时可以把我弄醒。
    I could just drift, he thought, and sleep and put a bit of line around my toe to wake me.

  • 一个真正拥有自信的人,不会让自己的人生随波逐流,他们会扼紧命运的喉咙,成为生命的主人。
    A real people who have self-confidence, will not let your life drift, they will remember the fate of the throat briefly to become the master of life.

  • 有时候觉得造化弄人,有时候觉得世态炎凉,更多的时候会感慨自己也随波逐流,身心不能自己。
    Sometimes feel that people get good luck, and sometimes feel that inconstancy of human relationships, more time will be feeling himself drift, physical and mental are neither.

  • 此时此刻的自然倾向是,把贪图舒适和随波逐流留凌驾于进步和方向性之上,但,这可能是错误的。
    At such a moment, there is temptation to elevate comfort and consensus over progress and clear direction, but this would be a mistake.

  • 我女儿班上的大部分姑娘正在学习烹调和办公室业务,但她不随波逐流,却学习木工和发动机修理。
    Most of the girls in my daughter's class are learning cookery and office practice, but she is swimming against the stream and studying carpentry and motor mechanics.

  • 必须坚守你的专长。遵循一条简单原则才能变得很棒。不要随波逐流失去方向,别失去方向。就是要保持现状。
    Stick to the stuff you know. If you wanna be cool follow one simple rule. Don't mess with the flow, no, no. Stick to the status quo.

  • 可以这麽说,比起那些让他们的投资“随波逐流”的人所损失的钜额款项来,(短线)的投机所损失的还是小数目。
    It is a safe bet that the money lost by (short term) speculation is small compared with the gigantic sums lost by those who let their investments "ride".

  • 主力护盘积极的个股,在大盘回调、大多数个股拉出长阴时,不愿随波逐流,而是保持缩量整理态势,等待最佳的拉抬时机。
    The main force to support actively the stock, back in the market, most stocks长阴when pulled out, unwilling to follow the crowd, but organize to keep shrinking trend, wait for the best time of boost.

  • 让我们以祷告记念这些基督徒父母,一方面要看守自己儿女不致随波逐流离弃信仰,另一方面又要为独生子女的学业与前途劳心劳力。
    We pray along with all of the Christian parents who are concerned about their children drifting away from their faith but also still are greatly concerned about the future of their only child.

  • 随波逐流造句相关
